Monday, March 24, 2025

10 Signs That a Significant Portion of Americans Have Gone Nuts

 It would seem as if America has entered the Romans 1 time.  Where people refuse to recognize God as Creator so God ultimately gives them over to the desires of their perverted flesh.  Their thinking becomes foolish and even futile.  Their wise men become fools and their intelligent men have their thoughts confounded.  They celebrate perversion like gay sex and even give the marriage covenant to reprobates.  They boo God at their conventions but have no problems worshipping false gods.  They are typically very foul mouthed and they scream at other people who dare to see things differently.  They demand tolerance for everyone and yet reveal themselves as completely intolerant of Tesla owners and anyone who voted for Trump.  Sadly, the Bible says that destruction is going to come on them suddenly, so keep speaking truth and praying for folks like these who might be in your family.  Maybe God will have mercy on them in the end?


Unfortunately, we live in a world where many feel a need to inject such cultural issues into everything, because those that are on the cutting edge of cultural change are often held up as heroes

CNN has honored trans-identified influencer Dylan Mulvaney as its “game changer” of the week, with the social media influencer saying he told his mom as a small child that he thought “God made a mistake.”

Video footage shared by the left-leaning media watchdog Media Matters of America shows that CNN recognized Mulvaney as its “game changer” Friday.

No, God does not make any mistakes.

And God is not a pop star either.

If you can believe it, Democrats in California recently began a meeting “by reciting a prayer to Beyonce using Beyonce’s lyrics”

California Democrats opened an assembly meeting by reciting a prayer to Beyonce using Beyonce’s lyrics and asking her for strength.

Democrats are making a mockery of God. Sickening.

Are you kidding me?

It is a very dangerous thing to mock God.

Despite all of our advanced technology, it appears that humanity is more unhappy than ever.

Americans fill approximately 6 billion prescriptions each year.

That breaks down to about 19 prescriptions per person.

Just think about that.

And a very large percentage of the pills that we take are for mental or emotional reasons.

Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that use of ADHD medications is rising the fastest among “middle-aged and older women”

Prescriptions for ADHD medications have been spiking in recent years, with the sharpest increase among middle-aged and older women. They’re also the least likely to misuse the prescription stimulants, a new study finds.

The rise among women ages 35 to 64 has been substantial. At the end of 2022, 1.7 million women in this age group were prescribed stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin for ADHD, compared to 1.2 million prescriptions in 2019.

We take billions of pills, but has that made our population more stable or less stable?

Needless to say, the answer is obvious.

We are in the midst of the worst mental health crisis that our nation has ever seen, and that is just one element of “the perfect storm” that is now upon us.

Our society really is coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes.

Unfortunately, most of us still do not want to admit how far we have fallen, and that is not good at all.


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