Wednesday, October 8, 2008

China's Comments on U.S. Finance

For those of us who are students of prophecy, China is one country we like to watch. Why? Because John, in Revelation, saw that an army of 200,000,000 soldiers would one day be led across the dry Euphrates River to fight in one of the battles of Armegeddon. Who could have imagined an army so large when John was writing Revelation. There weren't even 200,000,000 people on planet earth at that time. Today, China has said that they can field an army of this size.

So what does China think about the current financial mess that is unfolding in the U.S.? Here is one paragraph from a Chinese paper that makes me think that the U.S. may soon loose it's job as "Global Financial Leader".

"An in-depth analysis suggested that the $700 billion bailout plan would possibly send the entire world plunging into a fresh wave of financial crisis. The bulky sum for rescue also indicates that the U.S is trying to shift its problems to others, and the world at large will have to pay the price for Wall Street financial storm, as almost all the economies are interdependent and the risk of continued chaos remains significant in the U.S economy."

You can read the entire article here;


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