Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obama Won't Hit

John Bolton is moving up his time frame for Israel to strike Iran....because Russia is planning on fueling Iran's reactor this Friday. Again, he's not saying it's GOING to happen...just that the time will have run out for an attack on the nuclear plant once all the fuel rods are in place since radiation from a blown up plant could cause an environmental nightmare.

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton said he didn't see "any signs whatsoever that President Obama would make the necessary decision" to strike Iran's nuclear reactor, speaking in an interview with Israel Radio Tuesday.

Bolton claimed Israel has only three days to strike before Russia "begins the fueling process for the Bushehr reactor this Friday," after which any attack would cause radioactive fallout that could reach as far as the waters of the Persian Gulf.

However Bolton didn't see any indication that an Israeli strike was going to happen. "Obviously if Israel were going to do something it wouldn't exactly be advertising it.

But time is short."Bolton said that it would be "a much more dangerous world" if Iran were to gain nuclear capability. "That's why I think it's so critical. It won't stop with Iran. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, perhaps other states as well."

See it here; http://www.jpost.com/IranianThreat/News/Article.aspx?id=185060

Notice this prophetic statement from Bolton at the end of the article....remembering that Iran (Persia) and Russia (Magog) are both prominent end times players of Ezekiel.

"Iran will achieve something that no other opponent of Israel, no other enemy of the United States in the Middle East really has and that is a functioning nuclear reactor."

Bolton was critical of Russia for aiding Iran in the fueling of the nuclear reactor.

"The Russians are, as they often do, playing both sides against the middle. The idea of being able to stick a thumb in America's eye always figures prominently in Moscow," Bolton concluded.

Hat tip to Mike S.


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