Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fire in Israel

Of course we know that Israel has been in the news every day for one thing or it is making headline news because of a large forest fire up in the Golan Heights in Northern Israel. Sadly it sounds like a bus load of prison guards were killed when the bus was overcome by flames.

Jerusalem (CNN) -- As many as 40 people were killed Thursday in a massive wildfire that erupted Thursday near Haifa in northern Israel and showed no sign of being controlled, the Israel Defense Forces said.

A bus carrying up to 50 people overturned "allegedly after the driver lost control of the vehicle because of the fire and surrounding smoke" as it was traveling between kibbutz Beit Oren and Damon Prison, the IDF website said.

It was not clear from the IDF website how many of the deaths attributed to fire occurred in the bus accident, but the newspaper Haaretz reported that all 40 of the dead were on the bus.

Israel has been suffering through it's worst drought in some time. Just one more wild weather occurrence.


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