Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Zealand Releases UFO Files

We have watched this story of UFO's and aliens over the past years. In just the past few years the reports of aliens, UFO's, crop circles and other "out of this world" information has increased exponentially.

Yesterday the New Zealand military released some of it's UFO files.

New Zealand's military has released hundreds of documents detailing claims of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

The files, dating from 1954 to 2009, include drawings of flying saucers and alleged samples of alien writing.

The files include details of New Zealand's most famous UFO sighting when strange lights were filmed off the South Island town of Kaikoura in 1978.

The files - which run to about 2,000 pages - include accounts by members of the public, military personnel and commercial airline pilots describing close encounters, mostly involving moving lights in the sky.

See it here;

While we make no claims as to what is real vs. what is imagined, we do know that a whole raft of movies, TV shows, articles and interviews about the subject of aliens has flooded the media in just the past few years. The belief in aliens coming to earth from other planets now includes a majority of folks on planet earth.

If the Prince of the power of the air (Satan) is planning some sort of mass deception...he certainly has prepped the ground for it.

One more time, just for the record....we believe that what people are seeing are Satanic manifestations.


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