Sunday, December 15, 2013

Israeli Soldier Killed on Lebanon Border

Of course, this is how wars are triggered.

An Israeli soldier was killed by a Lebanese army sniper late Sunday as he drove along the border, the Israeli military said, drawing Israeli threats of retaliation.

The shooting near Rosh Hanikra raised the possibility of renewed fighting in the volatile area, which has remained mostly quiet since a month-long war in the summer of 2006. Hezbollah, the guerrilla group that waged the war seven years ago, did not appear to be involved in Sunday's incident.

Lebanon's National News Agency confirmed the shooting by member of the Lebanese army. It was not clear why the soldiers opened fire. The Lebanese army has opened fire in the past after saying Israeli soldiers had tried to infiltrate. Lebanese security officials did not immediately comment.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli army spokesman, said Israel had protested "this outrageous breach of Israel's sovereignty" with U.N. peacekeeping forces and heightened its state of preparedness.

"We will not tolerate aggression against the state of Israel, and maintain the right to exercise self-defense against perpetrators of attacks against Israel and its civilians," he said.


Another day...another headline involving Israel...just a teeny, tiny sliver of land with less 7 million people. 

Without a Bible in your hand, how can anyone logically make sense of why the world hates her so?....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To learn the truth of Scripture and Israel, click here:

This site is a wake-up call for American Christians.

December 17, 2013 at 9:21 AM  
Blogger dennis said...

Hi Anonymous,
I started at page three as the site suggests and almost immediately came across this, "but we (church) have become drunk with the sin of idol worship as we reverence modern Israel, modern Jews and modern Judaism" What?? I am clueless about who in the church this person knows who is drunk on Israel? I don't know anybody like that. Watching the amazing things God is doing with Israel as His Word is fulfilled before our eyes is what we are SUPPOSED TO BE DOING. "Watch!", said Jesus...and he told us to watch for the bloom on the fig tree. (Israel) So not sure where "the truth" is coming from on the site you referenced...but it seems sketchy at best... Remember, don't believe everything you find on the internet! : )

December 17, 2013 at 1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To say that many evangelical Christians are politically obsessed with Israel might seem like an overstatement to some. But consider the latest results of a recent Pew Research study of American Jews. Twice as many white American evangelical Christians (82 percent) believe that God gave the land of Israel to the Jews than do American Jews (40 percent)."

You are seriously delusional if you think American Evangelical churches are not obsessed with Israel. We are not supposed to be watching, we're supposed to be spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ for the THINGS HE HAS ALREADY DONE!! I pray the Lord would open your eyes. You are no different than Harold Camping.

December 17, 2013 at 3:28 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Hi Anonymous,
of course I can say the same of you, "you are seriously delusional" if you want to throw away Jesus' own words to "Watch!" (Mark 13). I also could pray that the Lord would open your eyes... to the fact that God is not done with Israel...and all prophecy HAS NOT been fulfilled...that's why we are commanded to WATCH! And if the Evangelical churches of America are supporting Israel because they happen to believe God's Word of "I will bless those that bless you Israel and curse those who curse you"...then I say good for them. I could also tell you that you are no different than Harold Camping...whatever that means. Yes, spread the Gospel of what God has already done through Christ to save a wretch like me...and spread the word that God is doing something big and something REALLY BIG is on the horizon. (do you read the news?) sober up and willingly bow your knee to Christ NOW...or you will bow it later under forced judgment. Regardless, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW! So you pray for me and I'll pray for you...and maybe God will do things His own way anyway. "When you see all these things begining to happen, then lift up your heads for you redemption is near." says Jesus.

Also, you do know that American Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama, right? What does that tell us? They also overwhelmingly support abortion. What does that tell us? They also overwhelmingly do NOT accept Jesus as Messiah. What does that tell us? So your quote above about a minority of American Jews believing that God gave the land of Israel to the Jews, should be taken how?


December 17, 2013 at 4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you actually read Genesis 12 properly, you'd see it doesn't mention Israel. You have conveniently inserted it to fit your gospel-less theology. You just proved you can't rightly handle the Word, and you will be judged accordingly. The promise to Abram in Genesis 12 was the gospel!!! Christ is the seed, and all who are in Christ are Abraham's descendants. Go read Galatians 3. Use Scripture to interpret Scripture, not the newspaper or your fear mongering stupid websites. You do realize they make money everytime one of you "prophecy experts" clicks on the link. You play right into their hands.
Seriously Dennis, what will it take for you to see your MASSIVE ERROR?

December 20, 2013 at 7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Jews die in your twisted End Times scenario? Oh yeah, 2/3rds or millions. Why are you so anti-Semitic? I guess you don't REALLY believe in "blessing God's chosen people", under your interpretation of Genesis 12. Killing millions of Jews is sooooooooo Christ-like isn't it.
And by the way, Jesus was talking about the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 in the Olivet Discourse. Seriously, where did you go to Seminary? Or are you another one of these self-annointed "prophecy experts"?

December 20, 2013 at 8:07 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Hi Anonymous,
"if you actually read Genesis 12 properly"....and somehow YOU are the one who DOES read it properly?? I see.... So YOU are one of those "self annointed" keepers of the truth? So YOU are one of those "self-annointed" prophecy experts? And YOU are the one who is so anit-Semitic that you believe God is DONE with Israel?...and that He will leave His promises to her unfulfilled?? Tragic.

Sorry anonymous, but I really am not going to take too seriously any of the comments that come from some guy named "anonymous".

If you really want to try and change some serious minds, you had best go comment on Dr David Jeremiah, or Pasor Greg Laurie and maybe even John Macarthur...and the dozens of others, who preach to millions, who happen to hold the exact same opionions as I do on what the Bible is saying.

I maybe have a few hundred readers who are all watching the same things as I pretty small potatoes.

Have you ever read any of Joel Rosenberg's books? He is a completed Jew who accepts Christ as his savior. His books are on the NYT bestseller's lists and he is also seeing the same things as WE (on this blog) are maybe you should start trying to change his mind if you really want to try and impact what millions of folks are hearing.

Go in peace and serve the Lord.

December 24, 2013 at 10:34 AM  

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