Monday, June 18, 2018

Another Day, Another Partisan Divide

For the last few days the media has been going bonkers over the idea that when an ILLEGAL immigrant gets arrested for ILLEGALLY coming into America the Border Patrol will separate the ILLEGAL immigrant from their kids while they prosecute the ILLEGAL adult.

If you listen to the Democrats and liberal media, they seem to want to drop the word ILLEGAL and simply call everyone an immigrant.

So of course it would seem like just one other issue that has Democrats and Republicans totally divided.

First lady Melania Trump uncharacteristically waded into a fierce debate around immigration on Sunday, pushing for bipartisan cooperation to end the separation of migrant children from their parents at the border.

“Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform," according to a statement from her spokeswoman. "She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws, but also a country that governs with heart.”

The first lady's statement stood in contrast to comments made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who implemented the "zero tolerance" policy that has led to the separation of families at the border. The president has also repeatedly blamed Democrats opposed to his immigration reform proposal, falsely crediting an anti-trafficking law that passed unanimously in 2008 under President George W. Bush for the separations.

The detention of children apart from their parents is a result of the policy mandated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and there is no law that requires family separation. As such, congressional action is not necessary to stop it. Sessions has said the intent is to eventually prosecute everyone who crosses the border illegally.

Last week, Sessions gave a full-throated defense of the policy leading to family separations, saying having children does not give migrants immunity from prosecution and citing the Bible as justification.

"Non-citizens who cross our borders unlawfully, between our ports of entry, with children are not an exception," the attorney general said. "They are the ones who broke the law, they are the ones who endangered their own children on their trek."

Meanwhile, politicians and advocates protested, marched and visited an immigration detention center on Father’s Day to call attention to parents and children that have been separated as a result of Trump’s policies.


The first thing that pops into my mind when I heard this story is that when an adult commits a crime, like robbing a convenience store, if their kid is in the back seat of the car, the parent is going to be separated from their kid when the police arrest the parent.

So why would we expect anything different to happen when an ILLEGAL immigrant breaks our laws by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY and trying to smuggle their children in ILLEGALLY as well?

Of course is America had a giant wall that prevented ILLEGAL aliens from walking across our borders with their children in tow, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

Is it sad that the folks from Mexico and Central America are so poor that they become desperate to get into America and are willing to break our laws to get here?

Yes, it's sad.

But of course it's not America's responsibility to rid the world of all sadness.

Also, I LOVED the fact the Jeff Sessions quoted a passage from Romans!  Yes, it's true!  God gave us government to help keep order!  And if everyone just ran around the world doing whatever they pleased...chaos and misery would result.


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