Thursday, May 16, 2019

Why the Left Mocks the Bible

Most of us know that the Bible believers we hang out with are all conservatives.  We meet few to none people who actually believe their Bibles to be the inspired Word of God who for liberal parties and have a leftist worldview.


Because the Bible is diametrically opposed to what Leftists believe.

At PragerU, we have released about 400 videos on virtually every subject outside of the natural sciences and math. Along with 2 billion views, the videos have garnered tens of thousands of comments. So we have a pretty good handle on what people most love and most hate. 

For example, any video defending America or Israel inevitably receives many negative responses. But no videos elicit the amount of contempt and mockery that videos defending religion, explaining the Bible or arguing for God do.

There is a good reason. The Bible and the left (not liberalism, leftism) are as opposed as any two worldviews can be. While there are people who claim to hold both a Bible-based worldview and left-wing views, these people are few in number. 

Moreover, what they do is take left-wing positions and wrap them in a few Bible verses. But on virtually every important value in life, the left and the Bible are diametrically opposed.

Here are a few examples:

The biblical view is that people are not basically good. Evil therefore comes from within human nature. For the left, human nature is not the source of evil. Capitalism, patriarchy, poverty, religion, nationalism or some other external cause is the source of evil.

The biblical view is that nature was created for man. The left-wing view is that man is just another part of nature.

The biblical view holds that wisdom begins with acknowledging God. The secular view is that is that God is unnecessary for wisdom, and the left-wing view is that God is destructive to wisdom. But if you want to know which view is more accurate, look at the most godless and Bible-less institution in our society: the universities. They are, without competition, the most foolish institutions in our society.

For nearly all of American history, the Bible was the most important book in America. It is no longer. This is a moral and intellectual catastrophe. 


America will collapse like every other nation that rejects the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit.  It's only a matter of time.  We can pray for revival that America will turn back to Jesus and fear The Lord again.  That might happen.  But we should be prepared for it to get darker and darker before Jesus shows up to snatch His bride away from this world before judgment comes.


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