Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Seminary Students Told to Confess Climate Sins to Potted Plants

I know for a fact that the gates of hell will never overcome the TRUE church.  But as you look around at all the false teachings, false teachers and false theology that is happening among people who CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS, it makes you wonder how small the remnant of TRUE FOLLOWERS really is?

The folks at Union Theological Seminary are taking the concept of "talking to your plants" to a frightening new level.  

Each year, students at the seminary pay a ridiculous amount of money to go to the school, and they are there to be trained to be the Christian leaders of tomorrow.  

But instead, they are being taught to confess their "climate sins" to potted plants, and eventually these impressionable young minds will be leading churches and Christian institutions all over America.  

I realize that this story is so bizarre that it sounds like somebody made it up, but it is actually true.  The following was posted by the official Twitter account of Union Theological Seminary last week...

Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor.

What do you confess to the plants in your life?

Needless to say, this tweet got a tremendous amount of attention, and the following are some of the more interesting responses...

-That "you'd probably taste good simmering in butter."

-Those plants think you're all morons.

-"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator ..." -- Romans 1:25

-How every day, there's a match and lighter fluid within 5 steps of them

-My confession: I am judgmental toward Larry the cucumber for exercising green privilege over Bob the tomato.

Of course a lot of very confused parents probably contacted the school as well, because this was definitely not what most of them had in mind when they heard that their child was going to attend "seminary".

But instead of backing down, Union Theological Seminary posted a ten part response on Twitter in which they defended this new practice.  The following are the first five parts of their response...

Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=3490#QoJuxufz7yICsz1l.99

Paul has a difficult passage about what true followers of Christ are supposed to do with other people who call themselves Christians but really aren't.

2 Timothy 3
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.


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