Tuesday, October 1, 2019

More Civil War Chatter

The author of this article is convinced Hillary Clinton is going to run against Trump again.  When she loses, again, it will trigger a bunch of angry leftists who will begin a violent campaign to overthrow Trump.  They think they can survive Trump for 4 years but when they realize it’s going to be 8 yrs AND he will get more Supreme Court picks, it will put them over the top.

I have been saying for over 30 months that, more than 20 times in print or broadcast, that Hillary Clinton will be running for President. Biden is done! Kamala Harris has underworld connections too deep and too well-known to cover up and her party is distancing themselves from her. Warren is a fraud and everyone knows it. Further, Warren cannot hold the attention of a room. There is literally nobody that can be beat Trump except for Hillary. 
I have a dire warning for America. Hillary will be the last ditch effort by the Bolsheviks that run the Democratic Party to use the system to effect a regime change and that will culminate in the death of our political process, our civil liberties including the right to own guns and private property.
Mark it down, Hillary will be the candidate and when it becomes apparent that she has no chance, then the violent revolution will take place. On the CSS radio show, I have asked several guests as to how far they think the Leftist extremists will go to maintain and increase their power? The universal answer is that they will stop at nothing. 
From the time that Hillary is deemed to be defeated in the upcoming election, all hell will break loose. I do not believe that there will be an election. The globalists manage by objective and they will make their move if and when it is apparent that Trump will win re-election. The most dangerous issue about a Trump re-election is that under his direction, the conservatives will clearly control the Supreme Court and the unconstitutional leftist agenda will be struck down by the Supreme Court. This is why they are desperate to make a regime change now. Look for Pence to be implicated as well in some, as of yet, undetermined scandal and that would open the door for Pelosi to assume the Presidency. Pelosi can hold down the fort under Clinton can gain the upper hand. If Clinton senses she is going to lose, she will have no hesitation to unleash a civil war.



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