Tuesday, February 25, 2020

NASA Films UFO for 20 Minutes Outside Space Station

This is pretty interesting.  There was definitely something filmed flying right in front of the space station and it certainly wasn't from terrestrial planet earth. At the end of the video the craft seems to exit out the screen leaving a green trail.

NASA seemed very interested in what this was since they kept re adjusting the camera to stay focused on it.

FROM THE EXPRESS UK: The incredible video, captured on the US space agency’s live camera sees the cone-shaped object keep pace with the International Space Station (ISS) above it. In a bizarre twist, the NASA camera zooms in on the object, appearing to show the US space agency acknowledges the UFO.

The footage was posted by UFO enthusiast Scott Waring on his YouTube channel ET Data Base and has since gone viral across social media. The 22-minute long footage shows the bus-sized UFO moving at the same speed as the ISS, which moves at 78km/second.

At the end of the live feed stream, the UFO shoots upwards and disappears, leaving behind a green burst of light.


We continue to believe that Satan and his demons are cooking up a massive deception.  Videos like these will continue to come out more and more frequently.  The general public will believe with all their hearts that this is PROOF that intelligent life has evolved on other planets over the past 13 billion years, and that a certain number of these "advanced" life forms are making their way to planet earth to "check up on us."

We also are quite certain that these "aliens" will be given as a reason for the mass disappearance of millions of people when Christ comes for His bride in the rapture.

Stay tuned!


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