Sunday, July 5, 2020

Epstein’s Cohort Caught & Ready to Speak

This will be interesting to watch. Lots of Epstein friends are probably nervous right about now and are maybe even planning on how Ghislaine Maxwell could also commit suicide while she’s in prison.  We have seen enough evidence to be convinced that it’s true. There is a large pedophile ring that includes many of the most powerful people in Hollywood and in politics. And of course it is very Satanic.  When the Bible tells us, “The whole world is under the control of the evil one”, you can know it’s true.

Assuming that Ghislaine Maxwell doesn't wind up with the means to kill herself in her jail cell, and assuming those who are supposed to be watching her 24 hours a day won't be taking any well-timed coffee breaks, Maxwell will be "naming names" and "fully cooperating" with the FBI according to a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, according The Daily Mail
Epstein's former employer Steven Hoffenberg said that Maxwell "knows everything" and will "totally co-operate". 
In addition, Prince Andrew, who has been nudged further and further toward the center of the Epstein/Maxwell controversy, is "among those very worried" about what she might reveal, the report says. "She's going to cooperate and be very important. Andrew is definitely, definitely concerned,"Hoffenberg said.
Maxwell's arrest has put increased pressure on Prince Andrew to testify about his relationship with Epstein. Maxwell is facing 35 years behind bars as a maximum sentence and may be looking to cut a deal, the report suggests.


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