Monday, December 4, 2023

US House Speaker Prays for God’s Blessing Over Israel

It certainly is appearing that the new Speaker is an evangelical Christian who supports Israel, believes God has a future for Israel and is one of the 4% of Americans who hold a Biblical worldview.  Sounds like a perfect recipe to make the heathens and leftists howl and pretty much everything he says and does.  Let’s remember to pray for him because the spiritual attacks against him have to be immense.


The Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast held a special Day of Prayer and Support for Israel at the Knesset in Jerusalem last Wednesday, Nov. 29. Israeli Knesset members, Evangelical Christians and Jewish leaders gathered to pray for the State of Israel, its citizens, Israel Defense Forces and the hostages being held in the Gaza Strip.

The newly-elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, addressed the JPB Day of Prayer gathering via a recorded message during the event, which coincided with 76-year anniversary of the United Nations' decision to adopt the partition plan of the British Mandate. The adoption of the plan resulted in the splitting of the land into a Jewish-controlled region and an Arab-controlled region. 

“Today should be a joyous day of celebration, this great anniversary 76 years ago of the United Nations adopting the partition of the British Mandate and establishing Israel as a national home for the Jewish people,” Johnson began.

“Instead, Israel fights for her right to merely exist, and the families of innocent Israeli citizens slain and kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th have been forever changed.”

The U.S. Congressman from Louisiana replaced Kevin McCarthy on Oct. 25 as U.S. House speaker. He was one of the many U.S. leaders who attended the March for Israel rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C, where he stood on stage and boldly declared his support for Israel in front of some 290,000 people on Nov. 14.

Regarding the hostage situation as of last Wednesday, he said: “We are encouraged that hostages are being released from captivity and returned to their families, but we will not cease until every hostage is returned and Israel's safety is secured.”

He ended his speech with a prayer, calling it “the most powerful weapon that we wield,” calling for peace, human flourishing for all those around the world and “the continued survival of Israel, the rightful home of the Jewish people.”

Below is the text of his prayer:

“Our Heavenly Father, we come to you today in faith. We come to You in unity, and we ask You for Your blessing over the nation of Israel, for peace in Jerusalem, and for relief to all the families who've been affected by this extraordinary tragedy. Heavenly Father, we pray that good would vanquish evil, that light would prevail over darkness, that civilization would prevail over barbarism.

We ask that the enemy would be vanquished, that they would fail in their designs and their attacks on innocent civilians and our dear allies and friends in Israel.

And we pray that the unity of the American people remains strong, that people see the facts objectively, and they understand the side that is for the right and the good. We pray and believe all of this in Your name. Amen.”

Johnson has boldly shown his unwavering support for Israel in its fight against Hamas in Gaza.


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