Thursday, March 21, 2024

More Signs in the Heavens to Watch

 Most of you know about the massive eclipse that will cross American on April 9.  But there are going to be some other anomalies to watch in the skies coming up shortly.  It sounds like astronomers refer to the coming lunar eclipse as a "blood moon".

On Monday, March 25, 2024, the sun, earth and moon will perfectly align, creating a penumbral lunar eclipse two weeks before a total solar eclipse transverses the continental U.S.

WND spoke with Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries about the celestial events. Biltz deeply understands the connection between eclipses and biblical holidays.

The scientific explanation of a lunar eclipse is that it takes place when the earth passes between the sun and the moon, and the moon passes through the earth's shadow. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the outer part of Earth's shadow blankets the moon. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type, which can be difficult to detect even with a telescope. Another 30% are partial eclipses, which are easy to see with the unaided eye. The final 35% or so are total eclipses.

In the upcoming lunar eclipse, the Earth's shadow will block out 97% of the moon's surface. This eclipse will be a "blood moon," the result of atmospheric conditions that give the moon a reddish tint rather than black when it moves into the shadow. The red color comes from some of the sunlight passing through Earth's atmosphere where it gets bent and colors like blue and green are filtered out, leaving behind longer wavelengths like the color red.


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