Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Catholics Recognize a New Saint

 We think the Bible is very clear when is says, "Don't pray to dead people!  The only things that will answer those prayers is familiar spirits and they will attempt to deceive you further...since you are already deceived since you prayed to dead people who can't hear you." (that's me paraphrasing)

But the Catholics claim to know better!  They celebrate and recommend that their parishioners pray to dead people and they now have a new one on the list!  St. Carlo!  He was 15 when he died in 2006 but was a computer whiz.  So when folks started praying to him the Catholics believed that Carlos was sitting with God listening to the prayers sent to him and he convinced God to send a miracle!  Not just once but at least twice!  And who knows how many more God might grant through Carlo's intervention? (insert eyeroll)

Carlo Acutis, who died at the age of 15 from leukemia in 2006, will now become the first “millennial saint” of the Catholic Church.

Carlo Acutis was born in London in 1991. He was a computer prodigy who at a very early age had developed websites for spreading the teachings of the church online before he died. Since then, he has been known as “God’s influencer”.

Acutis lived with his parents in Italy. After his death, his body was shifted to a tomb where it was kept on full display along with the boy’s belongings.

According to Carlo’s mother, the boy at a very early age showed signs of religious devotion and used to ask his parents to take him to church at the age of 3.

The boy used to donate his pocket money to the church to help the poor. Carlo had himself learnt how to create websites for Catholic organizations.

Acuti also built a platform that had documents of all the miracles that took place across the globe.

The church decided to grant a 15-year-old sainthood after it was reported that a seven-year-old Brazilian boy made a sudden recovery from a rare pancreatic disease after touching one of Acutis’s t-shirts. A priest had also prayed to Carlo Acutis on behalf of the child.

The church deemed the boy’s recovery as miraculous after the Pope assessed and approved it.

According to Catholicism, one person is qualified to become a saint if two miraculous events happen related to them and are approved by the Pope.

A second miracle attributed to Acutis was approved by Pope Francis on Thursday (May 23), which qualified the teenager for canonization.

According to a Vatican statement issued on Thursday, the miracle being recognized involves a Costa Rican woman, Liliana, whose daughter Valeria Valverde, 21, suffered severe head trauma from a bicycle accident in Florence on 2 July 2022.

The Vatican says that Valeria underwent critical surgery and had slim survival chances according to her doctors. Liliana reportedly prayed at Carlo Acutis’s tomb in Assisi on 8 July, while her secretary had already begun praying to him.

Here; The New Catholic Saint 18 Years After Death and His Miracles - GreekReporter.com

This is all very problematic.

Sadly, this is just one more false teaching that is leading people away from Jesus.

"There is no name given under all of heaven by which men can be saved, other than Jesus."

Praying to dead people and then crediting that dead person with performing a miracle is leading people  away from Jesus and very possibly into the hands of demons.

"You are either for me or against me.  You are either gathering or scattering."


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