Monday, May 20, 2024

Iranian President Killed in Helicopter Crash

 This is pretty interesting!  At a time when Ezekiel 38 coalition is coming together fast, one of the main players is dead!  Jewish rabbis are calling it an "act of God".  Of course we have no idea how to prove that but it could be that the next leader WILL BE the dude who puts Iran into the coalition with plans on destroying Israel once and for all!

Please notice that Iran is blaming the USA for this crash because we don't supply repair parts for their American-made Bell helicopters due to the embargoes we've placed on them.  The insanity of these deceived Muslims knows no bounds!  "Death to America!  But please send helicopter parts to us so we can fix our American-made choppers...before you die!"

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the country’s foreign minister were found dead Monday hours after their helicopter crashed in fog, leaving the Islamic Republic without two key leaders as extraordinary tensions grip the wider Middle East.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say in the Shiite theocracy, quickly named a little-known vice president as caretaker and insisted the government was in control, but the deaths mark yet another blow to a country beset by pressures both at home and abroad.

Iran has offered no cause for the crash nor suggested sabotage brought down the helicopter, which fell in mountainous terrain in a sudden, intense fog.

In Tehran, Iran’s capital, businesses were open and children attended school Monday. However, there was a noticeable presence of both uniformed and plainclothes security forces.

Later in the day, hundreds of mourners crowded into downtown Vali-e-Asr square holding posters of Raisi and waving Palestinian flags. Some men clutched prayers beads and were visibly crying. Women wearing black chadors gathered together holding photos of the dead leader.

Iran has flown Bell helicopters extensively since the shah’s era. But aircraft in Iran face a shortage of parts, in part because of Western sanctions, and often fly without safety checks. Against that backdrop, former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sought to blame the United States for the crash in an interview Monday.

“One of the main culprits of yesterday’s tragedy is the United States, which ... embargoed the sale of aircraft and aviation parts to Iran and does not allow the people of Iran to enjoy good aviation facilities,” Zarif said. “These will be recorded in the list of U.S. crimes against the Iranian people.”

Here;  Iran helicopter crash: Mohammad Mokhber becomes acting president after Raisi's death | AP News


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