Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Spain, Ireland and Norway Will Recognize a Palestinian State

 They say this move is “deepening Israel’s isolation.”  This should be expected in these very final days.  Israel will be standing all alone when the coalition of Ezekiel 38 descends upon them.  Only God will be there to defend them.  Just imagine how the terrorists of Hamas, and the Palestinian parents who raised them, are celebrating today!  Hamas was victorious in their rape and baby murders of October 7th.  It will be interesting to see what happens to these nations who draw up maps to divide God’s land.


The almost simultaneous decisions by two European Union countries, and Norway, may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation. 

Currently, seven member of the 27-nation European Union officially recognize a Palestinian state. Five of them are former east bloc countries who announced recognition in 1988, as did Cyprus, before joining the bloc. Sweden announced recognition in 2014. 

The Czech Republic, an EU member, says that the 1988 recognition by the former Czechoslovakia — of which it then formed a part — does not apply to the modern state. Slovakia’s Foreign Ministry says that the two sides confirmed their recognition as Slovakia was becoming independent in 1992-93, and that the Palestinian state has a fully-functioning embassy in Bratislava since 2006.


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