Tuesday, July 2, 2024

70% of Voters Believe Biden Doesn’t Have Mental Capacity to Serve

 It’s certainly a sad state of affairs in the USA when we have 2 candidates who are both confirmed liars.  One candidate has nearly 3/4 of voters believing he lacks the mental capacity to serve and the other has nearly 1/2 believing the same thing.  While Putin is threatening nuclear war we currently have a commander in chief who isn’t sure where his mind has gone?  It’s a dangerous time on planet earth.


WASHINGTON – A sweeping section of registered voters do not believe President Joe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve a second term as president after his unsteady debate performance last week, according to a new poll.  

The CBS/You Gov national survey conducted in the days after the debate found that 72% of voters do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve as president, as well as nearly half of his own party. That’s up seven points from the beginning of June.  

Forty-nine percent of voters said they believe former President Donald Trumpdoes not have the mental or cognitive ability to take on the role of commander-in-chief again. 

While Biden has faced questions from voters about his age for months, his raspy voice, stumbling responses, and at times wooden appearance during his match-up last Thursday against Trump have further flamed concerns about his ability to serve. 

The latest poll numbers could fuel more calls for Biden, 81, to withdraw from the presidential race and allow Democrats to nominate another candidate. 



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