Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Big Meteor is Heading Our Way

 Remember when John wrote in Revelation that he saw what looked like a big fiery mountain crashing into the sea?  We can expect more articles like this as mankind is prepped to expect the events that will happen after the rapture.


Apophis will not be a surprise visitor—the large asteroid will come close to Earth on April 13, 2029, which just happens to be Friday the 13th, notes the Washington Post. And while nearly five years may sound like plenty of time for scientists to figure out how to get an up-close look, that window turns out be small one given the complexity of the task. "We're running out of time," is how Jason Kalirai of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory puts it. Details: 

  • The asteroid: It's the size of a cruise ship and will pass just under 20,000 miles of Earth on its fly-by, per USA Today. Apophis is so big and will come so near our planet—an "exceptionally close fly-by" is the official terminology—that it will be visible with the naked eye.


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