Monday, August 26, 2024

“Damascus Would Be Flattened”

 When we see talk of Damascus being flattened by Israel, we need to post it because Isaiah 17 says that day is coming.


Of course when an all-out war erupts, it won’t just be Hezbollah that Israel is fighting.

Syria has an army of approximately 170,000 soldiers, and Iran has an army of approximately 420,000 soldiers.

If push comes to shove, the IDF is going to have a serious challenge trying to contend with a combined force of that size.

In addition, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran all have vast arsenals of very sophisticated missiles.

If Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem are being pummeled by thousands of missiles, Israeli leaders would not just sit back and do nothing.

They would respond with overwhelming force, and Beirut, Damascus and Tehran would be flattened.

So we should be very glad that all-out war has not erupted yet, but the truth is that it is coming.

It is just a matter of time.



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