Monday, September 23, 2024

Doomsday Glacier Collapsing

 When humans start to believe they are a random chance creation on a rock hurtling through space without  a driver, they tend to get very panicky.  “How are we gonna stop the ice from melting?  How are we going to cool the planet?  How are we going to stop another ice age?”

Bible readers don’t panic because we know who made the bus and who is driving the bus.  We know that nothing is happening outside his control.  Probably just one more reason the world hates us.


Since 2018, experts leading the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) have been investigating the dynamics of Thwaites.

The researchers have been up close and personal with Thwaites, breaking through ice and using underwater robots to exhaustively study this massive glacier and comprehend its possible downfall.

Retreat of the Doomsday Glacier 

The extensive and painstaking research has unveiled some rather disconcerting findings.

Thwaites is not just in retreat, but it’s retreating at an incredible speed that is set to increase in the future, according to Rob Larter, a marine geophysicist at the British Antarctic Survey and an essential member of the ITGC team.

“Thwaites has been retreating for more than 80 years, accelerating considerably over the past 30 years, and our findings indicate it is set to retreat further and faster,” noted Dr. Larter. 

Collapse of the Doomsday Glacier

When it comes to future forecasts, optimism is scarce. The scientists predict that Thwaites and the Antarctic Ice Sheet could completely collapse within the next 200 years.

The Doomsday Glacier contains enough water to boost global sea levels by more than 2 feet. This amount of sea level rise could put coastal communities underwater worldwide, from Miami and London to Bangladesh and the Pacific Islands.

Making matters even worse is the fact that Thwaites acts similarly to a cork, preventing the colossal Antarctic Ice Sheet from cascading into the ocean. The collapse of the Doomsday Glacier could ultimately cause sea levels to rise by a staggering 10 feet.


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