Thursday, October 17, 2024

Another "First Time in Human History"

 What's it about today?  Well today we are learning from a CNN article that human activity has thrown off the entire world's global water supply!

Seriously, if Artificial Intelligence reads all the articles on how bad mankind is for Mother Nature, for all the wars, murders, rapes, won't take long for AI to realize that mankind is the PROBLEM OF EVERYTHING!

Humanity has thrown the global water cycle off balance “for the first time in human history,” fueling a growing water disaster that will wreak havoc on economies, food production and lives, according to a landmark new report.

Decades of destructive land use and water mismanagement have collided with the human-caused climate crisis to put “unprecedented stress” on the global water cycle, said the report published Wednesday by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, a group of international leaders and experts.

The water cycle refers to the complex system by which water moves around the Earth. Water evaporates from the ground — including from lakes, rivers and plants — and rises into the atmosphere, forming large rivers of water vapor able to travel long distances, before cooling, condensing and eventually falling back to the ground as rain or snow.

Disruptions to the water cycle are already causing suffering. Nearly 3 billion people face water scarcity. Crops are shriveling and cities are sinking as the groundwater beneath them dries out.

The consequences will be even more catastrophic without urgent action. The water crisis threatens more than 50% of global food production and risks shaving an average of 8% off countries’ GDPs by 2050, with much higher losses of up to 15% projected in low-income countries, the report found.

“For the first time in human history, we are pushing the global water cycle out of balance,” said Johan Rockström, co-chair of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water and a report author. “Precipitation, the source of all freshwater, can no longer be relied upon.”

Here:  The system that moves water around the Earth is off balance for the first time in human history | CNN

We don't argue that sinful humans are causing lots and lots of problems on planet earth.  No doubt forests are cleared to make way for farm land...but what are 8 billion people going to eat if farmers have little land to farm.  No doubt forests have been cleared and swamps drained to make cities and towns for people to live in!  But where are 8 billion people supposed to live?  In tents in the woods??  They'd all have to burn fires to keep warm and then with billions of fires going on every night they would still cause so much global warming that CNN would still be publishing an article about it.

This world is groaning for it's redemption.  Jesus is close.  The curse will  be lifted for 1000 years and the earth will enjoy it's Sabbath day of rest.  After that the entire world will be burned up and a new heavens and a new earth will be our future.  So don't panic about the headlines.  Jesus has it all under control.


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