Sunday, October 13, 2024

“Human Life expectancy Won’t Increase By Much More”

 This article, and the “experts” they quote has to have God laughing at the folly of men and their thinking.  

A day is coming, way sooner than most people think, where if someone dies at age 100 they will be considered just a young child.  That day will be during the millennial reign of Christ.

And to say that humans simply weren’t made to live past 30-60 years is a massive joke considering that God made the first man, Adam, and he lived over 900 years!  

No doubt something happened on earth at the flood because people born after the flood could still live a long life, but went from 900 years down to 175 for Abraham.  And if you read the genealogy table after the flood it becomes obvious.


Olshansky explained that humans were not made to live as long as they do now, as the natural life expectancy for humans is 30 to 60 years.

"This means the vast majority of the population that now lives past age 60 is living on survival time that was manufactured by medicine," he said. "The power of medicine to extend human life is extraordinary."


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