Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Blessings and Curses, It's Your Choice

 It's hard to understand how the entire world can look at tiny Israel and not realize that something out of the ordinary is happening.

They were gone from their land for 1700 years but one day in May of 1948 they declared themselves to be the independent state of Israel.

The demonic Muslims were hell-bent on destroying the tiny country so invaded the very next day.  Through a series of miracles Israel held off much more powerful Arab nations.  They invaded again in 1967 and had their butts kicked all the way back to Damascus and Cairo.  

Now Israel is fighting Hezbollah and Hamas (Muslim terrorist organizations) while shooting down missiles sent at them from Iran and Yemen.  How do a few million Jews possibly all these feats off?

Because God is watching.  God is protecting.

On Friday morning, September 27, I saw Bible prophecy being fulfilled before my very eyes as I watched Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on television address the General Assembly of the United Nations. It happened as he approached the podium to deliver his address. As he walked forward, two-thirds of the delegates got up from their seats and walked out. Netanyahu was left with an almost empty auditorium to speak to.

The specific Bible prophecy this event reminded me of was written by the Hebrew prophet Zechariah 2,500 years ago. Speaking of the end times, he prophesied that God will "make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it." (Zechariah 12: 3)

Although the United States delegation to the UN was one of the few that remained in their seats, it has become obvious that America's support of Israel is severely waning. For example, when Netanyahu spoke to Congress in March of 2015, 58 Democrats boycotted the session. When he returned to speak to Congress in July of this year, 128 Democrats refused to attend (100 House members and 28 Senators).

Also, even though President Biden has spoken out strongly in support of Israel, his lack of action has spoken louder than his words. He has refused to send military aid that Congress has approved. And he keeps demanding a cease-fire instead of encouraging Israel to finish off both Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel is determined to defeat its monstrous enemies. Biden wants to appease them.

For over 40 years, I have been teaching that in the end times -- in accordance with Bible prophecy -- all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. In response, American Christians have reacted in disbelief, arguing that our nation would never turn against Israel. But today, the streets of our largest cities and the campuses of our major universities are filled with violent anti-Semitic protestors demanding that our nation abandon Israel in support of two of the world's most vicious terrorist organizations.

How can this be explained?

A Spiritual Anomaly

In natural terms, it cannot be explained, and that is because it is a supernatural phenomenon. The Bible makes it very clear that Satan knows Bible prophecy (Revelation 12:12). Satan can read the signs of the times, and he therefore realizes that the time he has left before Jesus returns is running out fast. He has, therefore, shifted his evil actions against the Jewish people into high gear because he is determined to annihilate them before the return of Jesus. Why? Because the Bible says that a great remnant of the Jews will be saved when Jesus returns (Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 9:27), and Satan is determined to keep that prophecy from being fulfilled.

The reason, of course, is that Satan hates the Jewish people with a passion because:

God chose them to be His witnesses to the world.

Through them God gave the world the Bible.

Through them God gave the world the Messiah.

God has promised that He will save a great remnant of them.

God has promised that through that remnant, He will bless all the nations of the world during the Millennium.

It should be noted that Satan has had considerable success thus far in his attempts to annihilate the Jewish people. Just think: the Jews and Arabs were established at the same time. The Jews came through Abraham's son, Isaac; the Arabs, through Abraham's son, Ishmael. Today, there are 460 million Arabs and only 17 million Jews! Those numbers clearly reflect the degree of persecution the Jews have experienced worldwide during the last 2,000 years.

Also, even though President Biden has spoken out strongly in support of Israel, his lack of action has spoken louder than his words. He has refused to send military aid that Congress has approved. And he keeps demanding a cease-fire instead of encouraging Israel to finish off both Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel is determined to defeat its monstrous enemies. Biden wants to appease them.

For over 40 years, I have been teaching that in the end times -- in accordance with Bible prophecy -- all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. In response, American Christians have reacted in disbelief, arguing that our nation would never turn against Israel. But today, the streets of our largest cities and the campuses of our major universities are filled with violent anti-Semitic protestors demanding that our nation abandon Israel in support of two of the world's most vicious terrorist organizations.

How can this be explained?

A Spiritual Anomaly

In natural terms, it cannot be explained, and that is because it is a supernatural phenomenon. The Bible makes it very clear that Satan knows Bible prophecy (Revelation 12:12). Satan can read the signs of the times, and he therefore realizes that the time he has left before Jesus returns is running out fast. He has, therefore, shifted his evil actions against the Jewish people into high gear because he is determined to annihilate them before the return of Jesus. Why? Because the Bible says that a great remnant of the Jews will be saved when Jesus returns (Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 9:27), and Satan is determined to keep that prophecy from being fulfilled.

The reason, of course, is that Satan hates the Jewish people with a passion because:

God chose them to be His witnesses to the world.
Through them God gave the world the Bible.
Through them God gave the world the Messiah.
God has promised that He will save a great remnant of them.
God has promised that through that remnant, He will bless all the nations of the world during the Millennium.

It should be noted that Satan has had considerable success thus far in his attempts to annihilate the Jewish people. Just think: the Jews and Arabs were established at the same time. The Jews came through Abraham's son, Isaac; the Arabs, through Abraham's son, Ishmael. Today, there are 460 million Arabs and only 17 million Jews! Those numbers clearly reflect the degree of persecution the Jews have experienced worldwide during the last 2,000 years.

I didn't paste the entire article here but I really encourage you to go to the link above and read it all.

If Trump gets into office he might start blessing Israel and maybe God will start blessing America.  If Kamala gets into office and she starts cursing Netanyahu and drawing up plans to divide Israel and give more land to the crazy Muslims, then America will continue going down the road to destruction.


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