Friday, October 11, 2024

You Won’t Hear Hear the US Military Arguing About Climate Change

 The day is coming that denying man-made climate change will deny you any leading role in government, military or business.  Of course we sadly know even the military is going woke and recruiting LGBTQ.  I’m sure the days are long gone when a drill sergeant in the marines could call someone a wimpy faggot.

This article explains how the military is being called on to handle the massive storms and fires that seem to happen daily.

Bible readers know what’s happening;  The earth is groaning for its redemption.  But most of the 8 billion people on earth don’t know and don’t care what the Bible says.  The fear of the Lord is in very short supply.


Within the last year, the military deployed nearly 50 times to address wildfires, storm surges, extreme heat, drought, flooding and more — with 41 of these deployments occurring within the U.S. The National Guard is now called on to combat raging wildfires at a rate 12 times higher than just eight years ago, fighting flames nearly year round. With 2024 projected to be the hottest year on record, U.S. troops, alongside local first responders, anticipate having to address more wildfires and hurricanes than ever before.

As some politicians continue to argue about the economic impacts of climate legislation or question the imminent nature of climate threats — in September former President Trump called climate change a “scam” — the U.S. military has reorganized itself around the knowledge that climate change poses an unprecedented risk to national security. It has integrated climate preparedness into many dimensions of planning and operations. This includes not just deployments for humanitarian assistance and disaster response, but also gaming out the geostrategic impacts of the evolving climate, making adaptations to military training, building resilience into installations and shifting to alternative energy sources to improve military effectiveness.

In most parts of the government, the oscillation of electoral politics has resulted in federal climate strategies hitting endless stops and starts. The U.S. military, though, is less subject to this whiplash, given historic bipartisan support for military readiness. As a result, it has become an example of the steady progress that can occur when the U.S. government takes climate change seriously and devotes resources to mitigating risk — rather than ignoring it at a deadly cost. Today, some of the nation’s most cutting-edge climate innovations exist on military properties, including smart grids fitted with energy storage systems and the use of blended biofuels to power ships and aircraft.

Around the world, climate change poses geopolitical risks. As temperatures rise and Arctic sea ice retreats, Russia and China are conducting joint military exercises off America’s Alaskan coast. China’s growing reach extends to scouring the globe for energy, minerals and fish, and enticing existentially threatened small Pacific Island nations with offers of infrastructure and climate assistance. In many drought-stricken regions of Africa and Latin America, agricultural livelihoods are collapsing, making vulnerable communities ripe targets for further terrorist recruitment.


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