Saturday, October 5, 2024

Vote Trump in November

 I understand why some who call themselves “Christians” are going to vote Democrat.  They likely don’t believe that killing babies in the womb is a problem, they probably don’t have any idea that blessings come to America when we bless Israel, they probably don’t believe there are only two genders and everyOne on earth was born either male or female and they may even believe there is no such thing as hell and that everyone on earth is headline for heaven as long as they behave as “pretty good people”.

Trump put our embassy in Jerusalem, changed the status quo of the Golan Heights from “occupied territory” to “permanent part of Israel”, put judges in place that overturned Roe v Wade and he understands how business works, how taxes work and has hired and fired hundreds of employees.

Some of us might not like Trump when he acts like a junior high boy when making up nicknames for his opponents, we might not think he’s a great husband because he may have slept with a pornstar, but we aren’t electing our spiritual leader.  We are electing the CEO of America.

I’m going to guess that very few of my blog readers vote Democrat, but if there are some please reconsider.

Check out this short video clip from an ex-insider in Trump’s Whitehouse if you want to hear some good news about Trump and his decision-making process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% agree!

October 5, 2024 at 10:05 PM  

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