Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Quantum Immortality

 I saw this article on Google News this morning.  It talks about quantum immortality.  The theory is that a person never really dies but moves around through millions of other universes.  All of the choices we make actually move us into different realities. 

Of course this is NOT what the Bible says.  The Bible says that it's given to all people to die once...and then face judgment.  Of course WE hope that Jesus will come during our lifetime so we will be the one generation that never dies but just transfers bodies from mortal to immortal flesh.

But read on if you want to see more confusion delivered by the Prince of this World.  You see Satan doesn't care what falsity you believe just that you choose one.

Imagine you’re walking down the street, and a car swerves and hits you. You die. Yet, in another reality, you may narrowly avoid the collision. The theory of quantum immortality suggests that your consciousness would seamlessly shift — to the universe where you survived.

According to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, consciousness exists in alternate realities. This suggests that you never experience death in the reality you inhabit, because you would survive in a different reality.

This mind-bending concept has sparked debates in both the scientific community and the curious public. So, could quantum immortality be real?

Here;  https://allthatsinteresting.com/quantum-immortality


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