Monday, November 17, 2014

Can Christians Worship Idols?

If you listen the homosexual agenda they will argue that since Jesus never said anything about homosexual behavior...that sodomizing another man is really OK.  They will then go on to use this argument to say that homosexual marriage is fine because "God made me this way."

Some "Christians" will then go on to argue that slavery used to be approved by Christians in The South and now they don't approve of in the same way "old fashioned" Christians today need to stop our "homophobic" beliefs and stop calling homosexual behavior a sin.  In their minds discriminating against homosexuals is THE SAME as discriminating against blacks.

Clearly, this argument is dead wrong for the simplest of reasons.  The Bible has always maintained that humans are ONE RACE.  We all descended from Adam and that physical characteristics should NOT be a cause of discrimination...BUT...while some humans may be born with homosexual desires (sinful desires), homosexuality is NOT a physical characteristic.  That's why most gays have to 'come out' and announce their desires....because most times even their family and closet friends didn't know.

The following article was written by a very clever theologian who sarcastically claims that if we follow the same line of reasoning to approve of homosexual behavior...then we should also approve idolatry as a newly accepted Christian behavior.

I will post a few paragraphs, but I highly recommend you go to the link and read the entire piece.

[I really hope it's obvious that this is a parody, but if not: it is.]
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to worship idols. It’s not that my parents raised me that way, because they didn’t; I was brought up in a loving, secure, Christian home. But from childhood until today, my heart has been drawn to idolatry. In fact, if I’m honest, one of the defining features of my identity has been my desire to put something else – popularity, money, influence, sex, success – in place of God.

For many years, I was taught that idolatry was sinful. As a good Christian, I fought the desire to commit idolatry, and repented when I got it wrong. But the desire to worship idols never went away.

I wanted it to, but it didn’t.

So it has been such a blessing to discover that worshiping one God, and him alone, isn’t for everyone. There are thousands of Christians out there who have found faithful, loving ways of expressing worship both to God and to idols, without compromising either their faith or their view of Scripture. In recent years, I have finally summoned the courage to admit that I am one of them. Let me give you a few reasons why I believe that idolatry and Christianity are compatible.

I start with my own story, and the stories of many others like me. I am an evangelical, and I have a very high view of the Bible – I am currently studying for a PhD in biblical studies at King’s College London, which will be my third theology degree – as well as knowing both the ancient languages and the state of scholarly research. Yet, after much prayerful study, I have discovered the liberating truth that it is possible to be an idolatrous Christian. That, at least, is evidence that you can be an evangelical and an idolater.

Jesus had no problem with idolatry.

He included everyone, however many gods they worshipped.

If we want to be like him, then we should adopt the same inclusive approach.

We should also remember that, as we have discovered more about the human brain, we have found out all sorts of things about idolatry that the biblical writers simply did not know. The prophets and apostles knew nothing of cortexes and neurons, and had no idea that some people are pre-wired to commit idolatry, so they never talked about it. But as we have learned more about genetics, neural pathways, hormones and so on, we have come to realise that some tendencies - alcoholism, for example - scientifically result from the way we are made, and therefore cannot be the basis for moral disapproval or condemnation. To disregard the findings of science on this point is like continuing to insist that the world is flat.


One final thought...have you ever heard people say, "Well I've prayed about it and gotten an inner peace that what I'm doing is just fine.  My god would never want me to be unhappy!"

Here's a hint, if you are sleeping with your girlfriend before you are married, just because you prayed about it and hoped that God would give you the "go ahead" because you REALLY wanted to continue sleeping with her...that's a lie.

God will NEVER give you the "go ahead" on something that His word has already called sinful.  He will NEVER contradict Himself.

Fornication has always been sinful and it always will be.  It doesn't matter that 99% of Americans and 100% of TV shows and movies portray this behavior as "OK"....sexual intercourse outside of marriage will ALWAYS be sinful.

In the same way, men having sex with men and women having sex with women will ALWAYS be sinful behavior in God's economy....even if one day 50 United States claim that it's actually "OK".


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