Sunday, March 24, 2024

There is No Such Thing as a Palestinian State

 Can we feel bad for a little Arab kid sitting in Gaza looking around at the mess he’s sitting in?  Of course!  But point the blame for his misery at the sick religion of Islam and their Satanic desire to rid the world of Jews and make everyone bow to Allah.  We should be thankful for tiny little Israel willing to spend their blood and treasure to wipe out Hamas so that the world has one less Islamic terrorist group to deal with.


Asking why we continue to see and read of the hatred and vitriolic rants against the nation of Israel often sounds like a “broken record.” I have surmised that we will continue to hear and see the incessant spewing of antisemitism because those expressing these views are short on reason, rational thinking, and logical, analytical deduction skills. This is not meant as an insult. This is observably true. What else can possibly explain the lack of comprehension among so many?

A simple way to address the widespread disinformation and subsequent rants of those who hate Israel would be to ask a series of questions and wait for an accurate and meaningful response.

Lacking A Historical Perspective 

For example, I would ask someone who has expressed the kind of thinking that denigrates Israel as the sole cause of the many issues facing the region this simple question: “When did the Palestinian people organize their land and establish its local governing authorities?”

Israel is always spoken of as occupying the land of the Palestinians, so when did the Palestinians organize their land and set up a government to govern it and them? The answer, of course, is never. There is no such thing as the land of the Palestinians or Palestine.

Any honest historian will state that the Palestinian “problem” was created by Arab and Muslim nations who refused to admit those Arabs and Muslims who fled Israel in 1947-48 did so at their insistence. When Arabs and Muslims left Israel, the people, including the leadership of the new nation, asked them to stay.

Today, the same problem exists because Arab and Muslim nations will not allow the Palestinians to immigrate to their countries. Those nations see the Palestinians as both a bargaining chip against Israel and a likely domestic problem for peace if allowed to immigrate. The reality is that the Arab and Muslim nations will never permit the Palestinians to enter their nation because along with them come the dangerous tentacles of Hamas and Hezbollah.

There is much to be gained by the Israel haters by continuing the erroneous global optics of Israel as the villain in the story of the Palestinians.

The so-called ethnic cleansing decried on college campuses across America is also logically a non-starter. How is Israel committing genocide against the Palestinian people when the population of the Palestinians continues to grow? If there is a genocide ongoing, it is being perpetrated by the terror groups that rule Gaza and Lebanon with an iron fist. The Palestinian people are nothing more than expendable chattel in the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah, and their masters, the Iranian mullahs.

Perhaps the most potent question one could ask of someone blinded by their hatred toward Israel is this: “Can you name one Arab, Muslim, or Palestinian leader who has stated publicly and is affirming among his group of constituents that as a part of a separate Palestinian State, Israel has a right to her land in which to live in peace and security?”


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