Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Pope Francis Continues to Set Up the One-World-Religion

 We know it's coming.  But how in the world could any follower of Christ come to the point where they believe that Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Climate Change religion all point to the same thing?  

Because the world has been deceived into believing that people are basically good, God loves everyone SO MUCH that He can overlook sin so that there really isn't going to be any hell or punishment or wrath.

Pope Francis has told an interreligious meeting in Paris that the multi-faith group must be open to guidance “by the divine inspiration present in every faith” in order to establish peace in the world.

In an address to the 38th “International Prayer Meeting for Peace” organized by the ecumenism-driven Sant’Egidio Community, Pope Francis urged the more than 150 gathered representatives of “Christian Communities and of the world’s great religions, as well as civil authorities” to “nurture fraternity between peoples in our time.”

 The gathering, which took place from September 22-24, included speakers such as Justin Welby, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the rector of Paris’ grand mosque, Haïm Korsia, the chief rabbi of France, and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Noting that the meeting finds its origin in Pope John Paul II’s 1986 Meeting for Peace in Assisi and thanking the Sant’Egidio Community “for the passion and creativity with which it continues to keep the spirit of Assisi alive,” Pope Francis expressed his hope that, while holding differing “religious beliefs,” including Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Judaism, the group had “experienced the power and beauty of universal fraternity.”

“This is the vision our world needs today,” the Pope added, stressing that “the goal” of interreligious dialogue, like that of the Sant’Egidio Community meeting, is “to establish friendship, peace and harmony, and to share spiritual and moral values and experiences in a spirit of truth and love.”

Here;  Pope Francis tells interfaith meeting: ‘Divine inspiration’ is ‘present in every faith’ - LifeSite (

They take the words of Jesus, "...and the greatest of these is love," and twist them.  As long as you have love in your heart for other people everyone will be just fine!

The Truth is that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

So that means that anyone who DOESN'T believe in him WILL perish and WON'T have eternal life.

The world loves to skip that part.


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