Thursday, October 17, 2024

US Bombers are Now Bombing Yemen

 It would sure seem we are taking some further steps toward WWIII.

I'm not saying I wouldn't do the same thing as President to stand against these crazy Houthi terrorists of Yemen who are funded by Iran who is most likely still spending the windfall $billions that Obama made sure they got.

But if USA starts killing Muslim terrorists in Yemen, we just expanded our battlefield.

Also remember that USA doesn't currently have a massive war chest of money to drop $billions of missiles and arm the world's missile defense.  Our only choice is to try and sell more US Treasury bonds to other suckers in hopes that our "faith and confidence" will support the US Dollar for a while longer.

U.S. B-2 bombers attacked weapons caches belonging to Houthi rebels in Yemen and Israel claimed it had killed the top Hamas leader as multiple conflicts involving Iran-backed militant groups heated up Thursday.

The attack on Houthi weapons appears to be the first such use of the strategic stealth bomber against the militia. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement the operation late Wednesday was ordered by President Joe Biden to "further degrade" the Houthis' ability to launch attacks on commercial and military ships in the Red Sea. The strikes could also be a warning to Iran at a time when Tehran and U.S. ally Israel have appeared on the verge of a full-blown war.

Austin did not mention Iran by name. However, he said the use of the B-2 bomber, which is the only warplane in the U.S. arsenal that can carry 30,000-pound so-called bunker busting bombs, "was a unique demonstration of the United States' ability to target facilities that our adversaries seek to keep out of reach, no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened or fortified. The employment of U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit long-range stealth bombers demonstrates U.S. global strike capabilities to take action against these targets when necessary, anytime, anywhere."

Here;  US strikes Yemen's Houthi rebels with B-2 bombers (


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