Thursday, September 26, 2024

Back to the Cold War: Russia Uses Mexico as Hub for Spy Base

 Most of us remember in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union started to roll up.  I remember thinking, "Wow!  The USA will literally have no enemies to be worried about!  Maybe war will start to become a thing of the past?"

Of course in 1989 I wasn't a regular Bible reader so couldn't have really told you anything about the prophecies or words of Jesus, specifically his words of, "There will be wars."

35 years later we are reading headlines about Russian nuke bombers having to be challenged by US fighter jets off the coast of Alaska and Japan.

Today we see this headline about Russia using Mexico as a place where they can office as they attempt to spy on the USA.

Russian intelligence services are building up their presence in Mexico for spy operations targeting the United States, a return to Cold War tactics by an increasingly aggressive regime, according to U.S. officials and former intelligence officers.

Russia has added dozens of personnel to its embassy staff in Mexico City in the past few years, even though Moscow has only limited trade ties with the country. U.S. officials say the trend is concerning and believe the extensive buildup is aimed at bolstering the Kremlin’s intelligence operations targeting the U.S., as well as its propaganda efforts aimed at undermining Washington and Ukraine.

The Biden administration has raised the issue with the Mexican government, a U.S. official told NBC News. “Russia has really invested in Mexico in terms of seeking to extend their presence,” the official said.

The Mexican Embassy and the Russian Embassy did not respond to a request for comment.

CIA Director William Burns said earlier this month his agency and the U.S. government are “sharply focused” on Russia’s expanding footprint in Mexico, which he said was partly the result of Russian spies being expelled from foreign capitals after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“Part of this is a function of the fact that so many Russian intelligence officers have been kicked out of Europe. … So they’re looking for places to go and looking for places in which they can operate,” Burns said in London this month when asked about suspected Russian spying out of Mexico. “But we’re very sharply focused on that.”

Russia’s actions in Mexico reflect a more aggressive posture by its intelligence services across multiple fronts, as the Kremlin seeks to silence critics abroad, undermine support for Ukraine and weaken Western democracies, former intelligence officials said. That approach has included sabotage and attempted sabotage in Europe, assassination plots, relentless cyberattacks and large-scale global disinformation campaigns, according to U.S. and European officials.

Here;  Back to the Cold War: Russia uses Mexico as a hub for spying on the U.S. (

Probably another good reason to have strong security on our Southern no one can get in unless we KNOW who they are and figure out if they are coming in with nefarious intent.


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