Let's have a brief chat about global warming, shall we?
For the record, I am of the understanding that we are on an enormous rock (called earth) that is spinning around on it's axis at 1000 mph and hurtling through space as it makes it billions of miles annual march around the sun. No man is driving this earth....we are just along for the ride.
We also know that some thousands of years ago that a large part of this planet, including where I sit in Minnesota, was covered by up to one mile thick ice....and that the ice scratched out most of our 10,000 lakes here in Minnesota.
We also know that earth has been hit with some REALLY large meteors in the distant and not distant past...meteors so large that they could have wiped out huge amounts of life and forever changed the planet.
Is summation...I believe we are supposed to care for the earth around us as best as we can. But unlike many of my liberal neighbors here in Minnesota, I don't believe this earth is going to end ONE SINGLE DAY BEFORE GOD SAYS SO.
So back to global warming.....is the earth getting warmer? Maybe! I would hope it has gotten warmer because if it hadn't we may all be sitting under a glacier. But has earth also gotten colder in the not distant past? It appears so...because Greenland used to be farmed...and now it is sitting underneath lots of ice.
So what's going on? I believe it is just one more event that is being used by the Prince of this Earth to pit humans with a Biblical worldview against those without a Biblical world view. Personally, I have been ridiculed by some liberal friends for not buying into the theory of Man-Made-Global-Warming. How could I be so ignorant, they will ask me. We need to all come together all over the world to stop this warming or we will all die!!...they tell me. Or at the very least the sea levels will rise so far that all the billions of people now living along the ocean will have to relocate and the unrest will kill us all...or at least bankrupt us all.
The Bible tells us that this earth is passing away....because it WILL one day pass away...and the Lord Jesus Christ will remake it into an earth where the lion lays down with the lamb and the children will be able to play with poisonous snakes. Yep...that's what I believe. Can you imagine telling that to your college professor??
Now today we have a new terrifying headline that could really shake up the world's climatologists....The PERMAFROST IS MELTING!!! And when it does it could put so much carbon from the decaying plants locked under the ice...that we may all be doomed a lot earlier than anyone thought.
One of the least understood — and one of the more unnerving — facets of climate change is the question of what will happen as the Arctic region heats up and permafrost in places like Alaska and Siberia thaws out. There’s a whole lot of carbon locked up in all that frozen soil and organic matter. And, as the frost melts, that carbon will enter the atmosphere, most of it as carbon dioxide, but some of it transformed by bacteria into methane, an even more powerful heat-trapping greenhouse gas. That, in turn, will warm the planet further. It’s a potent feedback mechanism, and scientists still aren’t sure just how potent it might be.
So how worried should we be? Over the weekend, Justin Gillis had a beautifully reported piece in The New York Times on the permafrost question that summed up what scientists do and don’t know: “In the minds of most experts, the chief worry is not that the carbon in the permafrost will break down quickly — typical estimates say that will take more than a century, perhaps several — but that once the decomposition starts, it will be impossible to stop.” There’s no looming apocalypse, but melting permafrost could make it much harder to avoid setting the planet down a path of irrevocable warming.
Here is an interesting question....how did all these green plants get locked under a sheet of ice and permafrost to begin with? Doesn't that mean that at one time the earth was so warm that it grew green plants way up past the Arctic circle? And if it was that warm thousands of years ago before humans were even burning fossil fuels....why can't they just accept that mankind has no control over volcanoes, meteors, ocean currents, el nino, la nina, cloud cover, jet streams, etc.... We have no control over anything!! Yet many of the world's "smartest" scientists are telling us we all better submit to some massive carbon scheme (which is ultimately a power grab of control) or else we will all be doomed.
The intelligence of the intelligent men on earth certainly appears to be waning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom....and without that fear there can be no understanding of what is going on.