We all know what happens when people don't have jobs. It can start a dour cycle of not being able to pay your car payments, fighting with your wife, getting late on your mortgage, cutting your kid's activities, complaining to your friends (who also complain to you since they don't have a job either)...and if the situation doesn't turn around pretty soon....the mood can turn towards unrest and violence... against anyone or anything that people believe is keeping them from feeding their families.
Below are a few articles and comments that may forshadow the coming unrest.
Michael Sommer, leader of the DGB trade union federation, called the latest wave of sackings a "declaration of war" against Germany's workers. "Social unrest can no longer be ruled out," he said.
So much for a compelling display of European unity. A disastrous summit in Brussels at the weekend laid bare what everyone already knew: the global economic crisis is threatening to tear apart both the continent's single market and the peaceful transition to a prosperous European era after the dissolution of the USSR.