Saturday, March 27, 2021

Get Your Vaccine or You Soon Won’t Be Going Anywhere

Pretty sure we have pointed this out enough in past months.  But clearly we can see how this whole vaccination requirement in order to go to class, get on airplane, attend sporting events, concerts, etc... is prepping all humans to “get the mark” in order to buy or sell anything.


On Thursday, Rutgers University announced that it will be requiring all students to be vaccinated prior to returning to campus for the 2021 fall semester.

According to the university’s news website, the school will allow certain students to avoid the requirement and request an exemption. They can do this for religious or medical purposes. Students that are fully enrolled in programs that are online and “individuals participating in online-only continuing education programs” will also not have to get vaccinated.

“The COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be safe and effective in preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death,” said Brian Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and executive vice president for health affairs at Rutgers. “Vaccination is key to stopping the current pandemic and to the return of campus instruction and activities closer to what we were accustomed to before the pandemic drastically changed life at Rutgers.”

Students under the age of 18 will be counseled by the school to get the Pfizervaccine, which is the only vaccine that has been approved for use by people who are below the age of 16. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnsonvaccines are all approved for people over the age of 18.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Government Releasing Even More UFO Info

This “alien” UFO info is fresh off the news feed from Fox News.  Clearly we are being prepped to believe that advanced life forms from other planets are visiting us.  And we are betting $1 that this info will be used to explain a possible explanation for where “all the Christians vanished to.”

Thursday, March 25, 2021

At-Home Abortions

 Satan’s dream state is to convince a society that killing little babies easily and effectively is every woman’s right!  And the abortion lovers want to make it easy for little girls to get the drugs online to poison and kill their babies even without their parents knowledge.  In their twisted minds getting acne medicine for 14 yr old girl needs parental consent.  Killing zits will soon have more roadblocks than killing babies in USA.  How long until our cup of sin is full to overflowing?  Has judgment already started?


The battle over abortion rights has a dramatic new front: the fight over whether the Biden administration will make pills available online.

Even as they keep a sharp eye on the increasingly conservative Supreme Court, activists, lawmakers and medical groups are pushing Biden’s FDA to lift restrictions on a 20-year-old drug for terminating early pregnancies. Such a decision would dramatically remake the abortion landscape by making the pills available online and by mail even if the Supreme Court overturns or cuts back Roe vs. Wade.

“They’re trying as hard as they can to restrict access to the pills now because they know they won’t be able, later, to unring the bell,” said Mary Ziegler, a professor at the Florida State University College of Law who studies abortion. “This is just as important as what happens with Roe.”

Biden’s pledge to “follow the science” when it comes to public health is under scrutiny as medical experts argue — citing new data gained during the pandemic — that administering the abortion drugs remotely is safe and effective.

When White Kids Bullied by Blacks IT’S NOT Racism

You see when black kids target a minority white student, it’s not racism, explains this black mom. It’s simply black kids pushing back at white students who would dare to invade their black space!  Of course when whites bully a black student it’s ALWAYS a racist hate crime!  You see the rules of Critical Race Theory soon to be taught in all schools is that only white skinned people are racist.  These are lies from the pit of hell that will soon be one other topic that will divide Americans to the point of fighting in the streets.


Here is another tricky subtext at hand when something like what your daughter experienced happens: Consider the likelihood that a Black person over the age of 16 has had or witnessed least one egregiously racist experience herself and has been made at least somewhat aware of how racism shapes the world around us. For us, this is to be expected. Racism is just part of what this country is and what we are up against, and we basically have to plan to suffer as a result.

One of the ways we attempt to negate that suffering is by forming community with others like us, away from the gaze of those who participate in and benefit from our oppression. Whether this was a school that was a source of pride for Black families in your area, or simply the local Black high school, it was a place where these kids—living lives undoubtably complicated by the gentrification that brought you to this area—connect with peers who are living like they do. Your daughter might not have done anything deliberately to harm anyone or to invite mistreatment, but her presence disrupts something truly fragile: the feeling of safety Black kids get from being with other Black kids. Those kids see their parents struggling to afford to live in an area that is changing to better reflect people like you. They think of how they and the adults they love have been treated by White folks in positions of authority their entire lives (perhaps including some of the teachers at this Black school). They know the world is kinder to your child than it is to them. The combination of that knowledge, that pain, and their youth can be very volatile.

Here’s something else to consider: The disruption that White students pose in Black schools does not always come at the same cost to White kids that it did to your daughter. Indeed, there have been many instances of Black kids fawning over non-Black peers because they have been convinced that their privilege makes them somehow special. (Nearly every White rapper is an example of this happening on a grand scale.) How you might have reacted to something like that says a lot about just how prepared for this experience you were in the first place

Confused Transgender Wrestler Speaks Out

So the story here is of a girl who thinks she is a boy. She started transitioning to a boy, taking boy drugs, and then the State wouldn’t let her wrestle as a boy so she wrestled against girls. Lots of folks weren’t happy about it.  Remember when not so long ago in the Olympics they drug tested the Russians because some of their girls looked an awfully lot like women?  Common sense still existed back then and the Olympic committee knew that men had an unfair advantage over women.  Not so much today.  Now let’s listen to a few wise words from this confused young person, celebrated by the media of course. Yes, she probably damaged her young body and has mental problems from the drugs but whatever!  It’s more important than trans kids can “live in their truth.”  You see, we all have our own truths today.  It’s very woke.


“I can say that I was biologically a woman, so technically there was no advantage,” Beggs said. “And I made sure there was no advantage because when I was on testosterone, I took a hormone blocker on top of taking my hormones. So it wasn’t just my estrogen being depleted, but it was also the synthetic hormone testosterone that I was also putting inside my body that was also decreasing.”

Some experts say there is a lack of research into the side effects and risks of these treatments on transgender adolescents. Beggs further noted that there are even fewer studies on transgender athletes specifically using his methods.

“I probably could have messed up my body in high school because of that, and I honestly don’t know what the biological factors are or what hormonal factors will do to me in the future,” he said. “I just think, you know, let these [trans] kids live in their truth.”

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pope and Emmanuel Macron Have Another Visit

 Let me start out by saying that we have no clue who the Antichrist or False Prophet are.  2 Thessalonians is very clear that they won't be revealed until the RESTRAINER is removed from earth.  Most of us believe that Paul was speaking about the Holy Spirit indwelling all followers of Christ which actually holds back the power of Satan who IS currently holding the title Prince of This Earth.

2 Thessalonians    For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

With all that beings said, we still can't resist posting an article that features the Pope and the President of France.  We believe if the rapture were to happen yesterday that the Pope would lead the Vegas odds betting to be the False Prophet and Macron would lead the betting to fulfill the role of Antichrist.

Pope Francis and France’s President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Sunday, according to a press release from the President’s Office at Élysée Palace.

The call, which was requested by the Pope, marks the fifth time the two world leaders have spoken since Macron’s election in 2017.

Their conversation reportedly lasted around 40 minutes, and came after President Macron sent the Pope a message on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his election to the papacy.

The last time they spoke was October 30th of last year, after the attacks on the Cathedral of Nice, which killed 3 people.

The Élysée press office said that during their Sunday conversation the two spoke at length about Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Journey to Iraq.

Macron said the visit marked “a true turning point” for the Middle Eastern region.

The pair also dwelt on their “thoughts and concerns” about several crises affecting various parts of the globe.

These included “the expansion of jihadism in Africa—both in the Sahel region and the continent’s east coast”, as well as the critical situation in Lebanon.

According to the Élysée press statement, President Macron also spoke to the Pope about the “challenges of a post-Covid world”.

Pope Francis published a book with British journalist Austen Ivereigh on the subject, in which he said humanity has been given the opportunity to build a better world after the pandemic.


Many have asked the question of whether or not the Antichrist and False prophet WILL KNOW that they are those people?  We believe the answer is no. They will initially truly believe they are doing great work to try and rebuild the world that will be in chaos post-rapture.

Notice how the Pope even published a book that includes "building a better world".  Also notice he just returned from Iraq where he, some Muslim clerics and some Jewish rabbis all got together to discuss some interfaith issues because they are all sons of Abraham and guessing all in attendance believe that Catholics, Muslims and Jews all worship the exact same God.


Colorado Shooter Was an Angry, Syrian Muslim

 Mass shootings are just one other issue that divide Americans.  The left loves it when the shooter is an angry, white male who they quickly try to label as a domestic terrorist.  But when the shooter turns out to be a light-brown, Arab Muslim those same folks quickly back down and won't use words like terrorist or "angry brown man".  And to make it even worse for the Left, it would appear that the shooter was a Trump hater.  So when all these things don't meet the narrative of CNN and CNBC, we would expect them to want to drop this story rather quickly.  But one thing for sure, they will use the story to justify another massive push for banning guns.

The article I will post below is from Zero Hedge and they have captured numerous Tweets from folks on the Left when they thought the shooter was a white guy and how they have since deleted when found to be a brown Muslim.  So we suggest you go to the link to see all the Tweets which have since vanished.

The suspect in the Monday afternoon Boulder, Colorado supermarket shooting which left 10 dead is 21-year-old Ahmad Al-Issa from Arvada, Colorado.

So expect this not to be classified as terrorism, and the motive to remain unclear for some time.

Al-Issa has been charged with 10 counts of murder after he opened fire at the King Soopers grocery store in Boulder using a semi-automatic rifle. The victims' ages range from 20 to 65.

He was shot in the leg and was in the hospital as of Tuesday morning.

It's unclear how former President Trump motivated Al-Issa to carry out this attack, but we're sure Rachel Maddow and CNN will fill in the blanks.

And now, a thread of people who got the shooting wrong while playing identity olympics:


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Radical Indoctrination Coming to American School Kids

 Most of us know that Public Schools have been totally taken over by the Left.  They sway our children Left and hope to turn them all into Democratic voters who abhor global warming and celebrate LGBTQIA.  If it hasn't been accomplished by High School then the colleges expect to finish the job.

But wait!  It gets worse!  Did you know all of us white settlers committed theocide??  Yes it's a new word made up by the "woke" people to explain how the whites got rid of all the Aztec and Inca gods and replaced them with the Christian God.  Oh the horror!!

When a new curriculum is too woke for the New York Times, it has to be the most wildly out-of-step model this country's ever seen. It also has to be from California, which is one of the only states capable of taking public education to places even liberals would oppose. 

"The idea that a tax-supported public school system would, or could, be used to unleash this vicious cultural and spiritual poison into our young people's consciousness is both extremely offensive and quite possibly illegal," the Times's Bret Stephens wrote. 

And yet today, that "poison" is on the verge of becoming the Ethnic Studies standard for six million U.S. students.

There was some hope, after last October when Governor Gavin Newsom (D) actually vetoed an earlier draft of this curriculum, that its creators would get the message that its curriculum was too much for even the state's far-Left activists. Instead, the California Department of Education doubled down, writing another version that's just as controversial as the one rejected by the state school board the last go-around. 

Stephens, who you have to credit for blowing the doors off of this proposal in what has become one of the most far Left papers in the country, couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ethnic studies," he pointed out, is supposed to be about multiculturalism. And unfortunately, that's what some people might think if they didn't dig deeper into the 900 pages of details. "[This] is not a way of exploring, much less celebrating, America's pluralistic society. 

It is an assault on it... Public education is supposed to create a sense of common citizenship while cultivating the habits of independent thinking. This is a curriculum that magnifies differences, encourages tribal loyalties and advances ideological groupthink." It shouldn't be like this, he insisted.

Other outlets have started to pick up on absurd religious section, where children are taught that Christian settlers committed "theocide" against the Native Americans by "murdering" their gods and replacing them with the Christian God. 

This is what happens, NRO's Cameron Hilditch warns, when parents refuse to take on public education. "There is no other area of American life that conservative have so comprehensively abandoned for such a long period of time as K-12 education. Children in the public schools today are fated for this kind of indoctrination." 


And what did God tell the Israelites over and over again?

Exodus 20  You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

And soon we will have all the liberals screaming further against the God of the Bible!  "Quit murdering all the other gods!!"

It seems to be evident that America has now entered the POST-CHRISTIAN phase.  And we can be guaranteed that it won't go well for nations who curse and mock God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.

I agree with a comment made by our pastor on Sunday, "Maybe we should start having 'Persecution practice' so we are prepared when it comes."

Monday, March 22, 2021

Introducing a Gay Captain America

 It turns out that even super heroes can be gay.  And what better way to inspire all the little, gay- boys all over America to one day run after all their terribly unhealthy, decadent and life shortening sodomy dreams than a Gay Captain America?!?!

Celebrating their 80th anniversary, Marvel Comics will release a new limited series that will include a gay superhero to mark Pride Month: Captain America.

The series, titled, “The United States of Captain America,” created by writer Christopher Catwell and artist Dale Eaglesham, will show the prototype Captain America, Steve Rogers, joined by other Captain Americas from Marvel’s past, including Bucky Barnes, John Walker, and Sam Wilson, and one newly-created version of the hero named Aaron Fischer, of whom Marvel stated, “Marvel Comics is proud to honor Pride Month with the rise of this new LGBTQ+ hero.”

The bonus issue with Fischer is written by Joshua Trujillo with art by Jan Bazaldua. Fischer is described as “the Captain America of the Railways – a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused.” The various iterations of the superhero will embark on a mission to find his stolen shield, as BleedingCool reports.

“Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders, and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” Trujillo stated. “He stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers, and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”

Trujillo’s website notes, “In 2020, he contributed to the Ignatz award-winning anthology Be Gay, Do Comics. Trujillo’s work is also featured in DC Comics and IDW’s Eisner award-winning Love is Love, benefiting victims of the Orlando nightclub tragedy, and the Ringo award-nominated Mine!, benefiting Planned Parenthood. In 2018, Dodge City was named one of the year’s best comics by AV Club. Trujillo speaks for inclusiveness and diversity in popular media, and works alongside groups including the USC ONE Archive and Prism Comics.”

Marvel writes of Bazaldua, “Jan Bazaldua was born in Mexico. Assigned male at birth, Bazaldua worked under her birth name Oscar, and publicly came out as a trans woman in October 2020.”

Bazaldua explained what motivated him: “I want to thank Editor Alanna Smith and Joshua Trujillo very much for asking me to create Aaron. I really enjoyed designing him, and as a transgender person, I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil to help those who are almost invisible to society. While I was drawing him, I thought, well, Cap fights against super-powerful beings and saves the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone in the street with problems that they face every day. I hope people like the end result!”

“Marvel made similar headlines in January 2020 when the company revealed that it was planning on an openly transgender character to be included in a superhero movie being shot at the time. Meanwhile, in the DC universe of comic book heroes, a lesbian actress portrayed a gay superhero in the ‘Batwoman’ television series in 2018,” The Blaze noted.


That's just a beautiful story about how tolerant, un-racist, inclusive and accepting that DC Comics is!  A woman, who was born a male in Mexico publicly came out as a trans-woman and now is given the opportunity to affect comic readers all over the world!

However, we might want to point out the the name Captain America sounds very white supremist to us. So you better be careful DC Comics cuz the cancel culture could be throwing you under the bus sometime soon for having a white man with a red, white and blue shield beating up all sorts of people.

Hat tip to Dave G.

China Calling for Civilizational War Against USA and The West

 If you look at some videos of the cities and infrastructure that China has built in the last 10 years, it's hard NOT to come away with the idea that China is rising.  And if China would like to control the world, and they would, there is a big roadblock standing in their way...USA.

Many of you may have known that China and the USA met for talks in Anchorage Alaska last week.  According to the Chinese, they said "there was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air."  I guess that's their saying for suggesting that war is on their mind.

There was a "strong smell of gunpowder" when American and Chinese diplomats met in Anchorage beginning March 18. That's according to Zhao Lijian of China's foreign ministry, speaking just hours after the first day of U.S.-China talks concluded.

"Gunpowder" is one of those words Beijing uses when it wants others to know war is on its mind.

The term is, more worryingly, also especially emotion-packed, a word Chinese propagandists use when they want to rile mainland Chinese audiences by reminding them of foreign — British and white — exploitation of China in the Opium War period of the 19th century. China's Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment, rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war.

More fundamentally, Beijing is, with the gunpowder reference and others, trying to divide the world along racial lines and form a global anti-white coalition.

There was more than just a whiff of gunpowder in Alaska. The foreign ministry's Zhao blamed the U.S. side for exceeding the agreed time limit for opening remarks from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Blinken and Sullivan overran their allotted four minutes by... 44 seconds.

The Party's Global Times called the two presentations "seriously overtime." The foreign ministry's Zhao said the overrun prompted the Chinese side to launch into its two presentations, which lasted 20 minutes and 23 seconds, well over their allotted four minutes.

Yang Jiechi, China's top diplomat, and his subordinate, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, were mostly reading from prepared texts, suggesting that much of their remarks — in reality a tirade — was planned well in advance.

There were, in addition to the diplomats' obviously rehearsed expressions of outrage and Zhao's incendiary comments, a third element to the campaign: a propaganda blast against policies Beijing said were racist. The primary target is America.

"Everything Washington talks about is centered on the U.S., and on white supremacy," the Global Times, controlled by the Party, stated in an editorial on March 19, referring to the darker skin tones of America's "few allies" in the region.

Furthermore, the race-based narrative appears in a series of recent Communist Party propaganda pieces indirectly portraying China as the protector of Asians in the U.S. For instance, the Global Times on March 18 ran a piece titled "Elite U.S. Groups Accomplices of Crimes Against Asian Americans."

Beijing has played the race card in North America for some years. China, for example has tried to divide Canada along racial lines. Lu Shaye, when he was Beijing's ambassador to Canada, railed against "Western egotism and white supremacy" in an unsuccessful attempt in early 2019 to win the immediate release of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies, detained by Canadian authorities pending extradition proceedings instituted by the Trump Justice Department.

Significantly, Yang Jiechi in Anchorage pointedly mentioned Black Lives Matter protests in his opening remarks on Thursday, continuing China's race-based attack on America.

China's regime continues to talk about China's rise, but now Beijing's propaganda line is shifting in ominous ways. Ruler Xi Jinping's new narrative is that China is leading the "East." In a landmark speech he gave at the end of last year, he stated "the East is rising and the West is declining."

This theme evokes what Imperial Japan tried to do with its notorious Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, beginning in the 1930s, an attempt to unite Asians against whites.

Racial divisions bring us to Samuel Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. "In the post-Cold War world, the most important distinctions among peoples are not ideological, political, or economic," the late Harvard political scientist wrote. "They are cultural."

Here;  China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West :: Gatestone Institute

Funny how "racism" is the new word that is literally ruling the day.  If you want to silence someone just suggest that they are racists, or that their thinking is racist.  Then make all your school teachers attend "Critical Race Theory" seminars to educate them on how racist white people are and how everything in the USA and The West was built on racism.

If you say it enough, those same idea will creep into the church.  And now we have various pastors of large congregations buying into "Critical Race Theory" and educating the congregations about how being white is a big part of the world's problems.

But back to China...yes, they want to throw out the white supremacy phrase and apply it to America. They also would love to collapse the US Dollar and come up with a new currency.  A currency that is much less controlled by "white supremists in the USA".

"But Dennis, God would never allow China to take over America!  God is only here to bless us!  "God bless America" is a famous saying you know!"

Please remember that God used evil-empire-Babylon to judge His people the Israelites.  God is never changing and America deserves judgment.  We don't know if our cup of sin is full to the brim but if it's not, it has to be seriously close.

Our blessed hope is that Jesus is coming to snatch His bride away before all of this mayhem actually comes to pass.  But if he doesn't come soon, our pastor suggested in yesterday's sermon that maybe America should be practicing for persecution.  And we agree.