Trump Will Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Like most Americans, I watched the media pontificate for days on the Hillary-Trump debate that happened last Monday. As expected, Donald claimed victory and told us that "all the polls" have declared him the winner...even CBS and other networks! Of course, CBS never had a poll...but facts don't always matter to Donald.
And where does one even start with Hillary?
So let me give you one more reason for why Donald would be a better choice for America over Hillary.
Trump to Netanyahu: I will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's united capital
So do you think it would BETTER to have a President who supports Israel and recognizes that Jerusalem is Jewish.....OR....another 4 years of liberals refusing to say the word "Islamic terrorism" and blaming Israel for the unrest in the Middle East while threatening the Jews if they dare build homes in "occupied territory"?
I know who I will vote for if the elections were held today....and it won't be Hillary.
Please remember to pray for America. We are living in a very dangerous time for this young but powerful nation. I would say it's not too dramatic to say that this nation hangs in the balance.
Zechariah 12:3
On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.