Friday, April 19, 2019

Less Than Half of British Christians Believe Jesus Died for Sins

When Jesus asks if he will find any faith in Him left on earth when he returns...of course it’s a rhetorical question because he already knows the answer.
Only 46 per cent of British Christians believe Jesus died on the cross to save them from their sins, a new poll has found.
The survey of 2,042 British adults was carried out by ComRes on behalf of the BBC and asked participants, 'To what extent, if at all, do you agree or disagree that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected at Easter so that you can be forgiven for your sins?'
Out of the respondents who identified as Christian, a quarter said they neither disagreed nor agreed, while 17 per cent of Christians said they did not agree.
The results were released at the start of Holy Week, when millions of Christians around the world will be preparing to commemorate the cross and resurrection of Jesus over Easter weekend.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Carve Chicago Out of Illinois?

Lots of us folks who love in “blue states” are conservatives, but the leftists who live in our big cities end up voting is the direction they choose.  Maybe as this nation continues to separate we will need to carve up territory into red and blue in an attempt to stave off Civil War?

HR0101 was initially introduced by state Rep. Brad Halbrook, who insisted that Chicago is at the forefront of launching a full-frontal assault on the values the rest of the state holds.
“Our traditional family values seem to be under attack at every angle,” Halbrook said. “We are trying to drive the discussion to get people at the table to say these are not our values down here.”
One example of those differing ideals is Chicago’s campaign against the Second Amendment. The bill notes that many of the counties in the state are bucking Chicago’s gun policies by declaring themselves “gun rights sanctuaries.”
“Numerous counties in the southern and central parts of Illinois are approving resolutions to become sanctuary counties for gun owners, while the City of Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country,” the bill states.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Canada Fines Man $55,000 for Misgendering

What if you call a man a "man" even after he tells you that he thinks he's a woman?  Is it your free rights to say, "Dude, I don't care if you identify as a lion...I'm gonna call you a HU-MAN...Man."

Sounds reasonable.  After all, this is America where you have certain rights that are free.

But check out what just happened to our neighbor in the North...and then understand that as godlessness and liberalism floods our nation, it will soon be coming here too.

We told you this was coming. We warned you it would happen. We were not crying wolf. We were telling you the truth. And now it is here, as a headline announces: "Canadian tribunal fines Bill Whatcott $55,000 for expressing Christian views on 'transgenderism.'" 

In other words, Whatcott called a biological male (who identifies as a female) a "biological male." That was his crime.

What a miscarriage of justice. What an assault of freedom of speech and expression.

John Carpay, president of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom, defended Whatcott, noting in protest that, "The Supreme Court of Canada has long held that freedom of expression is the lifeblood of democracy." But not when it crosses the lines of transgender activism. Freedom halts there.

Carpay added, "Society is full of people with diverse views and the Tribunal's decision undermines the foundational principles of the free society and jeopardizes the health of Canada's democracy."

Silencing Opposition

Precisely so. But, as I have stated often, this was always the end-goal of radical LGBT activism: the opposition must be silenced. (And until it is legally silenced, it must be socially shamed.)

Last month, a Catholic journalist in England was interrogated by police at her house after she "misgendered" a child with whom she had appeared on TV. How dare she identify the child based on its biological sex. 

Now, in Canada, a Christian activist has been fined $55,000 for the "hateful" act of misgendering an adult male. How soon before this reaches America?

Mass Resistance notes, "Whatcott's 'offence' is still considered perfectly legal in the United States. But for how long? (We are already seeing private censorship regarding transgenderism on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo!) Passage of the pending federal 'Equality Act' (H.R. 5) will insert 'gender identity protections' throughout federal law."

In reality, some of these laws are already on the books in America, with New York City calling for fines up to $250,000 for "misgendering" someone in the workplace. (This was put in place in 2015.) And in 2016, "A transgender schoolteacher in Oregon won a $60,000 settlement from a school district after co-workers allegedly failed to address the teacher by the proper gender pronouns." 


Just because you say you are a 7 yr old girl trapped in a 50 yr old man's body doesn't mean that it's true.  Sadly so many folks have rejected God and his Word that they are starting to believe such folly.  And once the majority believes it they will pass the laws to punish anyone who disagrees.

Jeremiah 8:9
The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what kind of wisdom do they have?

Monday, April 15, 2019

50% of U.S. Pastors Won't Preach on Controversial Topics

Do you think that a sermon on the "End Times" might frighten people or confuse them....then better not preach on it.

Do you think that it might offend some people in your pews if you preached on Jesus being the ONLY way?...then better stay away from that topic.

Do you think that preaching about SIN might convict someone in the pews and make them feel bad about what they are doing?....better not preach about that.

Do you think that some folks in your pews might have gay brothers, uncles or friends and if you preached on it you might offend them?....better stay away.

Wow!  What a sorry bunch of luke-warm puke sermons must be being preached around the country!!

Sounds like all they want to say from the pulpit is that "God loves everyone!  Did you hear me clearly??  He loves you just the way you are!"

That should sell some tickets and fill your church this Easter!!

I just heard a sermon from Mike Fabarez who spoke at Moody Bible college recently and he said that the study he read found that 50% of Millennials who identified as EVANGELICAL Christians thought it was wrong to try to convert anyone who doesn't know Christ. 

I guess they feel it would be better to keep your thoughts to yourself for fear that you might offend someone by telling them about Jesus.


Have you ever wondered why most church services in America seem to be filled with lots of fluff and very little substance?  

As America's moral foundations literally collapse right in front of our eyes, a large percentage of our pastors are afraid to speak out about controversial topics because they might offend someone.  And it doesn't take a genius to figure out why they are so afraid.  

Most U.S. churches are shrinking, and more than 100 die every week.  In a day and age where pastors are judged by attendance numbers and budget levels, scaring people away is bad for business.

With all that in mind, the results from a recent Barna survey shouldn't be surprising at all...

We wanted to know if pastors felt limited or pressured when it comes to speaking about controversial topics. Half of Christian pastors says they frequently (11%) or occasionally (39%) feel limited in their ability to speak out on moral and social issues because people will take offense. The other half of pastors say they only rarely (30%) or never (20%) feel limited in this way. 

When asked to identify the source of the concerns, pastors are much more likely to say that they feel limited by those inside the church than those outside. In other words, the reactions of those in the pews are most on the minds of today's pastors.

And remember, these numbers just show the percentage of pastors that are willing to admit that they are afraid to speak out about controversial issues.

In reality, the percentage of U.S. pastors that actually hit the hard issues on a consistent basis is exceedingly low.

Not offending people is obviously a strategy that can work, because many of America's largest churches today are pathetically shallow.  In fact, one of America's most famous pastors absolutely refuses to ever use the word "sin" because it might offend someone.

But eventually people get tired of superficial religion that doesn't have any substance, and nobody can deny that there has been a mass exodus from the Christian faith in this country.  In fact, the number of Americans with "no religion" has risen by 266 percent over the last three decades.


"Hey Dennis, let me tell you something...after having a busy week at work and feeling all stressed out by Sunday morning, the LAST thing that I want to hear preached to me is some lame topic about DOCTRINE!"

2nd Timothy 4
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.