Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Real Reason for Back to Back Hurricanes?

 We have a book that is probably 10 years old that matches up America's huge natural disasters with how and when we were cursing Israel.  We wonder how it could be possible for back to back hurricanes to rip into Florida?  Well, just maybe the White House is drawing up plans to divide Israel and reward Muslim terrorists with another terrorist state called Palestine?  And maybe, at the same time, the White House is telling Israel they better quit defending themselves and they better not do anything to revenge the attacks from Iran?  Could massive back to back hurricanes be the "curse" that happens when America curses Israel?

Some folks would say it's all a coincidence.  Others would say it's a God-incidence.

As the southeastern United States copes with the aftermath of several deadly hurricanes, all eyes turn to the heavens to try to understand  God’s message contained in these hardships.

As a Bible student and politics student, William Koenig, publisher of Koenig International News, has a unique perspective for understanding current events. He places the storms in the context of the Biden administration and its treatment of Israel, more specifically,  the administration putting major pressure on Israel to agree to a cease-fire with Hezbollah and in Gaza and attempting to stop a significant response to Iran’s recent missile attack on Israel.

“The tropical depression that became Helene developed quickly on Monday morning, September 23, 2024,” Koenig wrote. “ The first advisory was put out that day at 11:00 am EDT. The storm began as Israel’s enemies were preparing their scathing anti-Israel speeches to the United Nations General Assembly while the Biden administration was continuing to work on an Israeli-Hamas ceasefire deal and was exerting pressure on Israel to comply. Additionally, Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron pushed a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hezbollah in an attempt to stop the war in Lebanon. Moreover, there was still pressure on Israel for two-state negotiations.”

Koenig noted that Hurricane Ian, the third costliest hurricane in U.S. history, developed and came ashore in southern Florida during the September 2022 UN General Assembly meetings. He also cited the four costliest hurricanes in U.S. history as all corresponding to White House pressure and action regarding Israel’s covenant land.  

Moreover, monster storms Hurricane Katrina (2005), Hurricane Harvey (2017), Hurricane Ian (2022) and Hurricane Helene (2024) all formed quickly and produced devastating disasters within a week or so. This too is extremely unusual, when most storms build over time off the west coast of Africa or deep in the Caribbean. 

He explained the connection. 

“When the presidents and their administrations have attempted to create an Arab state in the biblical heartland of Israel, Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem, there are major consequences,” Koenig wrote. “And I have shown for years, the greater the pressure on Israel to divide their covenant land by agreeing to a two-state plan, forcing Jews from their home as in August 2005, and restricting Israel’s ability to defend themselves, the greater the corresponding catastrophes. You can sense the God of Israel’s fury and wrath over this. It is a mystery but has fit a pattern for over 30 years.”

“I continue to be very sensitive to the many people and families who have been dramatically affected by these record-setting events. I have listened to many devastating stories. We need to continue praying for them, their families, and for all those dealing with the resulting financial and personal hardships.”

Indeed, the pattern outlined by Koenig has a long history predating the modern State of Israel. Koenig discusses these matters in his book “Eye to Eye – Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel.”  

History of Natural Disasters

August 2021:  President Biden hosted then-Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the White House, pressuring him into accepting a plan that put a total freeze on Jewish construction in Judea, Samaria, and the sections of Jerusalem that were illegally occupied by Jordan before 1967. As Bennett flew home, Hurricane Ida, a category four hurricane made landfall precisely on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

January 2020: . After he took office in January 2020, Biden immediately began implementing an anti-Israel policy which included reestablishing relations with the Palestinian Authority and meeting with Iran to jump-start the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. One month later, a polar vortex came sweeping down from the north, hitting the central US with extreme cold. At least 2,400 cold temperature records were broken or tied, some of them going back 75 years or more. 

August 2017: The Trump Administration’s Middle East negotiating team, led by Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, visited the region in an attempt to jump-start peace talks. Ten days later, Hurricane Harvey, described as the “worst disaster” in Texan history, made landfall, slamming the Corpus Christi region of Texas with 130 MPH winds and 13-foot storm surges.

June 2016:  A summit was held in Paris as a prelude to a multi-national conference that would force Israel to unilaterally accept the two-state solution and create a Palestinian state within its borders. As the delegates left the summit, rain began to fall. Over the next 24 hours, the River Seine rose 20 feet, resulting in the worst flooding Paris has seen in decades.

August 5-13, 2015: After announcing the nuclear deal, Iran was hit with an apocalyptic-like heat wave hitting an astounding 164℉. One week later, a significant meteor struck Iran.

April 2008: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, a strong advocate of the anti-Semitic Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement, meets with leaders of Hamas, announcing to the world that the terrorist organization dedicated to killing Jews is “committed to peace.” One year later, he was diagnosed with cancer, and melanomas were found in his brain and liver. After only a few months of treatment, the doctors pronounced him cancer-free. Pembrolizumab, a drug developed in Israel, was a key element in his treatment. 

2005:  Ariel Sharon endorsed the Roadmap for Peace and began plans to remove the Jewish population of Gush Katif from the Gaza Strip. The dismantling of the Jewish settlements was scheduled for August 15th, 2005, the day after Tisha b’Av, the anniversary of both Jewish Temples being destroyed.

This disengagement was due to US pressure. Less than two weeks later, Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana, leaving thousands of Americans homeless and killing at least 1,833. The damage was estimated at over $108 billion.

Here;  EXPERT: Hurricanes consequence of Biden pressure on Israel for Two-State Solution - Israel365 News

Young Men Going Back to Church? Oh no! Liberals are Disturbed!

Sometimes you have to read from super liberal sources just so can try and comprehend the far-left worldview.  This article is from a far left source.  They are simply amazed to discover that one group of Americans are moving back to the right after decades of everyone moving to the Left.  In their humanist worldview, organized religion has no purpose and they are proud that the public schools, colleges and universities have churned out vast majorities of atheists, agnostics and non-religious folks.  But now the men of Gen Z are heading back to church and even looking for a purpose in this life!  Oh no!


Something strange is going on with young men in America. For decades, young voters have leaned left compared to older ones: Millennials remain the most liberal generation of American adults, and as more zoomers reach adulthood, they seem set to surpass even their predecessors’ liberalism. A related shift in religiosity is also underway, with millennials being the least religious generation in American history, and members of Gen Z similarly moving away from organized faith traditions.

But within these macro trends, a divide has cleaved open. Among zoomers, young men are now more religious than young women—and women have defected from the Christian faith in larger numbers than young men. And while men, in general, are slightly more conservative than women, young men seem to be much more conservative than young women, especially as young women have banked hard to the left. And the youngest voters—those under the age of 25–may even be more conservative than voters ages 25 to 30.

According to a broad survey conducted by the American Enterprise Institute, zoomer men are also less likely to identify as feminists than millennial men, even while zoomer women are more likely to be feminists than millennial women. And young men are more likely than older ones to say men in America face some or a lot of discrimination.

Behind all of these trends—women becoming more liberal and moving away from religion and motherhood, men moving toward religiosity and conservativism and away from feminism—may be the same deeper motivation: a search for some kind of structure or purpose.

That pursuit looks very different for both of these cohorts because of real changes in each group’s circumstances, social position, and life prospects. In the U.S., women are simultaneously doing better than ever before and enjoying historic opportunities for education and work while also seeing their most basic rights—chief among them the right to determine the number and spacing of their children—not only contested but broadly constrained.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Iran Says Relationship With Russia is “Stronger by the Day”

 Ezekiel said it would happen and he wrote it down 2800 years ago!  Of course in God’s time zone that was just a few days ago, but for us it’s amazing!  Russia, Turkey and Iran and going to lead a coalition with plans on destroying Israel and it’s coming together in front of our eyes.


Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said Iran-Russia relations are growing "stronger day by day" as he met Russian President Vladimir Putin today for the first time, according to Russian news agency TASS.

Putin met Pezeshkian, a former cardiac surgeon turned politician who was elected in July, in Turkmenistan's capital Ashgabat. Their meeting focused on discussing "bilateral issues" as well as "the situation in the Middle East," according to Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov.

Pezeshkian said of the relation between the two countries: "Iran-Russia relations are strategic and sincere. Our cooperation is getting stronger day by day in economic and cultural fields."

The meeting on October 11 follows heightening tensions between Iran and Israel. Israel threatened "lethal" retaliation following Iranian missile attacks on Israel earlier this month, and there are concerns about the two countries' military relations, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused Iran of sending ballistic missiles to Russia to be used in Ukraine.

Israeli Strike in Damascus Kills Seven

 We are dedicated to try and post every headline that has Israel and Damascus in it.  One day, maybe soon, Damascus is going to be made into a heap of ruins and men won’t live there anymore.  It would appear that Israel is going to be the destroyers.  Isaiah 17


Syrian state media reported on Tuesday that an Israeli airstrike targeted a residential building in Damascus, killing seven people and wounding 11 others.

The strike, in the Mazzeh district of the Syrian capital, also caused significant material damage, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency.

The U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an organization associated with the Syrian opposition, reported that nine people were killed, including two non-Syrians.

According to Ynet, the target of the strike was Haj Samer, a senior official in Hezbollah’s Unit 4400, responsible for transferring weapons to the terrorist group from Iran and its proxies.

According to the Saudi state-owned Al Arabiya TV channel, the building that was struck was frequented by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah officials.

The upscale neighborhood where the attack occurred is home to the Iranian embassy, which tweeted that no Iranian citizens were killed in the strike.

You Won’t Hear Hear the US Military Arguing About Climate Change

 The day is coming that denying man-made climate change will deny you any leading role in government, military or business.  Of course we sadly know even the military is going woke and recruiting LGBTQ.  I’m sure the days are long gone when a drill sergeant in the marines could call someone a wimpy faggot.

This article explains how the military is being called on to handle the massive storms and fires that seem to happen daily.

Bible readers know what’s happening;  The earth is groaning for its redemption.  But most of the 8 billion people on earth don’t know and don’t care what the Bible says.  The fear of the Lord is in very short supply.


Within the last year, the military deployed nearly 50 times to address wildfires, storm surges, extreme heat, drought, flooding and more — with 41 of these deployments occurring within the U.S. The National Guard is now called on to combat raging wildfires at a rate 12 times higher than just eight years ago, fighting flames nearly year round. With 2024 projected to be the hottest year on record, U.S. troops, alongside local first responders, anticipate having to address more wildfires and hurricanes than ever before.

As some politicians continue to argue about the economic impacts of climate legislation or question the imminent nature of climate threats — in September former President Trump called climate change a “scam” — the U.S. military has reorganized itself around the knowledge that climate change poses an unprecedented risk to national security. It has integrated climate preparedness into many dimensions of planning and operations. This includes not just deployments for humanitarian assistance and disaster response, but also gaming out the geostrategic impacts of the evolving climate, making adaptations to military training, building resilience into installations and shifting to alternative energy sources to improve military effectiveness.

In most parts of the government, the oscillation of electoral politics has resulted in federal climate strategies hitting endless stops and starts. The U.S. military, though, is less subject to this whiplash, given historic bipartisan support for military readiness. As a result, it has become an example of the steady progress that can occur when the U.S. government takes climate change seriously and devotes resources to mitigating risk — rather than ignoring it at a deadly cost. Today, some of the nation’s most cutting-edge climate innovations exist on military properties, including smart grids fitted with energy storage systems and the use of blended biofuels to power ships and aircraft.

Around the world, climate change poses geopolitical risks. As temperatures rise and Arctic sea ice retreats, Russia and China are conducting joint military exercises off America’s Alaskan coast. China’s growing reach extends to scouring the globe for energy, minerals and fish, and enticing existentially threatened small Pacific Island nations with offers of infrastructure and climate assistance. In many drought-stricken regions of Africa and Latin America, agricultural livelihoods are collapsing, making vulnerable communities ripe targets for further terrorist recruitment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What’s Actually Happening in North Carolina?

 A new report claims that North Carolina residents have been forced to bury their dead in their yards as “all the morgues are full” from the victims of Hurricane Helene. 

According to The Spectator World, residents in North Carolina and other southern states have had a difficult time finding space in local morgues for those killed by the massive storm and flooding in the region. As of Monday, over 230 individuals had been killed by Hurricane Helene, while hundreds more remained missing.

Israel Killed Nasrallah Replacements Too

 If you were the President of Iran or the ayatollah of Iran I’d think you be walking around constantly looking over your shoulder.  Or you get the call that you have been voted in as the new leader of Hezbollah…”Ummm…thanks but…”

Netanyahu confirms Nasrallah's replacement dead: ‘Thousands of terrorists’ killed

Hezbollah terror chief was assassinated in September; both potential replacements reportedly now dead

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Blessings and Curses, It's Your Choice

 It's hard to understand how the entire world can look at tiny Israel and not realize that something out of the ordinary is happening.

They were gone from their land for 1700 years but one day in May of 1948 they declared themselves to be the independent state of Israel.

The demonic Muslims were hell-bent on destroying the tiny country so invaded the very next day.  Through a series of miracles Israel held off much more powerful Arab nations.  They invaded again in 1967 and had their butts kicked all the way back to Damascus and Cairo.  

Now Israel is fighting Hezbollah and Hamas (Muslim terrorist organizations) while shooting down missiles sent at them from Iran and Yemen.  How do a few million Jews possibly all these feats off?

Because God is watching.  God is protecting.

On Friday morning, September 27, I saw Bible prophecy being fulfilled before my very eyes as I watched Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on television address the General Assembly of the United Nations. It happened as he approached the podium to deliver his address. As he walked forward, two-thirds of the delegates got up from their seats and walked out. Netanyahu was left with an almost empty auditorium to speak to.

The specific Bible prophecy this event reminded me of was written by the Hebrew prophet Zechariah 2,500 years ago. Speaking of the end times, he prophesied that God will "make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it." (Zechariah 12: 3)

Although the United States delegation to the UN was one of the few that remained in their seats, it has become obvious that America's support of Israel is severely waning. For example, when Netanyahu spoke to Congress in March of 2015, 58 Democrats boycotted the session. When he returned to speak to Congress in July of this year, 128 Democrats refused to attend (100 House members and 28 Senators).

Also, even though President Biden has spoken out strongly in support of Israel, his lack of action has spoken louder than his words. He has refused to send military aid that Congress has approved. And he keeps demanding a cease-fire instead of encouraging Israel to finish off both Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel is determined to defeat its monstrous enemies. Biden wants to appease them.

For over 40 years, I have been teaching that in the end times -- in accordance with Bible prophecy -- all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. In response, American Christians have reacted in disbelief, arguing that our nation would never turn against Israel. But today, the streets of our largest cities and the campuses of our major universities are filled with violent anti-Semitic protestors demanding that our nation abandon Israel in support of two of the world's most vicious terrorist organizations.

How can this be explained?

A Spiritual Anomaly

In natural terms, it cannot be explained, and that is because it is a supernatural phenomenon. The Bible makes it very clear that Satan knows Bible prophecy (Revelation 12:12). Satan can read the signs of the times, and he therefore realizes that the time he has left before Jesus returns is running out fast. He has, therefore, shifted his evil actions against the Jewish people into high gear because he is determined to annihilate them before the return of Jesus. Why? Because the Bible says that a great remnant of the Jews will be saved when Jesus returns (Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 9:27), and Satan is determined to keep that prophecy from being fulfilled.

The reason, of course, is that Satan hates the Jewish people with a passion because:

God chose them to be His witnesses to the world.

Through them God gave the world the Bible.

Through them God gave the world the Messiah.

God has promised that He will save a great remnant of them.

God has promised that through that remnant, He will bless all the nations of the world during the Millennium.

It should be noted that Satan has had considerable success thus far in his attempts to annihilate the Jewish people. Just think: the Jews and Arabs were established at the same time. The Jews came through Abraham's son, Isaac; the Arabs, through Abraham's son, Ishmael. Today, there are 460 million Arabs and only 17 million Jews! Those numbers clearly reflect the degree of persecution the Jews have experienced worldwide during the last 2,000 years.

Also, even though President Biden has spoken out strongly in support of Israel, his lack of action has spoken louder than his words. He has refused to send military aid that Congress has approved. And he keeps demanding a cease-fire instead of encouraging Israel to finish off both Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel is determined to defeat its monstrous enemies. Biden wants to appease them.

For over 40 years, I have been teaching that in the end times -- in accordance with Bible prophecy -- all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. In response, American Christians have reacted in disbelief, arguing that our nation would never turn against Israel. But today, the streets of our largest cities and the campuses of our major universities are filled with violent anti-Semitic protestors demanding that our nation abandon Israel in support of two of the world's most vicious terrorist organizations.

How can this be explained?

A Spiritual Anomaly

In natural terms, it cannot be explained, and that is because it is a supernatural phenomenon. The Bible makes it very clear that Satan knows Bible prophecy (Revelation 12:12). Satan can read the signs of the times, and he therefore realizes that the time he has left before Jesus returns is running out fast. He has, therefore, shifted his evil actions against the Jewish people into high gear because he is determined to annihilate them before the return of Jesus. Why? Because the Bible says that a great remnant of the Jews will be saved when Jesus returns (Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 9:27), and Satan is determined to keep that prophecy from being fulfilled.

The reason, of course, is that Satan hates the Jewish people with a passion because:

God chose them to be His witnesses to the world.
Through them God gave the world the Bible.
Through them God gave the world the Messiah.
God has promised that He will save a great remnant of them.
God has promised that through that remnant, He will bless all the nations of the world during the Millennium.

It should be noted that Satan has had considerable success thus far in his attempts to annihilate the Jewish people. Just think: the Jews and Arabs were established at the same time. The Jews came through Abraham's son, Isaac; the Arabs, through Abraham's son, Ishmael. Today, there are 460 million Arabs and only 17 million Jews! Those numbers clearly reflect the degree of persecution the Jews have experienced worldwide during the last 2,000 years.

I didn't paste the entire article here but I really encourage you to go to the link above and read it all.

If Trump gets into office he might start blessing Israel and maybe God will start blessing America.  If Kamala gets into office and she starts cursing Netanyahu and drawing up plans to divide Israel and give more land to the crazy Muslims, then America will continue going down the road to destruction.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Iranian Leader Says, "Israel Won't Last Long"

 Donald Trump recently told the people at one of his rallies that if Kamala get's elected then Israel wouldn't be around in 2 years.  No surprise really, but Trump clearly doesn't know his Bible real well.

The other person that doesn't know their Bible is the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.  He also recently said that Israel won't be around long.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Friday described Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre of some 1,200 people in Israel as “logical and legal,” and vowed that the Jewish state “will not last long.”

During a rare Friday sermon, Khamenei also defended the Islamic Republic’s massive ballistic missile assault on Israel on Tuesday, saying it “was the minimum punishment for the crimes of the usurping Zionist regime,” and claiming it accorded with international law, as well as Islamic beliefs.

“The resistance in the region will not back down with these martyrdoms, and will win,” the 85-year-old told a crowd of tens of thousands gathered at the Imam Khomeini Grand Mosalla mosque in central Tehran.

“Israel will never defeat Hamas and Hezbollah,” he said, adding that the Iranian terrorist proxies were waging legitimate wars against Israel.

“No one has the right to criticize them,” said Khamenei, who held a rifle by his side during the address.

Ahead of the speech, the Iranian leader presided over a ceremony for Hezbollah terror master Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut on Sept. 27 alongside Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps deputy commander Brig. Gen. Abbas Nilforoushan.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept. 29 said Nasrallah was “not just another terrorist, he was the terrorist. He was the axis of the axes, the main engine of Iran’s axis of evil. He and his people were the architects of the plan to destroy Israel.”

The terror chief’s targeted killing was “a necessary condition in achieving the objectives we have set: Returning the residents of the north safely to their homes and changing the balance of power in the region for years,” said Netanyahu.

Following the assassination, Khamenei was transferred to a more secure location, Reuters reported, citing two regional officials. Before that, he called on Muslims to “stand by the people of Lebanon and the proud Hezbollah with whatever means they have and assist them in confronting the … wicked regime [Israel].”

On Friday, Khamenei described Israel as a “malicious regime” that has “only kept itself standing by the injection of American support.”

The Jewish state “will not last long,” he said.

Here;  Khamenei: Israel ‘will not last long' -

Understand that lot's of folks through history thought they were going to destroy the Jews.  Pharoah, Hitler, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Muslim leaders in 1948, 1967 and 1974.  They are all dead and the Jews are still going strong.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob never slumbers and never rests.  He clearly tells us that when Israel get's brought back into the land, which happened in 1948, Israel will never cease to be a nation.