Friday, July 27, 2018

Congrats! You are Pregnant and Having a “Theybe!”

The leftists continue to sink into the abyss of foolishness.  Some parents are raising their children as sexless and letting the child decide what sex, if any, that they want to be once they are old enough to decide.


FROM NBC NEWS: Parents in the U.S. are increasingly raising children outside traditional gender norms — allowing boys and girls to play with the same toys and wear the same clothes — though experts say this is happening mostly in progressive, well-to-do enclaves. But what makes this “gender-open” style of parenting stand out, and even controversial in some circles, is that the parents do not reveal the sex of their children to anyone. Even the children, who are aware of their own body parts and how they may differ from others, are not taught to associate those body parts with being a boy or girl. If no one knows a child’s sex, these parents theorize, the child can’t be pigeonholed into gender stereotypes. Is Zyler a boy or a girl? How about Kadyn? That’s a question their parents, Nate and Julia Sharpe, say only the twins can decide. The Cambridge, Mass., couple represent a small group of parents raising ‘theybies’ — children being brought up without gender designation from birth. A Facebook community for these parents currently claims about 220 members across the U.S. “A theyby is, I think, different things to different people,” Nate Sharpe told NBC News. “For us, it means raising our kids with gender-neutral pronouns — so, ‘they,’ ‘them,’ ‘their,’ rather than assigning ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘him,’ ‘her’ from birth based on their anatomy.” 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

NASA Reveals Plans to Stop Asteroids Before they Hit Earth

This is an interesting article because the Bible clearly says that during the Great Tribulation a "burning mountain" will come crashing into the sea and mess up the fresh water and green grass.

NASA is putting together some plans, as we speak, to try and prevent any burning mountains flying through space from crashing into earth.

NASA has updated its plans to deflect potentially hazardous Earth-bound asteroids — and none of them involve Bruce Willis.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a new report Thursday titled the "National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan." The 18-page document outlines the steps that NASA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency will take over the next 10 years to both prevent dangerous asteroids from striking Earth and prepare the country for the potential consequences of such an event.

If you haven't seen the movie with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis about how they stopped a massive meteor from destroying's pretty good.  I think it's called ARMAGEDDON but I could be wrong.

Revelation 8
8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

L & T of LGBT Are at War

According to this article the Lesbians are not happy with the Transgenders and some lesbians are calling for their L to be dropped from the LGBTQ club.

So what's the problems?  Intolerance?  Transphobia?  Bullying?  Hate speech?  Maybe the L are just on the "wrong side of history"?  After all, if a man says he is a woman, WHO ARE YOU to say that he's not?  And if that same man transitions into a woman and then still wants to have sex with a woman...then HE IS A LESBIAN!  So deal with it!!

It’s open warfare now between the “L” and the “T” of the LGBT movement.

An organization for lesbians has launched a formal online blast at LGBT activists for calling them “transphobes” and they want the LGBT coalition to drop the “L.”

The lesbians argue they are women attracted to women and there’s no room for men who claim they are women.

Biology does make a difference, a big difference, they insist, and it’s not enough to simply “identify” as being of a particular gender.

The argument appeared in a letter the Lesbian Rights Alliance in the United Kingdom recently posted online that was directed toward Stonewall, the U.K. organization that campaigns for LGBT causes.

“Stonewall does not recognize or represent the many young women who reject conventional feminine stereotypes in appearance and sex roles, and who become lesbians at puberty,” the letter charged.

“Instead, you support the trans argument that many gender non-conforming lesbians must really be men, born with ‘male brains’ in the ‘wrong body.'”

The organization is demanding Stonewall stop claiming to represent lesbians, ordering the group to “Remove the L from LGBT.”

The poor liberals are going to get so confused about their sexuality!  What's an LGBTQ supposed to do??  Oh yeah...they are supposed to add an "M" to their stand in solidarity with their MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS. 

We would call them pedophiles....but that sounds like bullying.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July Blood Moon Has No Connection to Bible Prophecy

It is true that when "prophets" come forward and say "This FOR SURE is going to happen on this date!" and then the date comes and causes dispersion to be cast upon the word of God.

We wonder if some of the Blood Moon preachers shouldn't take a chill-pill and quit saying something for sure is going to happen when the moon turns red over Israel in 3 days?


The latest member to board the biblical illiteracy club is post toastie false teacher Paul Begley. He has made a video breathlessly warning about the  upcoming ‘blood moon’ and the myriad apocalyptic signs that will be attached to it. But rest easy, Christian, Begley’s prophecy, along with those of failed predictors like Irwin Baxter, Stephen Fletcher, John Hagee, Mark Biltz, David Meade in 2017, David Meade in 2018, and all the others, will come to naught.

A simple look at the book of Joel and taking that prophecy we find there in context, rightly divided, show a 100% impossibility of the upcoming orange moon on July 27th having anything to do with the Bible. Take a look.

“And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” Joel 2:30,31 (KJV)

Joel is talking about a very specific period of time known as the time of Jacob’s trouble. The events that he sees through the eye of prophecy, revealed to him by the LORD, will take place at the Battle of Armageddon at the Second Coming of King Jesus and His Army made of up raptured Church soldiers.

Furthermore, you will note that Joel is not telling us that the moon will turn orange, or red, or any color at all. Joel is telling us, if you can believe it and I do, that the moon will turn into blood. Not blood colored, but it will become a ball of glowing blood.

Paul Begley is another one of those Post Toasties who is just so excited about putting the Church in the time of Jacob’s trouble, a teaching not found anywhere in the Bible. But don’t let a little thing like the Bible stop you, Paul.

This morning on the news I saw photos of historic flooding in Pennsylvania and Colorado, historic heat in California and historic wild fires in the West.  Nature seems to be groaning almost every day by giving us regular displays of nature's fury.

The godless will yell their typical refrain, "It's all man-made global warming to blame and we are going to destroy Mother Nature and maybe already have!"

The God-fearing will look at the distress of nations, the rise of race against race, the rise of drug abuse, the rise of perversion, the breakdown of the family, the false teachers in our pulpits, the return of Israel to the Promised Land and the shaking of fists at Jesus the Messiah and think, "Hmmm....I won't be surprised if Jesus were to return on any given day now.  Even so, Come Lord Jesus!"  And then leave it at that!!

Once they start giving precise predictions of WHEN God is going to do something based on such and such a "sign"....then they have crossed the line.  That's my opinion anyway.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

Trump Warns Iran

Of course you remember how Trump called North Korea's leader "Rocket man" because he kept launching rockets that the entire world knew were being tested for nuclear weapons delivery?

We already know that the liberals went insane because they were convinced Trump would start a nuclear war with North Korea if he kept pissing off their dictator by calling him silly names!

It turns out Kim Jong Un was actually scared of what Trump and his military might do to him so he decided to set up a conference with Trump to discuss their futures.

Maybe bullying actually does serve a limited purpose?

Yesterday was North Korea and now today Trump is responding with tough talk to Iran.

President Trump late Sunday tweeted out to Iranian President Rouhani to never threaten the U.S. again or face historic consequences.

The tweet came on the heels of Rouhani’s warning to Trump that hostile policies could lead to the “mother of all wars" with Iran.

Trump called for Rouhani to stop the rhetoric or--in caps lock-- “suffer the consequences the like of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death. Be cautious!”

I, for one, love Trumps words on this issue!!  While his predecessors hid their heads in the sand when Iran's leaders scream "Death to America!" on a daily basis, Trump calls them "demented words of violence and death."  Amen!  It's true!

As we said yesterday, it would appear that Trump has set up Jerusalem, Russia and Iran to take their roles as these last days continue to come upon us.

Ex-Gay Man Gives Testimony

Yes, it's true that WE ALL HAVE sinful desires we are born with.  The problem with LGBTQ agenda is that they refuse to accept God's CLEAR word that this sexual sin of men laying with men, will lead to destruction.

I ran across this article from an ex-gay doctor that confirms the disgusting behavior of homosexual men.

I was twenty-seven years old. Up until that time in my life, I had never had any strong inkling that homosexuality was wrong. I called myself homosexual though I had known since the beginning that I felt strong attractions toward women. Membership in the gay community, even back then, brought with it certain advantages: shortcuts to jobs, fabulous if not glamorous social events, easy sex, endless wit and diversion. By 1998 I had made peace with the physical act between two men, which I never came to like very much. I used poppers and got myself extremely drunk to get through it, trying wherever possible to avoid the most unpleasant act of them all.

My radical left-wing family, full of Marxists and contrarian intellectuals, loved having gay and lesbian friends. A gay brother was somewhat challenging because there were moments when the darkness and evil in the gay community came into view through a brother’s experience, in ways that would not happen through a friend’s experience. I had gotten sick and hurt, once needing to beg for money from siblings because of things going wrong in my world. But for the most part, they applauded homosexuality and me as long as I spared them the details of what I was really doing in the gay life. My religious communities had never been very pious, always wholesome liberal Catholics who preached about helping the poor and fighting injustice, never about chastity or sin.

All that changed in January 1998, because I realized that in immersing myself among homosexuals, I had denied myself membership in any functional community. Many gays I met during my days in homosexuality were undoubtedly good people, but they acted horribly because that was the reality of the world in which we lived. Everyone was distracted and determined to live by unwritten rules about what gay men should and should not do. Gay men should work out, be trim and muscular, be sociable and funny, host parties, and maintain a self-sufficient prosperity so that nobody has to be troubled by anxieties or guilt. Gay men should not be needy, express loneliness, fall into envy or resentment, bother others with their problems, or voice any doubts about whether this Sodom in which we lived was really perhaps diseased and dangerous. Drugs and HIV surrounded us but we had a whole language of euphemisms to deal with overdose, death, and addiction without troubling people. Goodness existed inside these people’s hearts, but it was buried under layers of fluff and silliness. Gay life was fun because it was so shallow and empty, so untroubled by the doldrums of domesticity, nagging, or judgment.

Or at least that is what I thought. Even though the paragraph above sounds vacuous, even dystopian, it held a charm to me and many others…as long as we did not collapse. The cancer caused a collapse of sorts. I had to go on sick leave from Nickelodeon and faced months of difficult recovery. After January 2, the doctors determined that there was a 33% chance that the cancer cells had spread through my lymphatic system into my lungs and other organs. A sweeping procedure that would involve me being on life support and having massive removal of lymph tissue was one option. The only other option was waiting for the January 2 scars to heal, and going through life with a 33% chance of death.

Gay people completely abandoned me. Not just the gay men, the lesbians too. The “trannies” did too. Nobody came to visit me. My roommate moved out to stay with his boyfriend so he wouldn’t be troubled by all my baggage and sorrows. Both he and his boyfriend had contracted HIV and were struggling with poor health, in addition to fighting because each claimed the other infected him. I lay alone each day in a bare apartment in the Bronx, looking up at three framed sketches that comprised the only decor: one of Aretha Franklin, one of Gloria Estefan, and one of Alanis Morissette. It was the 90s.

Read entire article here;

The gay community doesn't seem very loving.  Probably because they have rejected the love of Christ and have ended up having their minds and emotions "given over" to futile thinking.

God created them male and female.  Male and female He created them.  He created women to be a helper for men and created men to love, protect and cherish their women.  And he created the anatomy of a male to fit into the anatomy of a female perfectly!  He then stated that one man and one woman should be joined for life and that when they have sexual intercourse that those two married people become one!

Sexual intercourse is the gift that God gives as a wedding present.  Everything OUT of that design is perversion.

"But Dennis, I was born poly-amorous!!  There is no way that I can give my love to just one woman for the rest of my life so me sleeping with 3 women at the same time when I love them all equally is MY TRUTH because I was born this way!  Don't judge lest ye be judged!"

"But Dennis, I was born as a female but soon realized I was really a man trapped in a woman's body!  I now am transitioning to becoming a man and now have discovered I'm only attracted to gay men!  This is my truth so it must be good, so don't judge lest ye be judged!"  (wait....isn't a woman have sex with a man really just a heterosexual relationship?  I'm so confused....)

"But Dennis, from a very young age I realized that I was sexually attracted to horses.  While all the other boys were looking at Playboy in the garage I was much more interested in looking at pictures of female horses.  Since I was born this way, it can't be wrong!!  Don't judge lest ye be judged!"

Monday, July 23, 2018

Gog's Coming War

Have you noticed how Russia is in the headlines every day for something?

Do you think it's possible that God is being obvious about setting them up on the world stage because they are going to be a major player in Ezekiel 38?  Of course we believe Russia invades Israel AFTER Jesus comes for His bride in the we can chew on that for a while.

Recently, I was listening to a nationally syndicated radio program, and the host made an astonishing observation. She described a recent trip she took to Israel. She talked about looking over the border into Syria. Then she dropped a line that grabbed my attention. She said, “When you look over the border today, you’re not looking at Syria anymore. You’re looking at Russia, Iran, and Turkey.”

This wasn’t a religious broadcast. It was a secular, political talk show. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think the host realized the true significance of her observation. I don’t think she spoke from a perspective of Bible prophecy, and it made her statement even more powerful. Because any objective observer has to agree with her. The nation of Syria no longer exists. It may exist in name, but that’s it. What used to be Syria has been carved up and divided by any number of groups. And the three biggest are Russia, Iran, and Turkey.

Why is this so significant? It’s significant because it sets the stage for an event the Bible prophesied over 2,000 years ago.

The Gog of Magog War

Twenty-six centuries ago, Ezekiel described a last days alliance that will invade Israel from the north. The Bible says a man it refers to as Gog will lead this massive invasion force (Ezekiel 38:2-6). Here are the nations who will join Gog, followed by their modern-day names:

Rosh = Russia

Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan

Persia = Iran

Cush = Sudan

Put = Libya

Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey

Notice anything? That’s right. Of all those nations, the three most powerful – Russia, Iran, and Turkey – now reside in Syria. They have military forces camped on Israel’s border. And not just any border – Israel’s northern border. Remember, Ezekiel said the Gog of Magog invasion force will come from the north (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). So now we have three of the nations in Gog’s invading force perched on Israel’s northern border. Mere coincidence? I don’t think so.

The Bible foretold this exact scenario in Ezekiel 38-39. Never before have the military forces of these three nations been on Israel’s northern border at the same time. And never in the history of the world have the three formed an alliance. At least that is, until now…

In the past two decades, Russia and Iran have become close allies. In 1995, the Russian Ministry for Atomic Energy signed an agreement with Iran to finish the Bushehr nuclear power plant. This work had stopped following the 1979 Islamic revolution. Since then, the two nations continue to strengthen their economic and military ties. Russia is one of the few world powers that consistently defended the existence of Iran’s nuclear program. Today, both nations freely work together to prop up Bashar Assad’s regime and suppress any opposing factions in Syria. They’ve coordinated military operations in Syria and carved the nation into spheres of influence.

Despite thousands of years of recorded history in which there’s no record of such Russian-Iranian cooperation, today we see it.

Yes!!  For the very first time in human history we have cooperation between Russia, Iran and Turkey!  And they all have some of the armies already sitting in Syria just a stones-throw from Israel's border!

Also today we are reading that Israel had to to fire off it's David's Sling missile defense system in order to stop some missiles fired upon them coming from SYRIA!!

Israel used it’s David Sling interceptor system for the first time on Monday, firing two missiles against SS-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles launched from Syria as part of the internal fighting in the war-torn country.

The SS-21 ballistic missiles, which carry a half-ton warhead, were detected by Israel’s aerial defense system when they were fired from south-eastern Syria, and the decision to intercept them was made by the IDF when it was believed that their trajectory would see them fall near the Kinneret in northern Israel.


Tell me the truth....will you honestly be surprised if the trumpet blows any day, week or month now?