Yes, it's true that WE ALL HAVE sinful desires we are born with. The problem with LGBTQ agenda is that they refuse to accept God's CLEAR word that this sexual sin of men laying with men, will lead to destruction.
I ran across this article from an ex-gay doctor that confirms the disgusting behavior of homosexual men.
I was twenty-seven years old. Up until that time in my life, I had never had any strong inkling that homosexuality was wrong. I called myself homosexual though I had known since the beginning that I felt strong attractions toward women. Membership in the gay community, even back then, brought with it certain advantages: shortcuts to jobs, fabulous if not glamorous social events, easy sex, endless wit and diversion. By 1998 I had made peace with the physical act between two men, which I never came to like very much. I used poppers and got myself extremely drunk to get through it, trying wherever possible to avoid the most unpleasant act of them all.
My radical left-wing family, full of Marxists and contrarian intellectuals, loved having gay and lesbian friends. A gay brother was somewhat challenging because there were moments when the darkness and evil in the gay community came into view through a brother’s experience, in ways that would not happen through a friend’s experience. I had gotten sick and hurt, once needing to beg for money from siblings because of things going wrong in my world. But for the most part, they applauded homosexuality and me as long as I spared them the details of what I was really doing in the gay life. My religious communities had never been very pious, always wholesome liberal Catholics who preached about helping the poor and fighting injustice, never about chastity or sin.
All that changed in January 1998, because I realized that in immersing myself among homosexuals, I had denied myself membership in any functional community. Many gays I met during my days in homosexuality were undoubtedly good people, but they acted horribly because that was the reality of the world in which we lived. Everyone was distracted and determined to live by unwritten rules about what gay men should and should not do. Gay men should work out, be trim and muscular, be sociable and funny, host parties, and maintain a self-sufficient prosperity so that nobody has to be troubled by anxieties or guilt. Gay men should not be needy, express loneliness, fall into envy or resentment, bother others with their problems, or voice any doubts about whether this Sodom in which we lived was really perhaps diseased and dangerous. Drugs and HIV surrounded us but we had a whole language of euphemisms to deal with overdose, death, and addiction without troubling people. Goodness existed inside these people’s hearts, but it was buried under layers of fluff and silliness. Gay life was fun because it was so shallow and empty, so untroubled by the doldrums of domesticity, nagging, or judgment.
Or at least that is what I thought. Even though the paragraph above sounds vacuous, even dystopian, it held a charm to me and many others…as long as we did not collapse. The cancer caused a collapse of sorts. I had to go on sick leave from Nickelodeon and faced months of difficult recovery. After January 2, the doctors determined that there was a 33% chance that the cancer cells had spread through my lymphatic system into my lungs and other organs. A sweeping procedure that would involve me being on life support and having massive removal of lymph tissue was one option. The only other option was waiting for the January 2 scars to heal, and going through life with a 33% chance of death.
Gay people completely abandoned me. Not just the gay men, the lesbians too. The “trannies” did too. Nobody came to visit me. My roommate moved out to stay with his boyfriend so he wouldn’t be troubled by all my baggage and sorrows. Both he and his boyfriend had contracted HIV and were struggling with poor health, in addition to fighting because each claimed the other infected him. I lay alone each day in a bare apartment in the Bronx, looking up at three framed sketches that comprised the only decor: one of Aretha Franklin, one of Gloria Estefan, and one of Alanis Morissette. It was the 90s.
Read entire article here;
The gay community doesn't seem very loving. Probably because they have rejected the love of Christ and have ended up having their minds and emotions "given over" to futile thinking.
God created them male and female. Male and female He created them. He created women to be a helper for men and created men to love, protect and cherish their women. And he created the anatomy of a male to fit into the anatomy of a female perfectly! He then stated that one man and one woman should be joined for life and that when they have sexual intercourse that those two married people become one!
Sexual intercourse is the gift that God gives as a wedding present. Everything OUT of that design is perversion.
"But Dennis, I was born poly-amorous!! There is no way that I can give my love to just one woman for the rest of my life so me sleeping with 3 women at the same time when I love them all equally is MY TRUTH because I was born this way! Don't judge lest ye be judged!"
"But Dennis, I was born as a female but soon realized I was really a man trapped in a woman's body! I now am transitioning to becoming a man and now have discovered I'm only attracted to gay men! This is my truth so it must be good, so don't judge lest ye be judged!" (wait....isn't a woman have sex with a man really just a heterosexual relationship? I'm so confused....)
"But Dennis, from a very young age I realized that I was sexually attracted to horses. While all the other boys were looking at Playboy in the garage I was much more interested in looking at pictures of female horses. Since I was born this way, it can't be wrong!! Don't judge lest ye be judged!"