Saturday, May 8, 2021

Vaccine Passport Needed to Enter Canada?

Of course, by now, all of my readers realize that the world is being prepared to show some type of mark in order to buy or sell anything.  


The Canadian government is set to make Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine passports mandatory for travelers entering the country. This includes Americans who want to cross the border. Government ministers claim that the Canadian public supports its push for vaccine passports.

Talking to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Minister of Health Patty Hajdu said the country would  “absolutely” take part in a vaccine passport program. He also confirmed that it was currently in talks with other Group of Seven (G7) nations regarding the rollout of a unified vaccine passport scheme.

“Canadians need to be able to have the right kind of certification for international travel because, as we know, Canadians will want to travel internationally, and they will want to make sure they have the right credentials to do that from a vaccination perspective,” said Hajdu during the radio show.

Hajdu said that she is regularly meeting with the health ministers of other G7 nations regarding what a vaccine passport would look like. She is also talking with them on how to approach the creation of such a passport in a standardized manner.

She believes that Canada will be able to easily fast-track the creation of a vaccine passport by adapting an app that already exists in the country.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Civil War Coming for France?

 Most folks with their eyes open know that Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization.  Their ideas on women's rights, their disdain for free speech and their desire to Islamicise the entire earth would be some really good reasons why you want to keep Muslim immigration to a minimum.

France allowed millions of Muslims to come in as working class folks.  America has Latin Americans coming into our country to do the jobs that Americans don't want or hotel rooms, putting roofs on in summer, picking vegetables, etc...

And now it turns out that the Muslims in France may end up causing bigger problems than simply murdering a journalist for printing a picture of Muhammad.  Remember Charlie Hebdo?  Or screaming Allah Akbar while killing a Jewish-French woman.

A group of retired generals has warned in an open letter that France is sliding toward a civil war due to the government's failure to control mass migration and creeping Islamism in the country. 

The letter, which has broad public support, according to polls, also warns against cultural Marxism, runaway multiculturalism and the expansion of no-go zones in France.

The warning comes amid a wave of jihadist attacks -- including the beheading of a schoolteacher -- committed by young men, none of whom were previously known to French intelligence services. 

The letter also comes after widespread public indignation over a French justice system compromised by political correctness -- as evidenced by the refusal to prosecute an African immigrant from Mali who, while shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the Greatest"), killed an elderly Jewish woman by breaking into her home and pushing her off her balcony.

The breakdown in security, and the government's apparent inability or unwillingness to do anything about it, has catapulted the leader of the conservative National Rally [Rassemblement National] party, Marine Le Pen, to first place, ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron, in polls before presidential elections set for April 2022.

The open letter, published by the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles [Current Values] on April 21 and addressed to the French political establishment, was signed by 20 retired generals, a hundred senior officers more than a thousand other members of the military. A translation of the letter, which calls for a return to French patriotism, reads as follows:

"Mr. President,

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Government,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of Parliament,

"The hour is grave. France is in peril. She is threatened by several mortal dangers. We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, under the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.

"Our tricolor flags are not just pieces of cloth. They symbolize the tradition of those who, throughout the ages, whatever their skin color or religion, served France and gave their lives for her. On these flags, we find, in golden letters, the words, 'Honor and Fatherland.' Today, our honor rests on denouncing the disintegration of our country.

"Disintegration which, through a certain type of anti-racism, has a single goal: to create division, even hatred, between communities on our soil. Today, some speak of racialism, indigenism and decolonial theories, but by using these terms, hateful and fanatic partisans are trying to spark a racial war. 

They despise our country, her traditions, and her culture, and, by attempting to erase her past and her history, want to see her relegated to the dustbin of history. With this objective, they destroy statues and twist centuries-old words and phrases, all to overturn our past military and civilian glories.

"Disintegration which, with Islamism and the suburban hordes [hordes de banlieue], leads to the detachment of large parts of our nation to transform them into territories that are subject to dogmas contrary to our Constitution. Every Frenchman, whatever his belief or non-belief, should everywhere be at home in continental France [l'Hexagone]; there cannot and must not exist any city or district where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

Read it all here;

I continue to read and hear of amazing things that God/Jesus is doing in Muslim nations.  He is appearing to millions of them in dreams and visions and they are leaving Islam behind them like a bad habit.  Praise the Lord!  But to let millions of Allah worshippers into your country with no plans on converting them to your Judeo-Christian values is simply like allowing a Trojan-horse to walk right into your nation, cities and towns.  It's NOT going to end well.

Next up is going to be Sweden.  And then maybe the city of Minneapolis that has elected a Muslim woman to Congress twice and has tens of thousands of Somalia Muslims living in a single area of the city...and it's expanding.  Some have taken to calling the area "Little Mogadishu". 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Pentagon Whistleblower Warns of UFO’s

We know what it is! It’s the same luciferian deceivers who have been deceiving mankind since the earliest days of humanity.  “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood...”


The whistleblower said the highly anticipated report will address what UFO believers have been clamoring to discover about Tic Tac-shaped objects the Navy saw in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by naval aviators in 2014 and mysterious black triangles reported around the world.

“I am not a UFO guy, I am an investigator, my job was (simply) to collect the data and speak the truth,” Elizondo told the US Sun.

“There is something in our skies, we don’t know what it is, we don’t know how it works, we don’t know fully what it can do, we don’t know who is behind the wheel, we don’t know its intentions, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it,” he added.

“If it turns out we have been leapfrogged technologically by a foreign adversary, then we are dealing with an intelligence failure on the level of 9/11,” Elizondo told the outlet. “It took three years to write the 9/11 report — and I am not sure if these things have been in our skies for decades that 180 days is enough time to provide the level of information Congress is asking for and deserves,” he added.

Video Exposes Secret Religion of Rich, Famous and Powerful

 Over a decade ago I dug hard into Freemasonry. I read about the “all seeing eye” on the pyramid printed on back of US Dollar bill.  I saw the footprint of Freemasons all over the country. We said it then and we will say it again, the top levels of Masons are involved in something very dark. Most of the famous people that you watch on TV, vote for in elections and attend their stadium concerts are involved.

This dude used to be involved and is now breaking his silence after Jesus saved from death in a supernatural way.  He recently posted a video on YouTube and we have no idea if it will get pulled down so we decided to post it. We haven’t watched the entire 5 hours but after 1 1/2 hours we realized there is enough truth in here that we are going to watch the rest.

Remember what we have been told all along by God’s word, “We know we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

Yep, you don’t need to look far to see this fact.

Hat tip to Chelsea M.

Charged With Hate Crimes for Tweeting Bible Verse

Yes, it’s Finland today, Canada tomorrow and USA in the coming years. As perversion, transgender mania and gender neutral pronouns continue to be forced upon us, it’s only a matter of time before quoting Genesis could land you in a heap of trouble. “In the beginning God created them male and female.  Male and female He created them.”


A Christian Finnish politician has been charged with multiple hate crimes, after she tweeted a Bible verse and criticised homosexuality, and could face up to 6 years in prison as a result.

Päivi Räsänen, a current Finnish Member of Parliament, and former Minister of the Interior, was charged last week on three hate crimes counts, having been accused of engaging in hate speech for posting about her Christian beliefs on homosexuality. The Finnish Prosecutor General, a leftist who considers communist Nelson Mandela to be her “guru,” announced that after opening the investigation into Räsänen in September 2019, the state had enough evidence to charge her.

The three incidents that Räsänen, who previously led the Christian Democrats, is being charged with, spans a time period of well over a decade. In 2004, she published a booklet about the Bible and sexuality. In 2018, Räsänen was spoke on a talk radio show on the topic of “what would Jesus think about homosexuals.” In 2019, she posted the Bible verse Romans 1:24-27, in order to criticise the participation of the Finnish Lutheran Church in the LGBT Pride festival that took place last year, with this last “offence” being the one that triggered the investigation as a whole.

According to YLE, the Finnish Prosecutor General said that her statements were “derogatory and discriminatory against homosexuals,” and violated “their equality and dignity,” and that as a result, her comments would “overstep the boundaries of freedom of speech and religion and are likely to fuel intolerance, contempt and hatred.” Each count could result in a 2 year prison sentence or fine, meaning that Räsänen could be facing up to 6 years in prison in total.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Daily War Against Police Officers

 If you haven't seen this yet you really must watch it.  A police officer pulls over a lady and she instantly starts recording his approach with her cell phone AND calls him a murderer.  She continues to berate him and hassle him.  Finally she goes full racist on him because he is Latino.  She says he'll never be white but will always be "just be a Mexican".

Also this lady claims to be a teacher.  We hope this goes viral and her face gets recognized and she can be held accountable for being a racist.  If she is a teacher we hope the parents of her students demand she resign.

Rarely do we hear an individual so thoroughly disgrace herself as this woman did during a traffic stop by a Latino Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy last month.

She had been pulled over for using her cell phone while driving.

The deputy approaches the car and tells her, “I pulled you over today because … “

“Because you’re a murderer,” she says, interrupting him. During their brief encounter, she repeatedly calls the deputy a “murderer.” She insists that he call his supervisor because “you’re threatening to kill me and my son.”

The deputy is the model of restraint. He remains calm and polite as she spews her poison.

She concludes by informing him that he will never be white.

“You’re always gonna be a Mexican, you’ll never be white, you know that?” she says. “You’ll never be white, which is what you really want to be.”

The interaction documented in this video is what the repeated vilification of police officers leads to. It gives this woman and countless others like her a license to treat cops as if they were sub-human.

It’s heartbreaking to watch. The officer is exhausted, heartbroken with the state of his country. He, like many others, has to go to work every day and face the anti-cop rhetoric that has ripped through the U.S. Most cops are good. But the good ones have to face hatred every day thanks to a stream of politically driven attacks from the left.

Here;  Watch: Cop Shows Admirable Restraint in the Face of Horrific Tongue-Lashing from Angry Driver (

Even though her face is blurred out many of the commenters say you can clearly see the lady is black if you look at her hands.  This would make it even more interesting when she tells the officer that he is a Mexican who really wants to be white but will never be white.  We wonder if the MSM would pick up this story if it was a white woman saying such nasty things to a black cop?  We are going to guess they would!  That would meet their narrative.  But if it's a black woman saying racist things against Latinos...pass.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Is USA's National Debt Nearing the Tipping Point?

 We have blogged on this topic for years.  Just when you think $10 trillion is too much debt, we raise it to $20 trillion and now with COVID relief funds being added by the trillions it's near $30 trillion.  There seems to be no end in sight!  But according to some authors writing for financial journals this is really no problem because "this time it's different."  According to them the $trillions is really just a number and has no real meaning because they believe USA can borrow all the money it wants!  There is no limit!

Last week, President Biden pitched a new plan to Americans before a joint session of Congress: more spending.

The just-released $1.8 trillion plan, presented just weeks after Biden signed a $1.9 trillion in COVID relief spending into law, includes "free" community college as well as universal preschool for all three and four-year-olds.

"Mr. Biden could usher in a new era that fundamentally expands the size and role of the federal government," The New York Times reported.

The announcement comes months after the Congressional Budget Office released a report projecting a $2.3 trillion deficit in 2021.

Biden's plan will almost certainly make the deficit worse. Though the plan contains various tax increases to fund its programs, the taxes are likely to fall well short of government outlays, economists say.

"The laws of economics are more rigid than the laws of the federal government, and these tax hikes are unlikely to yield the windfall Biden expects," Joshua Jahani, the managing director of Jahani and Associates, noted in a recent NBC News article.

As a result, the $28.2 trillion national debt will swell even faster. Worse, when unfunded liabilities are included in the balance sheet, as private companies are legally required to do, the debt exceeds $120 trillion.

How much risk these obligations present is unclear.

There is a school of thought that suggests these debts pose no serious risk. After all, in theory, a government can roll over its debt indefinitely. However, in a recent article for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, economist David Andolfatto noted that ultimately the government doesn't decide how much debt is bearable. The market does.

"There is presumably a limit to how much the market is willing or able to absorb in the way of Treasury securities, for a given price level (or inflation rate) and a given structure of interest rates," Andolfatto wrote. "However, no one really knows how high the debt-to-GDP ratio can get. We can only know once we get there."

Andolfatto is right that no one really knows the debt tipping point. But it's worth noting that the US debt-to-GDP ratio--essentially a country's debt compared to its annual economic output--was 129 percent at the end of 2020. In other words, the official US debt was nearly a third larger than the entire US economy.

That is considerably higher than Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio in 2010, when it received a bailout from the International Monetary Fund to avoid defaulting on its obligations.

The United States is not Greece, of course. Its economic potential is far greater, and it is operating under a currency it controls. But there's no denying that the US is in uncharted territory. 

Today, the federal government debt-to-GDP ratio is higher than it was at the conclusion of World War II, when the nation assembled one of the largest armies the world has ever seen. Perhaps even worse, the government is piling on debt faster than ever.

So we won't know until we get there!  So what does that look like?  We have a bond auction and no one shows up to buy the US Treasury Bonds?  And then what?  Well, then we start to have a crisis of confidence.  And since our whole financial system is based on faith and confidence and the confidence has left the room, things could get ugly really quick.

As bonds mature and have to be refinanced the market demands more interest because they deem the bonds to hold more risk.  And when those rates on $30 trillion go up to 5%, 6%, 7% or more then the US Government doesn't collect enough taxes in all the land to even pay the interest on those bonds.  So then they have to raise taxes or print more money.  Both of those ideas would be bad for the economy and bad for the value of the US Dollar.

We continue to pray that God holds this country together until the rapture of the church.  People will be buying, selling, marrying, planting and building and will have no idea until it's too late.  Jesus comes to take His bride off this earth and take us to the place he has prepared for us.  If that wasn't true would he have told us such?

And when millions of Americans vanish and aren't around to pay their mortgages, car payments and taxes, America will start to collapse very quickly.

It's almost like we can see the writing on the wall.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!  Your will be done!