Friday, December 1, 2023

Top 10 Prophetic Movements of 2023

 The article below is from Jan Markell at Olive Tree Ministries.  We are certainly a blessed generation that is witnessing “all these things beginning to happen.”  Keep looking up!  Our redemption is drawing near.


As each year winds down, I like to review and see how Bible prophecy was fulfilled or has elements of fulfillment throughout the year. I always have too many options to choose from—and maybe that is a nice dilemma. We’re in a countdown to the close of the Church Age. Here are my top ten selections for this year. Many selections have ties to “black Sabbath”–October 7:

1) The world decided that Israel became the international burdensome stone (Zech. 12:3).Whoever expected this new malady, Israel Derangement Syndrome, in their lifetime? We know that “the Time of Jacob’s Trouble” will be a time of Jew-hatred, but in the Church Age? And this is a hatred of a people based only on identity. A people group that has been a blessing to the world!

2Israel now longs for peace like never before. She will fall for Mr. Fix-Its peace plan of Daniel 9:27. She just wants to get along with her neighbors, the Arab world, the Muslim world, and all her enemies. She has had 75 years of conflict, preceded by the Holocaust. But with centuries of demonic hatred thrown at her, the Antichrist will be stunning in his deceit of a nation longing for peace and security. He will overwhelm them in his efforts.

3) For a segment of society, love has grown cold. This is a Tribulation reference in Matthew 24, but we’re in a run-up to that. We’re watching large segments of society favor barbarians. Millions have sided with the butchers of Hamas! There are Facebook groups praising Hamas. College campuses know no shame. Jewish students are hiding in secluded areas. And much of the world, and parts of the church, shrug in indifference and seem to enjoy cursing Israel.

4) Gog & Magog further align as they unite against Israel. One periodical reports that “Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan wants to lead the Muslim world against Israel so his country can become a great power.” Russia has pledged to come to Iran’s rescue if Israel attacks. The three power players of Ezekiel 38-39 are Russia, Turkey, and Iran. They are aligning more every day and particularly in 2023.

5) The church is slipping further into apostasy. Many churches revealed theology that has encouraged them to remain silent during Israel’s greatest crisis since the Holocaust. Many openly sided with the so-called Palestinians. The silence of the shepherds has been staggering and devastating to many church members. Too many won’t deal with prophecy, current events, or Israel and won’t take a stand. It’s time to call out evil and to love what and who God loves. Too many churches refuse, and this year exposed them.

6) The Jews are coming home in greater numbers and are more open to the gospel. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, there has been a 149% increase in interest to return to Israel from Jewish French citizens and an 81% increase from North American Jews. The trauma of October 7 will leave deep scars on the nation and people forever. The crisis is driving the Jews to seek God like never before in history. Many are leaving secularism, mysticism, and more to call out to the God of the Bible.

7) Strong delusion (II Thess. 2) intensifies and abounds! The Biden Administration continues to give Iran billions. The White House expresses deep concern about Islamophobia, not anti-Semitism! Biden gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to mosques. We have seen young people praise Osama bin Laden in spite of the reality of radical Islam. The solution in the Middle East is a Palestinian state! Everywhere, evil is called good (Is. 5:20), and facts are irrelevant due to the delusions of our day. Only the righteous can see straight!

8) The intensified longing for a world leader as American leadership is weak and non-existent in the Executive Branch. Soon, world leaders will line up in Pied Piper-like fashion behind a man-with-a-plan who will guarantee peace and stability. He will exude global leadership. The world is ready due to America’s absence.

9) The intensification of perilous times (II Tim. 3), violence, and spirit of the Antichrist. We are warned of October 7 “copycat attacks” around the world! America’s southern border invites chaos. Rogue nations are threatening with nukes. World war seems inevitable. And the Tribulation has not even begun!

10) There is an explosion of global reprobate minds (Romans 1). Things have taken a dark turn unlike anything seen in modern times. The world has become unhinged on a greater level than WWII. People clearly have been “given over.” Up is down; black is white. Men can be women and vice versa. Israel is apartheid; Hamas are freedom fighters. Normal or Godly thinking does not come to these conclusions!

I could list 110 markers that reveal the hour is desperately late! You can’t tell the players without a printed program, and that would be the Bible—the most accurate chronicler of world events we could have ever been given! Jesus is coming—perhaps today!

Palestinians Overwhelmingly Support Hamas and Muslim Terror

The Left keeps trumpeting the phrase “innocent Palestinians”, about the same time they chant “from the river to the sea!”, which is nothing more than a death wish for all of Israel and Jews.  But the polls continue to show that the so-called Palestinians aren’t innocent at all!  Not only did they give birth and raise 40,000 Hamas terrorists but to this day they continue to support the rape, murder and kidnapping of Israelis.

Bible readers know than when God started giving the Promised Land to the Jews during the last days of Moses, He told them to go into the land and kill everybody.  Don’t let any men, women, children or even animals get past the sword.  Why?  Because they were so wicked and evil that the land needed to be purged of any trace of their demonic wickedness.  

The Arabs of Palestine have been offered their own state 5 times in past 75 years and they always reject it since it acknowledges a Jewish state next door.  Think about what the Bible says about the descendants of Ishmael and then think about the miserable Muslim nations that constantly hate each other and hate the People of Promise, which are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob.

He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

 Contrary to claims from some on the left in the debate surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, support for the Islamic terrorist group remains high in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, even weeks after the brutal massacre on October 7. The atrocities of that day, including rape, kidnapping, and torture of infants, also garner significant support among Muslims.

From October 31 to November 7, the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) examined Palestinians’ attitudes toward various Islamic terrorist groups, countries, media, and organizations.

Ninety-eight percent stated that they will never forget or forgive the Israeli attacks in response to the Hamas massacre. A slightly lower percentage, 90 percent, indicated that coexistence is increasingly impossible.

An overwhelming 75 percent support the massacre of innocent Israelis and Jews on October 7, with only 13 percent opposed.

Additionally, 98% of respondents reported feeling prouder of their Palestinian identity since Hamas attacked Israel. Eighty percent said that their resolve to achieve a Palestinian state has increased.

Concerning trust and support for terrorist groups, countries, and media, Hamas ranks among the highest, while the USA, Israel, and the West are at the bottom.

Amidst the recent conflict, news consumption trends among Palestinians revealed distinct preferences. Notably, Islamic-controlled media outlets took precedence, with Al Jazeera emerging as the top choice for news. A significant 62% of adults, and an even more staggering 92% among those favoring regional or Arab stations, preferred Al Jazeera. Al Mayadeen secured the second spot, followed by Al Arabiya.

Telegram is the primary source for war-related news on social media, cited by 48% of users. Facebook followed at 31%, with Instagram and WhatsApp contributing 10% and 9%, respectively—notably, TikTok or Twitter (X) as the primary news source was reported by less than 1%.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Massive Ocean of Water Found Under Earths Surface

 We think it’s awesome to contemplate the Days of Noah and to think about the firmament and the “great springs of the deep” that were broken and opened to flood the earth like never before. It hadn’t rained on earth until then.  The entire earth was like a greenhouse of perfect temperature with the firmament blocking the suns direct rays and spreading heat and humidity all over the planet.  This probably helps to explain why they find trees and forests in what is now called the Arctic and Antarctic regions.  It’s possible that the earth tipped on its axis and land masses were buried forever while mountains shot into the sky.  Maybe that helps to explain why sea creatures are found fossilized on mountains all over the world.  Now today we read more evidence of what the Bible has said all along...the springs of the deep hold a massive amount of water...possibly as much as 3 times what the oceans hold!


It turns out there’s a huge supply of water 400 miles underground stored in rock known as 'ringwoodite'.

Scientists previously discovered that water is stored inside mantle rock in a sponge-like state, which isn’t a liquid, solid or a gas, but instead a fourth state.

The scientific paper titled ‘Dehydration melting at the top of the lower mantle’ was published in 2014 and laid out the findings.

"The ringwoodite is like a sponge, soaking up water, there is something very special about the crystal structure of ringwoodite that allows it to attract hydrogen and trap water," said geophysicist Steve Jacobsen at the time.

"This mineral can contain a lot of water under conditions of the deep mantle,” added Jacobsen, who was part of the team behind the discovery.

He added: "I think we are finally seeing evidence for a whole-Earth water cycle, which may help explain the vast amount of liquid water on the surface of our habitable planet. Scientists have been looking for this missing deep water for decades."

Scientists made the findings at the time after studying earthquakes and discovering that seismometers were picking up shockwaves under the surface of the Earth.

From that, they were able to establish that the water was being held in the rock known as ringwoodite. 

If the rock contained just 1 per cent water, it would mean that there is three times more water under the surface of the Earth than there is in the oceans on the surface.

The Richest Country in the World is Now Bankrupt

Not a surprise here as Kiyosaki has been warning of financial mayhem for quite some time.  But the headline scrolling on Yahoo News for millions to see is what makes this blog-worthy today.  He thinks that gold, silver and real estate are going to save people from the coming wipeout.  This is funny because, as we’ve already pointed out numerous times, the US Govt seized everyone’s gold once in 1933 and they’ll do it again.  Also it’s interesting because the Bible says that “your gold won’t save you” from what’s coming.  And we believe what’s coming is the “time of Jacob’s Trouble”.


 In a recent episode of "The Rich Dad Radio Show," financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki expressed grave concerns about the United States’ financial health.

"America is now bankrupt," he said. "And the question I want to answer today is how [come] America, at one time reportedly the richest country in the world, is now bankrupt?"

While the U.S. hasn’t legally declared bankruptcy, Kiyosaki's point underscores the nation’s worsening debt crisis.

As of Nov. 24, the U.S. national debt had reached $33.8 trillion. Guest speaker Jim Clark, CEO of Republic Monetary Exchange, highlighted that actual liabilities, including entitlements, could be as high as $200 trillion.

Fiscal 2023 saw interest payments on this debt rise to $659 billion, marking a 39% increase from the previous year and nearly double the amount in fiscal 2020.

So, how is the famed author protecting his wealth? He's a strong believer in physical assets. Here are two of his favorit

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

DPI Stands for Digital Public Infrastructure, and it’s Coming

 The Revelation story of a cashless society where everybody needs an identifying marker in order to buy or sell anything, is certainly upon us.  Of course the elites aren’t going to test it on civilized society but instead will go to Africa and test it on developing in Nigeria.


Billionaire Bill Gates is aggressively pushing his plan to experiment with “cashless societies” and “digital IDs” in the African nation of Nigeria.

Gates and his foundation are attempting to eliminate physical money and replace it with “digital cash” that’s linked to a global identification system.

The project already has the backing from the World Economic Forum, various “enlisted” UN agencies, and the European Union.

Gates is advancing plans for the “joint undertaking” in the promotion of digital public infrastructure (DPI).

Save the UN, which is supposed to be “the world organization,” all these other actors blatantly represent rich elites; but a lot of their focus with the DPI push is now on underdeveloped or developing countries of “the third world.”

The ongoing experiment in this case is the development and implementation of digital IDs and digital payments by the end of the decade, in as many places as possible.

That is the core intent behind the term “DPI,” which many see as simply a UN, EU, Gates, etc., buzzword.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Preppers in America Reveal Insights

 We all know what a "prepper" is.  There was even a cable show made popular about 15 yrs ago when the financial system almost came down in real estate crash.  These folks are preparing for a huge crash of the system and some have dug bunkers in the woods and filled them with food, guns and water.  They realize that if intricate system ever goes down and the electricity, banks, grocery stores and gas pumps quit working, CHAOS will ensue on a level never before seen.

Personally, we are not preppers in the sense that we aren't planning on how to survive years of power outages and roving militia looking to steel food and supplies, BUT we do think it's smart and easy to make sure you have 3-4 weeks of food, water and supplies.  We have all seen what happens to the local Walmart when a blizzard or hurricane is WHY would you want to leave your house and enter the chaos of panicked shoppers.

Today we see an article about what preppers are planning for.

The results of a survey of preppers that was recently conducted by Fortitude Ranch has been released.  The CEO of Fortitude Ranch, Drew Miller, says that preppers are "folks who watch events and read up on threats" and so they have a really good feel for what is really going on out there.  

Today, millions of Americans are preparing for the collapse of society because we really are facing very serious existential threats which could cause the complex systems that we depend upon on a daily basis to fail at any time.  So I was very interested to examine the results of this new survey, because it gives us some insight into what the prepping community is thinking right now.

 Only preppers were permitted to participate in the survey, and those that responded were asked to identify the three greatest threats to our society.

More than 50 percent selected "loss of electric grid" as one of the greatest threats.  I would not have guessed that this would be the number one response, but without a doubt this is a potential danger that our politicians have neglected.  

Our sun is becoming increasingly active, and it is just a matter of time before a solar storm does a tremendous amount of damage to the grid.  And once the U.S. is involved in a nuclear war, we won't have a functioning grid at all.

"Economic collapse", "bioengineered viruses" and "domestic civil war due to divided country" were all selected by more than 40 percent of respondents.

Obviously, I was glad to see "economic collapse" so high on the list, because I write about that so much.

And I think that "bioengineered viruses" is something that preppers are very focused on right now because we have just been through the COVID pandemic.  We are certainly living during a time when great pestilences will become increasingly common, and so it is imperative for all of us to be prepared for devastating outbreaks of disease.

As for our country being divided, I really do think that 2024 is going to be the most chaotic election year that we have ever seen, and that is extremely unfortunate.

More than 30 percent of respondents identified "terrorist attacks" as one of the greatest threats that we are facing.

But no other response even reached the 20 percent threshold.

A "nuclear war arising from Chinese invasion of Taiwan" barely squeaked over the 10 percent mark, and a "nuclear war arising from Ukraine-Russia conflict" was way under 10 percent.

If this had been a survey of the general population, I could understand such low numbers.

Natural disasters also ranked very low in this survey.

Maybe that is because the Yellowstone supervolcano was the only one that was specifically asked about.

Personally, I would have added an eruption of Mt. Rainier, a tsunami on the east coast, a tsunami on the west coast, a historic earthquake along the New Madrid fault zone and "the Big One" in California as potential responses on this survey.

We are far more vulnerable than most people realize, and I am entirely convinced that there will be unprecedented natural disasters in the United States during the years ahead as our very shaky planet becomes even more unstable.

Here;  Greatest US Threats: Preppers Reveal Insights With New Survey (

Yes, most Americans have NO CLUE as to how fragile our system is and how a giant earthquake on the New Madrid fault, or a solar storm knocking out power lines could totally transform our "normal" lives in the blink of an eye.

We continue to hope that the world WON'T go through a massive collapse until after the rapture because of Jesus' words about eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting and building up until the rapture.  So we believe the world will continue on a "normal" trajectory until all followers of Christ are "on the ark" and safe with our Lord.

Why the Arabs Betrayed the Palestinians

 I posted the link below if you want to read a good article to start to understand WHY their Arab neighbors don’t let Palestinians in...because they don’t like Hamas and they understand that Palestinian parents and schools are responsible for raising their sons to be Hamas terrorists.


  • The stance of the Arabs and Muslims is yet another indication of their disillusionment with the Palestinians in general and Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hizballah and the Houthis -- in particular.

  • Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they are to Israel. Hamas is another branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, which has long posed a threat to their national security.

  • In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar after accusing it of providing support for Islamist terrorists, including Hamas and the Taliban, as well as Iran.

  • Now that their eyes have been once again forced open, the Palestinians should distance themselves from Hamas and other terrorist groups and join forces with those Arabs and Muslims who recognize that to create a better future for their people, it would benefit them immeasurably to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel.

One World Order, One World Taxation, One World Currency

 The whole world is under the control of the Evil One.  He doesn’t need elected officials to carry out his plan.  He doesn’t need Communism or dictators to carry out his plan.  He will get his pawns into the financial system and as we all know, “he who controls the money controls the people.”   We are very, very close to this day when the next financial crisis will hit.  And unless God decides to keep the trap from snapping to allow the fullness of the gentiles to come in, this could lead to the final financial system controlled by the Beast and written about in Revelation.


Not only will the coming crisis destroy more investor wealth than in 2008 and last much longer than the Great Depression, Burke explained, but this crisis will be historic for another reason.   A network of elites will use the next crisis for cover and they will launch their attack.  The financial system will go dark, worldwide.  Trillions of dollars will vanish instantly and, in many cases, permanently.  Hundreds of millions of people will be cut off from their own money for months, or even years.  It will be the biggest confiscation of wealth in history.

Over dinner one night, a senior advisor to BlackRock’s CEO told Rickards: “They want to tell us we can’t sell.”  This slipped comment raised Rickards’ curiosity: “What was she talking about?  Who was she talking about?”  So, he made some calls to his contacts in Washington and on Wall Street.  Shortly afterwards he attended a series of meetings in London, Geneva, New York and South America.  And he began joining the dots. “A pattern emerged,” Rickards said.

“It revealed a network of more than 189 individuals positioned inside the world’s major financial institutions.  Some of them hold senior positions inside the IMF, World Bank and every central bank in the G20 including our own Federal Reserve.”

Later in the interview, Rickards said that these 189 people also control much of what happens at the central banks of China, Russia, India, Brazil, Canada and Europe.  “These institutions form a kind of global superstructure. It forms a kind of snare net encircling all nations,” Rickards said.  “Their leaders aren’t democratically elected, they’re not accountable to you and me, they’re beyond the reach of government [and] citizens and yet, they hold the fate of the global financial system in their hands,” he added.

The global superstructure includes organisations such as the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, central banks, intelligence agencies and the media.  “The elite inhabit all these spheres,” he said.

“These elites share one vision and they’re about to make it a reality. That vision is One World Order, One World Taxation and One World Money … All of their actions are geared toward moving that agenda forward.

“They’ve worked for years behind the scenes preparing to realise that vision. They’ve literally rigged the laws of international finance; everything is basically in place right now and there’s essentially no way to stop this from happening. When the crisis hits, they’ll flip the switch freezing the global financial system.  That will give them time to reset the world economy according to their vision.”

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Israel Bombs Damascus Airport

 As most of you know, anytime a headline appears with Israel and Damascus in it, one should think of Isaiah 17 and know that we may be very close to that being a reality.  We hope it happens after the rapture but certainly no guarantees.


Alleged Israeli airstrikes on Sunday made Syria’s Damascus airport inoperable just hours after flights had resumed, following a similar attack last month.

Syrian media reported Israeli airstrikes against Damascus International Airport and other targets near the capital.

Syria’s state-run news agency, SANA, citing a military source, said Israeli fighter jets fired missiles from the Golan Heights and hit Damascus International Airport and a number of other sites in the area. The pro-government Sham FM radio said the runway at the airport was hit.

SANA claimed that Syrian air defenses intercepted “most” of the Israeli missiles. The Syrian military regularly claims to shoot down incoming missiles, which analysts largely dismiss as empty boasts.

The state-run agency said that “material damage” was caused to the airport, putting it out of service.

Red Flags When Dating in 2023

As we watch our society collapse we think of what this survey would have looked like 50-75 years ago.  Red flags may have been “can’t cook” or “doesn’t like kids” or “is an atheist”.  Today a big red flag that would shut you down from a lot of dates would be saying “there are only 2 genders” or “all lives matter”.  What a pathetic bunch of 20-somethings we have raised!  We allowed their minds to get screwed over by liberals in public schools, Hollywood and refusing to insist they were in church every Sunday learning about the Fear of the Lord and how important it is.  Oh yeah, I forgot...most churches in America quit mentioning the The Fear of the Lord a long time ago, so they are plenty to blame too.


According to a recent survey by Change Research, the biggest dating red flag for men is when someone identifies as a communist. A whopping 64% said this political leaning would be a turnoff.

Communism is a far-left ideology that advocates for all wealth and property to be communally owned.

Coming in second place was having no hobbies, followed by identifying as a “MAGA Republican.” The survey did not specify the sexual orientation of respondents.

More than half, 55%, of women said identifying as a communist is a red flag, but other sociopolitical stances were more problematic.

A potential partner saying that there are only two genders or saying “all lives matter” were both bigger red flags than being a communist — so was having no hobbies.

Being a “MAGA Republican” was the biggest red flag, with 76% of women saying this was not a desirable trait. 

The survey results demonstrate a broader trend of men and women having increasingly divergent political views. In 2021, 44% of women identified as liberal, while only 25% of men did, according to the Survey for American Life.

A decade ago, 30% of women and 27% of men identified as liberal.