Would Jesus Vote For Gay Marriage?
There is a vote going on today in Ireland to legalize gay marriage.
If you want to see how clueless human beings are as to WHO Jesus is, WHY He came to earth and WHAT He did for us.....continue reading this article I will post below.
How would Jesus vote in the gay marriage debate?
If Jesus were somehow plonked down in the middle of us right at this very moment he'd be horrified.
He'd be horrified at the female ankles. At the men with cloth tubes on their legs. He'd be appalled at money lenders, food banks, Beyonce, and the cost of a loaf of bread.
And if you asked him about gays, and gay marriage, and fertility treatment and surrogacy and divorce he'd probably be disgusted that in 2,000 years we've done so much and changed so very little.
But then Jesus was a product of his time. A human being who pooped and peed just like the rest of us do, with an extra big helping of charisma, a slight touch of crazy, and plenty of credulous fans.
A bit like Nigel Farage, but nicer to foreigners.
He was convicted of rebelling against his rulers by preaching unwelcome political messages and had there been a Guantanamo Bay he'd have been thrown in it, except there wasn't so they executed him instead.
Then his body disappeared, and everyone went "ooh it's a miracle, he must have been the son of God as we have all been saying for ages and it definitely wasn't that someone buried him overnight in order to make us think this".
He was, among other things, a great PR man, an exponent of radical social change, and almost certainly a Liberal Democrat.
And he would, quite flipping obviously, have let the gays have their cake.
He would vote yes to gay marriage, too, because the alternative isn't stopping anyone being gay but stopping them from being equal citizens, which is the kind of two-tiered thinking the Romans and the Pharisees had and which he'd be appalled to notice a lot of people still have today.
He would then probably stop to point out that, had he wanted to manifest himself in the modern era, he would not have chosen to do so in a piece of toast and then tell us all to go to hell.
Because if you believe in Jesus or any other prophet, and you believe in the things they supposedly said and which have been misreported ever since, then presumably you believe in pretty much whatever you're told to.
Yet all the prophets have told us to be more decent to each other, and we're still asking ourselves whether we should.
If that doesn't cause the Almighty to repeatedly headdesk I don't know what will.
The alternative, of course, is to make up your own mind without reference to flawed texts or the opinions of a long-dead individual about whether gay people are people like anyone else.
Jesus would tell you to catch yerselves on, and you know it.
Here; http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-would-jesus-vote-gay-5741948
Holy blasphemy!! I only posted a few paragraphs but you should go to the article and read the entire thing.
Also, #VoteYes is a trending hashtag on Twitter today as all the folks in the twittosphere attempt to shove gay marriage onto Ireland....with a huge Catholic population.
Of course the article was written by atheist or a confused CINO (ChristianINnameOnly) who clearly has no clue Jesus' death for our sin was planned by the Trinity since before the foundations of earth!
There are going to be a lot of surprised (What?? You ARE real?) and then terrified (What? Hell is real and you WERE the only way?) people when Jesus returns.
These idiots at The Mirror newspaper WILL bow their knees one day to Jesus....and their words of calling Jesus crazy and saying He would certainly contradict his Father to appease the desires of sodomites in Ireland WILL be played for them at judgment day.
Luke 13:28
“There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. --said Jesus
Just in case you are a new reader....let me be clear....you don't go to hell because you have homosexual lusts, heterosexual lusts, animal lusts or adultery lusts...you will find yourself in hell because of your sin and your refusal to accept Jesus Christ as the ONLY sacrifice capable of washing you white from your filthy life. Hell is our default option. We are ALL HEADING THERE FROM BIRTH....unless Christ saves us....and you accept it through faith.