Saturday, January 1, 2022

CA Starts Off With Wettest Water Year in 40 Years

 We have posted quite a bit in these last few years about how desperate the water situation was getting in CA, NV, AZ and Southwest.  If God wanted to make America squirm He would shut off the water to CA where over 50% of all our edible foods are grown.  The situation was getting close to the “worst ever” in CA but now it would appear that God has “shed His mercy over thee.”  CA has more snowpack today on January 1 than it has by the end of an average year.  Also some parts of the state got 18 inches of rain that literally brought the reservoirs up dozens and dozens of feet almost overnight.  Honestly, we almost have to conclude that this is a special, unique, situational, Divine Intervention that happened in CA because maybe God isn’t done with America quite yet?

“He sends his rain on the righteous and the wicked.”

Friday, December 31, 2021

MN Gov. Walz Plays His Part in "Cancel Culture"

 Our own Gov. Walz decided it was time for him to revisit Minnesota History and overrule what President Lincoln had approved over 150 years ago.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz honored murderers whose executions were personally reviewed and approved by President Abraham Lincoln.

“159 years ago, 38 Dakota men were hung, and three years later, two chiefs were executed. Today, Minnesota reflects on a terrible chapter in our state’s history,” Walz wrote on Twitter Sunday. “We honor them by acknowledging our wrongdoings and recommitting ourselves to a more just and equitable state.”

Apparently, he believes that Minnesota was wrong to execute men convicted of murder who effectively started the U.S.-Dakota War.

On Aug. 17, 1862, four Dakota men fired on some white farmers, killing women and children in a dispute over the farmers’ chicken eggs in Acton Township near modern day Grove City, Minnesota. The four Dakota then retreated to their village where they convinced tribal leaders to go to war with the Minnesotans.

The next day, Dakota warriors attacked farms and settlements in the area. They killed hundreds of Minnesotans, taking hundreds more as prisoners, including women and children. The Milford Township was among the most affected areas, losing over 50 of its residents. A monument now stands to commemorate the innocent lives lost there.

Here;  Walz honors murderers whose executions were approved by President Lincoln (

The idea that we can sit in our Lazy Boys with our remotes and decide who was "good" and who was "bad" hundreds of years later is ludicrous.  It factors into one more example of the delusion that is coming upon us and further dividing the populace between the "woke" and "un-woke".

Did America treat the Native Indians cruelly?  No doubt!  Have people been treating their conquered populations cruelly since human history began?  No doubt!  But the false idea that these Natives were innocent of murder and rape simply because they were Natives is absurd.  And the idea that Gov. Walz has his finger on the justice button more than President Lincoln did 160 years later is sad.

Can and should we learn from history?  Yes!!  Should we go back and judge situations from hundreds of years ago from the armchairs of our comfortable Lazy Boys while drinking a Pepsi and eating chicken wings??  No!  So let's move along and let history stay as history.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Minnesota School Board Agrees to Pay Colored Teachers More Than It Pays Whites

First off, can you even say "colored people"?  I always thought that's the term that ignorant and racist folks used?  I guess it's now politically correct to say "people of color".  This describes anyone who has a darker skin tone that Caucasians I guess.

We really hope that this news comes up as a hoax.  However, it appears to be very real.  As more school boards become "woke" these are the types of idiotic decisions we expect to become the norm.

After brown and black people fought for years in this country to end segregation and inequality, now many of the grandkids of those same brown and black people are pushing for "Black dorms" at colleges, black entertainment, (must be black to try out), blacks only at the playgrounds.  I wonder when they will ask for the "blacks only" drinking fountains to come back to our schools and public places?


If you feel like you live in an alternative universe where reductionism replaces logic and superficiality trumps character, here's more evidence that you may be right. We might just be living in a racist version of The Twilight Zone.

The Mankato School Board in Minnesota voted unanimously to pay non-white teachers “additional stipends” based only on the color of their skin, according to BizPac Review. If you happen to be born black or Native American and teach for the school district, you ostensibly deserve to be paid more than your peers.

You don't have to earn the raise for going the extra mile to help students or for actually doing anything at all. The pay raise is based upon the accident of skin color and nothing else. Forget the fact that nobody gets to determine the color of skin they're born with.

Here;  Racist school board unanimously approves plan to pay non-white teachers more (

This is the VERY DEFINTION of racism!  Treating someone differently based ONLY on the color of their skin!  Yet we see that the "woke" people who come up with these racist ideas suffer from a delusion that makes them incapable of seeing their hypocrisy.

Maybe one more reason for a massive split that has to be coming for America if this insanity continues.  

Nothing New Under the Sun

 As we have all studied the Holocaust of the Germans blaming and then targeting all the Jews for derision, separation and finally death, we come away from it saying, "Well, now we are smart enough!  That will never happen again!"

But check out what is happening in Germany and other places around the world when it comes to those folks who haven't been vaccinated against the Covids.  Check out what's happening in Australia, Finland, Austria and America to those who refuse the "vaccine".  Banned from restaurants, music venues, bars, concerts and even grocery stores.

The Left is so famous for saying how they are the tolerant ones.  Unless you end up disagreeing with them.  And then it turns out the hypocrisy comes flying out at light speed as they become totally intolerant of those who would refuse the "vaccine". 

Thankfully, a lot of the civilized world has had enough with the vaccine mandates and the desire by the vaccinated to make the unvaccinated a pariah. In many places the unvaccinated are taking to the streets in protest.

The Left is famous for screaming "My body!  My choice!" as they lobby for abortion to be legal for any reason and at anytime during the pregnancy.  But of course when it comes to sticking a needle in your arm now they are the ones that have thrown that out the window and instead say, "Lock em up if they won't get the shot!  I hope the idiots all die from their stupidity!"

Hmmmmm......real tolerant.

One of the ways Germans who refuse to take the mandated inoculations are being ostracized is that yellow painted signs reading, "DO NOT BUY FROM UNVAXXED" have appeared on store windows in the Central European country. In response, some protestors have started wearing yellow badges shaped like the Jewish Star of David with the inscription "unvaccinated," drawing a comparison to the Nazis' persecution of Jews during World War II.

"I've said for almost a year that there are some haunting parallels between the 1930s and the 21st century here with this COVID crisis," comments Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries. "A new group of people in the 21st century are becoming the new untouchables, the new yellow-starred people. And that's those who just choose for various reasons, and there are lots of reasons, to be unvaccinated for COVID."

She confesses that she never thought she would see in her lifetime any sort of resurgence of what happened in the '30s, and she believes the whole pandemic fits into end times prophecy.

"Someday the unsaved left behind after the rapture are going to be depending on the Antichrist, and what I see is a conditioning right now for prepping people to trust the government with their major decisions," Markell submits. "Right now that's health and are they going to keep their jobs, but they have to comply in order to please the government."

Markell says she is "shocked" at the thought of how many people are going to be truly left behind to go through the tribulation.


Monday, December 27, 2021

War Drums Are Beating

 While most Americans are cleaning up their Christmas wrappings and planning for New Year’s Eve parties, some very possible life changing events are shaping up all around us.  The situation with Russia massing its military on Ukraine’s border and maybe going head to head with NATO is a lot bigger deal than most of us know.  Also China and Iran are bigger deals than we realize.  And notice as well that the push for a one world government keeps making its way into the forefront even in articles like this one. For  all the folks out there who think that life can’t get any stranger or more crazy than the last 2 years living with Covid, circumstances could happen very quickly that could make all of our comfortable lives here in America a thing of the past.  And do you really think Joe Biden would have a clue what all was going on or what to do about it?  Keep praying that Jesus comes “soon and very soon” because a lot of things could be coming to a head in 2022.


“If Nato fails to protect its member states or its territories,” he warned, “then it will not just be a military and political failure but a complete mental collapse of the system of values that have been built since the end of world war two. It will mean the whole transatlantic community will be in complete disarray and the glue that keeps us together has failed”.

This horse has already bolted. The “glue” holding this ball of wax together is more like slime and “isht” is falling through the cracks in every direction, while the bureaucrats desperately try to hold it all together. It won’t work.

Let me summarise. Like covid, the “cyber pandemic” is a plan-demic designed to usher in the Great Reset (a plan originally made in 1992 and titled Agenda 21 at the UN).

This plan we are told is to “save” the world from a climate crisis, too much consumerism, and inequality. Naturally, in order to “fix” these problems a one world government is needed with communism implemented (changing shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism) and a slave class dependent on government (universal basic income) for their necessities. Necessities which will be provided to or denied based upon one’s social credit score.

These are things that most don’t want to see. Heck, I don’t want to see them. They’re truly and utterly terrifying.