Do you realize that 99% of Muslims have never read or studied the Koran?...but yet they will riot, burn and scream if anyone dares to challenge that crazy book?
Do you realize that 99% of Christians have never read or studied the they have no idea how to defend it or to recognize Satanic lies and false religions?
Here are some great things to understand about the differences between Muhammad and Jesus.
If "allah" sent BOTH Muhammad and Jesus Christ as prophets, as orthodox Muslims believe, one would - or could - assume that their life principles and messages would be in agreement. However, not only is this NOT the case, but their principles and messages are contradictory.
Muslims counter, and attempt to defend themselves against this apparent weakness, by claiming that Jesus of the New Testament is not the Jesus of the Quran, and that the New Testament is unreliable and erroneous. But this argument presents an insurmountable problem for them because the Quran sources the New Testament Gospels for information on Jesus, such as His virgin birth. If the New Testament is a compilation of corrupt writings, then so is the Quran.
Most modern Muslims (at least those in the West) don't really know what the Quran says in entirety. [Once again, this is impossible to know, in terms of organic progression, due to its illogical organization.] There is NO systematic purpose in its literary sense.
A Muslim who is really open, or who will honestly debate, is best reached by using the source documents: the Quran and the New Testament. The Quran being the source for information about the life of Muhammad and the New Testament being the source for information about Jesus Christ. This way, no arguments appear on the surface, or immediately, about which is true or which is the divine record. You are on a level playing field, using the source documents for each.
Moslem scholars, in later years, have attempted to historically reconstruct the life of Muhammad so it would appear comparable to the life of Jesus. As Muslims began to debate Christian scholars they realized that Muhammad was far inferior to Jesus and could NOT be even closely compared to Jesus. When Muhammad's boring life was compared to the supernatural miracle works of Christ Muslim apologists needed to "invent" material to make him look better.
Can you defend your faith in Christ against other folks spewing lies? Are you ready to give a reason for your faith in Christ and what your blessed hope is? Can you honestly say that you spend time every day with your Lord and Savior?
The sad fact is that 99% of Americans have spent more of their earthly time watching football on TV than they have spent reading and studying the Bible.
Let's all ask ourselves this question; Would Christ be pleased with the amount of time we spend abiding in Him and studying in His Word?
If we can't answer, "yes"....why is that?
Hat tip to James L.