Friday, March 12, 2021

Many Saudis Now Saying Jerusalem is Israel's Capital, 3rd Temple Should be Built

 Who could have imagined even a few years ago that these Arab-Muslim nations would start to side with Israel?  And how about the idea that many of them are starting to suggest that the 3rd Temple should be built!

The Trump initiated Abraham Accords is still enjoying ripple effects to this day. A group of people from Saudi Arabia, a country which has yet to normalize relations with Israel and who has traditionally been the biggest backers of the PLO, are tweeting support for Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people and other pro-Israel and pro-peace messages using the hashtag “#قبلة_اليهود_لاتعني_لنا”, which translated from Arabic into: “The Jewish aspirations has nothing to do with us” reports Israellycool. 

Some Saudis went so far as to call for the third Jewish Temple to be built!

Israel365 News initially reported on the phenomenon after many of the comments noted that the Temple Mount has, in fact, no significance to Islam, a claim that is becoming more prominent in Saudi Arabian social discourse


If you are reading your Bibles with you prophetic lenses on, one has to realize that these are some major developments shaping up for the final 7 years of Antichrist and Great Tribulation!  And we all know that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas...meaning that the rapture comes before the Great Tribulation.

Keep looking up!  Don't be surprised if you hear a loud trumpet call!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Milo Comes Out as Ex-Gay

 This article really has nothing to do with prophecy, but it is interesting.  Milo used to be an editor for conservative news, Breitbart.  It used to drive liberals insane that a practicing gay man was a champion of conservative views.

But now it would appear that Milo has had an encounter with Jesus and Jesus is in the process of convicting him of his sodomy sin.

Establishment media have described Milo Yiannopoulos as a "right-wing provocateur," and his appearances on college campuses sometimes have been accompanied by leftist rioting.

Many on the left apparently found it hard to comprehend a gay man supporting conservative views.

Now, Yiannopoulos had another paradox for them to ponder as he identifies himself as "ex-gay."

In an interview with LifeSiteNews published Tuesday, he said he has experienced a transformation over time through his faith in Jesus Christ.

"Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective," he said. "Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church."

He said anyone who has "read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming."

"I wasn’t shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book 'Dangerous', I heavily hinted I might be 'coming out' as straight in the future. And in my recent stream-of-consciousness Telegram feed, I’ve been even more explicit — stomach-churningly so, if the comments under my 'x days without sodomy' posts are anything to go by," Yiannopoulos said.

"I’ve always thought of myself as a Jack Bauer sort of figure — the guy who does the hideous, inexcusable things no one else can stomach, without which the Republic will fall. I know that means my name will always be cursed, and I’ll always be a scorned outsider, so the temptation is to throw out any consideration of living well or truthfully. But even Jack Bauer has to confront his maker sooner or later."


The very idea that you can be ex-gay really has to be rubbing the Leftists wrong!  "You can't change your sexuality!", they will scream!  "Born that way!", is their battle cry for embracing and celebrating their sin.

We sincerely hope that Milo has had an encounter with the living Christ.  Christ loves his bride so much that he won't leave us in our pathetic sinful state.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Pope Says He's Doing What's Necessary to Create a One World Inter-Religious System

 This Pope is certainly the top candidate for FALSE PROPHET if the rapture were to happen today.

Pope Francis called Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani a ‘sage’, and that he was a ‘man of God’, and that all by itself should tell you everything you need to know about the Roman pope and his plans to launch the One World Religion of Chrislam on this world. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is not a ‘man of God’, he is someone that denies the deity of Jesus Christ and denies that He alone is the Saviour of the world. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani represents Antichrist, not God, and so does Pope Francis.

“I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” 1 John 2:21-23 (KJB)

Pope Francis has been called a heretic by conservative Catholics and rightly so, but even if he was in line with traditional Catholicism he would still be facing the fires of Hell as the Roman Catholic Church is not the church that Jesus shed His blood to create on the cross. It is counterfeit Christianity, and not only that, it is the launching pad from which the One World Religion of Chrislam is springing from.

Throughout his papacy, conservatives have criticised his opening to the Muslim world, including the signing in 2019 of a joint document on inter-religious fraternity during a visit to Abu Dhabi. That visit was the first by a pope to the Arabian peninsula, home of Islam’s most sacred sites.

“These are risks but these decision are always taken in prayer,” he said, adding that he found Sistani to be “a great sage, a man of God”, and that the meeting “did my soul good”.

On Sunday morning in Mosul, Francis heard Muslim and Christian residents in the ruined city tell of their lives under Islamic State, which occupied it from 2014 to 2017.

He told reporters the visit to Mosul, where he sat surrounded by the wreckage of buildings, dangling concrete staircases, and cratered ancient churches, had left him shocked by the “unbelievable cruelty” that took place.

Francis said he badly wanted to make a visit to Lebanon as soon as possible to show solidarity with the people of all religions suffering there.


As some have rightly pointed out this pope is 84 years old so many are wondering if he has the time to become the False Prophet even if the rapture happened today.  That's a good point.  But even if he doesn't become the actual False Prophet he is certainly paving the way for the next pope to fill those shoes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Take the Mark in Exchange for Your Freedom!

 We all know that people are willing to go to incredible lengths in order to get out of the fear zone.  They also will most likely incredible things in order to get their freedom back.

"Hey!  Get this mark on your arm that links us to your bank account and your health passport and you will be able to fly again, rent cars again, stay at hotels again, get into sports venues again and shop in grocery stores again!"

Sure!!  I'll take the mark!!

All of us Bible readers are well aware that this past year of COVID has been preparing the populace for DOING AS THEY ARE TOLD which will come full circle during the Great Tribulation.  And next up will be the COVID passports which will be required to do many things.  Of course this COVID passport that proves your vaccination IS NOT the mark of the beast but it's certainly a foreshadowing of what's coming.

CNN provided a platform for NYU medical ‘ethics’ professor Arthur Caplan Sunday, who argued that Americans skeptical of taking the COVID vaccine will soon come around and accept it if their freedoms otherwise remain restricted.

Caplan argued that allowing people to have their freedoms returned after lockdown is the most “powerful incentive” to push the vaccine.

“If you promise people more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive to actually achieve fuller vaccination,” Caplan told Fareed Zakaria.

The segment even began with the infamous ‘show me your papers’ scene from the movie Casablanca:

Caplan argued that Americans will “gain freedom” if a COVID certification system is enacted.\

Caplan continued “Vaccine passports do require access; it’s hard to impose anything unless you are pretty sure that somebody can get a vaccine. So I think it’ll be a little while before we see this, let’s say within the U.S.”

“But there are going to be communities and areas of the country where it starts to make sense due to high availability of the vaccine to say, ‘you wanna come back to work in person? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate. You wanna go in a bar, a restaurant? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate,’” he added.

When asked about the dangers of a two tier society, and who can get access to the vaccine, Caplan stated “I think there will be some inequality in the U.S., but hopefully it’ll wash out quickly as the supplies increase very rapidly, I think they’re going to.”

Caplan predicted that “the world won’t wait for vaccine passports” until all countries are ready, and that they will be put into place regardless of whether poorer or less equipped countries can be a part of the system.

As we reported last week, New York City has unveiled a vaccine passport system in conjunction with IBM, trialling it at two sports events so far.

Covid passport systems, which we have been covering for months now, are being rapidly adopted worldwide both domestically and for international travel, despite the fact that the immunity status of vaccinations is not yet extensively known, and despite warnings that such schemes could lead to mass discrimination against those who choose not to take the shot.


"You wanna buy or sell anything??  Gotta show me your mark!"

Monday, March 8, 2021

A Storm Over the American Republic

 "But Dennis!  This could never happen in America!  This is America!, not some 3rd world dump!  Nothing serious will ever happen to this nation!  We are too smart and too powerful and the world needs us for a variety of reasons."

Yes, we have heard that argument many, many times in the past 15 years.  Of course it has never made sense.  Certainly, God is no respecter of nations.  He sets up any and tears down any that He chooses to accomplish His purposes.  And to falsely believe that America will always be around is to ignore the Word of God.  America is nowhere to be found in Last Days prophecy.  Something is going to happen to cause her to vanish.  Remember, something happened to Babylon, Rome, Greece, England, Spain, France and all the other "once rulers" of civilization.

Are we witnessing America in her final stages of moral, spiritual(God fearing) and financial collapse?

The atmosphere in the United States remains poisonous. Critics claim that stoking in the public is being done on purpose -- to create a false narrative that not only is Trump supposedly a "threat to democracy," but that his more than 74 million supporters are, too. Others, however, claim that the real threat to democracy is actually these serial liars, violators of the Constitution and falsifiers of information.

The right to challenge and criticize, which is an integral part of the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment, appears seriously threatened. The right to defend oneself against charges also appears threatened, and the legal profession dangerous to practice.

Expressing doubts about the November 3 election is now a liability. Substantiated reports show that it was far from perfect. The American economist Peter Navarro, in his private capacity, drew up three meticulous analyses: "The Immaculate Deception," "The Art of the Steal" and "The Navarro Report". They have been zealously disparaged -- many think unjustly.

Some authors describe what is happening as a slide towards authoritarianism. They note that many Americans and corporations, while behaving in an increasingly authoritarian manner, accuse their opponents of being authoritarian -- in other words, blaming their opponents for what they themselves are doing.

For more than three years Trump was accused, without any evidence apart from a fake "dossier", of being a Russian agent. The accusations eventually proved baseless, but not before $32 million of taxpayers' money were spent in what the prosecutors knew from the start was a fraud. They also tried to frame, incriminate and send innocent people to prison. The exercise was, at bottom, nothing more than an attempted coup d'état.

Throughout his entire term, Trump was faced with threats, abuse of power and unremitting attacks. Even though Trump is no longer president, the war against him continues.

If H.R.1 becomes the law of the land, it will entrench those "very things that made the election of 2020 such a mess". These include, among other things, the flooding of states with millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots, failure to verify signatures, no chain of custody of ballots, same-day voter registration, and ballot-harvesting -- many of which are invitations to commit fraud. As a bipartisan report in 2005 from the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III, concluded: mail-in ballots "remain the largest source of potential voter fraud." If H.R.1 is passed in the Senate, countless ways of demolishing election integrity will be set in cement.

What happened on January 6 was unanimously condemned, including by Trump himself. There was no equivalence between those who had come to listen to him and those who marauded. The former had exercised their constitutional rights of free assembly; the latter had committed criminal acts.

Police could have made arrests and justice been served. The page would have been turned. That is not what happened.

Protesters had "stormed" the Capitol several times before: on March 1, 1954, by Puerto Rican Americans who fired guns and injured five congressmen; on March 1, 1971, by members of the radical Weather Underground who placed a bomb in the building; on November 7, 1983, by a group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit, who also placed a bomb in the building; and on October 6, 2018, by people protesting the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Overlooking that, however, on January 7, President Joe Biden described the incident of the day before as a major and unprecedented "attack":

"What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent. It was not disorder. It was not protest. It was chaos. They weren't protesters. Don't dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It's that basic, it's that simple."

The mainstream media spoke of an assault on the "citadel of democracy" and a sign that a "will to overthrow the republic" had taken shape. Trump's supporters -- as a whole -- were described as dangerous people. Trump's constitutional challenge to the result of the November 3 election had already been presented for weeks as an attempt to "overturn" the result of a perfectly irrefutable election and as a "Big Lie". The mayhem, though vicious, was now being presented "as if the U.S. has become a war zone."

Here;  A Storm Over the American Republic :: Gatestone Institute

Proverbs 29  When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

We have a feeling we might be repeating that Proverb a lot in the coming months and years.  The wicked party who applauds abortion, pushes the LGBTQIA godless agenda, worships nature instead of the Creator, scoffs at the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob and explodes at Jesus' claim that He is the "only way", is now driving the boat.  For the most part we are just passengers along for the ride.  

Our blessed hope (and joy of the Lord) is that Jesus is coming soon!  Maybe in the next weeks, months or few years!  We can't know this but we shouldn't stop praying for "thy kingdom to come".  We can see where this whole story is going and we need to be busy doing our part to save people from the fire that has been kindled and get them into the escape pod called Jesus the Christ.