Thursday, November 5, 2015

Could Hackers Knock Out U.S Power?

I'm on my iPad for a few days and it's difficult to blog from so will keep my comments short.

Here in America we are feeling pretty smart.  We can Google anything we need on our Smartphones, we can order anything we want using the Internet, and we can talk to anyone we want using Facebook and our cell phones.

No doubt we are feeling pretty capable!  Especially our younger Americans who have had this technology mitten-clipped to their hands since birth.

So what happens if it all suddenly vanished?

When the lights go out, we usually know why: Mother Nature is at it again.
Most of the time we manage to get through it. But what if the power went out in a number of states affecting millions of people for weeks, even months?
As he was researching his new book about the nation's power grid, veteran journalist Ted Koppel said "frightened" was perhaps too strong a word, "but maybe I should have been."
"Well, they are in. There's no question about it. They are already in the grid. I was told that by the former Chief Scientist of NSA, he stated categorically the Russians are in, the Chinese are in. The Iranians may be on the verge of getting in. And then at the bottom of the capability scale are folks like ISIS, terrorist groups."
The power grid is the system interconnecting North America's supply of electricity. If one area has particularly heavy demand, power from another region can sometimes serve as back-up.
The downside to all this? If a hacker manages to take down an entire grid, a huge portion of the country -- along with parts of Canada -- could go down with it.
The primary reason? Like so much else these days, the grid relies heavily on the Internet.
The statistics coming out this week is that more and more Americans are jettisoning God from their lives.  They ask who needs God anymore?  
"We don't need a thing from you, mythical God, we have everything we need or want!" But Jesus says they are really poor, pitiful and blind and are about to be spit out because of how lukewarm they are.  Read Revelation 3 about the church of Laodicea.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Father and Adopted Son Seek Marriage License

As we untie traditional marriage from its moorings we can expect strange headlines like this to regularly show up.

Couple Seeks Right to Marry.  The hitch?  They are Legally Father and Son


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Putin Disagrees With The Church of Global Warming

Recently, a few self-proclaimed atheists made the challenge to me that Christians were responsible for multiple mass murders over the centuries. "Remember that Inquisition!!"  When I remind them that many famous atheists have been mass murderers (Stalin?) they dismiss that comment by saying that he was a sociopath and insane.

Oh...I when a self-proclaimed Christian kills someone it's Christianity's fault.....but when an atheist kills someone, it has NOTHING to do with his faith worldview.

Friends, EVERYONE has faith in something.  Those folks who claim to be atheists but then are amazed at Mother Nature and marvel at how "she" can make such incredible animals by taking inert objects and turning them into living, breathing, complex life by the millions of species have INCREDIBLE FAITH!  They believe even though there is NO PROOF of any scientist EVER creating life from inert objects.

Shifting gears....the OTHER religion that is currently sweeping the globe is the religion of Global Warming.  Check it out....

The devil can quote Scripture, as any theologian can tell you, and just because Vladimir Putin says something doesn’t make it not so. The big chief of the Russians has challenged the theology of the Church of Global Warming in advance of a convocation of nations this month in Paris to come up with ideas for monetizing a myth.

The wise men of the world, the leaders of governments and a clutch of double-dome prelates and other academics, have prepared a treaty to create an International Tribunal of Climate Justice, with enforcement powers, to enable the deadbeat countries of the third world to nibble at the sovereignty of their betters, and to hail the United States into kangaroo courts to take up American violations of “climate justice,” “climate finance,” “climate debt” and “technology transfers.”

IISD Reporting Services, which tracks what it calls the global sustainable development movement, reports that the conference is empowered to adopt all manner of bad things. The baddest bad thing is the adoption of “a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force … applicable to all parties.” We see writ very large exactly what Barack Obama had in mind when he promised “fundamental change.”

He intends to do as much damage as he can while he still can. A treaty from the Paris conference will be right up the president’s street. He wants the unexceptional nation to be whittled down to the size of Kenya or Indonesia so it can take its place with the inconsequential nations of the world, leaving America tied down, like Gulliver, by the Lilliputians of the modern age.

Vladimir Putin recognized opportunity, and boldly and without apology asserted dominion in the Middle East. Now he has challenged the fraud of global warming, or climate change, or whatever this week’s correct label might be. He applies common sense, backed by accumulating scientific evidence, to the factoids adduced by global-warming hysterics in the West, and dismisses it as mere propaganda. He learned about the uses of factoids-as-evidence when he was an operative of the KGB.

Andrey Illarionov, who was Mr. Putin’s senior economic adviser a decade ago and is now a scholar at the Cato Institute in Washington, tells Reuters how he and the Putin staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate. We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the [human] role is very limited. It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

Mr. Putin acknowledged four years ago, when he went to the South Pole to inspect the polar ice cap, his belief that the climate is indeed changing, but he doubts that humans are causing the sun to shine, the rain to fall and the winds to blow. Earlier generations, more modest than our own, ascribed such phenomena to nature (and nature’s God). Modern man has such a difficult time getting over himself. It’s one of the greater ironies of our time that tutelage for Barack Obama must come from a man like Vladimir Putin. Mr. Obama has lately been learning many things from Mr. Putin, and seems doomed to learn more.

Only last week researchers from several of the usual sources of climate science — NASA, the University of Maryland, Sigma Space Corporation, an engineering firm — reported in the Journal of Glaciology that the polar ice cap is not shrinking, as the scientists insist with religious fervor that it is, but actually growing. An analysis of satellite data shows that ice over Antarctica grew by 112 billion tons between 1992 and 2001, and by 82 billion tons of ice each year between 2003 and 2008.

So much for Antarctica sinking into a rising sea. The polar bears are safe. The climate scientists, always ready with a new excuse, insist the new findings don’t really mean what they mean, and demonstrate only how hard it is to be a climate scientist. They just need better tools at the South Pole.

But confronting the politically correct science of weather is still risky business. Philippe Verdier, a popular television weatherman in France, was sacked last week for being insufficiently respectful of the doctrines of the church of weather science. He writes that he was inspired to write his new book, “Climate Investigation,” by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius when he met with television meteorologists to persuade them to cook the news about global warming to the politically correct recipe. Acute indigestion usually follows gluttony. A Frenchman should know better.


Friends!!  We might find ourselves more on the side of Putin than on the side of our own President!

People are getting fired from their jobs if they so much as question the religion of global warming!

Can you see where this is going?  The liberal left has so convinced themselves that humans have cooked the planet that if ANYONE questions their math or presents facts of COLDER TEMPS and INCREASING ICE they will call you a "denier" and then begin to blame every bad weather event on those 'idiots who deny' global warming.

In fact some extremists in the Church of Global warming are trying to get laws passed that would make it a crime to NOT ACCEPT global warming as fact.  They are so convinced that humans are causing bad weather (whatever 'bad weather' actually means) that to suggest something else is to be labeled as an 'earth terrorist'.

Of course this puts Bible readers and followers of Christ right in their cross hairs.  Why?  Because most folks who read their Bibles know what the Creator said from the very beginning...and most Bible readers know that nothing happens on earth without God allowing if He wants to make the ice thicker, thinner, wetter, drier, hotter, colder...that is HIS prerogative.

When Bible readers see headlines like "Hottest ever!" and "Wettest ever!" and "Most tornadoes ever!" and ""Biggest hurricane ever!".....we tend to marvel at the power of God and rest in the comfort that this world isn't going to come to an end until HE says so.

Genesis 8:22
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Yep!!  That's a promise from God you can rest on.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Stock Markets Are Set For an 80% Correction

Any day now we may wake up to panic in the financial markets that hasn't been seen since 1929.

"But Dennis, God would never do that to America...we are good people!"

Several noted economists and distinguished investors are warning of a 50% stock market crash.
Billionaire Carl Icahn, for example, recently threw up a red flag on national broadcast when he declared, “The public is walking into a trap again as they did in 2007.”
Unfortunately, Icahn’s warning is tame compared to his peers.
“U.S. stocks are now about 80% overvalued,” says Andrew Smithers, the chairman of Smithers & Co. He backs up his prediction using a ratio which proves that the only time in history stocks were this risky was 1929 and 1999. And we all know what happened next. Stocks fell by 89% and 50%, respectively.
Former congressman Ron Paul didn’t mince words either. He warns that the stock market’s “day of reckoning” is fast-approaching. When that day comes, he doesn’t think it’s just going to be a correction, it will be “stock market chaos.”
But there is one distinct warning that should send chills down your spine … that of James Dale Davidson.
As a renowned economist, best-selling author, and founder of Strategic Investment, Davidson makes the strongest case for a looming crisis — “Right now, there are three key economic indicators screaming SELL. They don’t imply that a 50% collapse is looming, it’s already at our doorstep.”

What happens to nations who refuse to bow to their Creator?  Well, history and the Bible would show that their false god gets torn down and the people get thrown into chaos, bondage and fear.

"But Dennis, lots of us Americans go to church a few times a year!  Many of us are VERY charitably minded and we even give $20 at Christmas and Easter!  How can you say our false god is money and material goods?"

A false idol is ANYTHING that takes us away from our relationship with God.  As you know, God gave us His word, via the Bible, and He wants us to study it, know it, believe it and live by it.  Now look around to to your left and your right...then look in the ask yourself an honest question...HOW MANY OF US SPEND WAY MORE TIME watching football, going to hockey games, planning our vacations, planning our dream homes, watching our kids sporting activities, etc...etc...???

Ummmm....99% of us I'm going to guess.

So don't be surprised if sometime soon, trillions and trillions of dollars simply vanishes into thin air...exactly from where it came!!

Hat tip to Bill J.

Postman Rapes Dogs

I have gotten into debates with numerous liberals about homosexuality.  They claim that since gays are born that way, there is nothing wrong with their behavior.

I then ask them if folks who lust after animals and commit bestiality are also born that way.

Many liberals then reply that so few folks have sex with animals that it isn't even worth discussing.

Of course they are dead wrong.  Many, many folks enjoy sex with animals and they are trying to tell us that if the horse, dog or monkey isn't harmed by the behavior....who are they hurting and why should they be made to feel like perverts??

Today we find another headline about a man having sex with animals.

Postman 'had SEX with dogs while delivering mail – and wanted intercourse with horses'

James Allen Darland is said to have boasted about sexually abusing neighbours horses, dogs and sheep to an undercover police officer.
The retired delivery driver bragged he attacked the animals on his route and captured stray dogs, according to police.
Officers arrested the 56-year-old in a sting operation where they posted an online advert offering sex with animals at a remote farm, in exchange for intimate relations with a pooch.
Darland - who drove a delivery truck for a national package delivery service in Arizona, US - allegedly offered the undercover officer sex with his dog he called Playmate.
A statement from Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said he "regaled the detective of stories about his delivery route days where he unabashedly engaged in sex with customer's pets."
Darland allegedly discussed sex acts he planned to perform on an un-neutered dog an officer took along to the meeting.

I will make my point again just in case there is a new reader reading this post....WE ARE ALL BORN WITH SINFUL DESIRES!!  Some are born with desires for sex outside of marriage (fornication), some are born with gay desires, some are born with desires for animals, some are born with desires to lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder.

The Bible says ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD!  That's why we ALL need a savior and Jesus Christ is the ONLY NAME given under heaven who can save us if we repent and accept the work He did on the cross.

"No man comes to the Father except through me." --Jesus

If Jesus can create a universe and all the complex life we see on earth, He certainly has the ability to wash us clean from our sin and change our wicked hearts and our wicked desires...even the desires we are born with.

Photo of A Big Bear Found Wandering on Mars

Sorry but this headline was just too good NOT to post...

SHOCK PICTURE: Call for UN probe after 'Bear pictured walking on Mars'

An image taken from Nasa's online database of Mars photographs has been posted online by UFO hunters amid claims it "clearly" shows a bear or other four-legged mammal walking on the surface of the Red Planet.
One of them, Scott C Waring, who edits website UFO Sightings Daily, is convinced it is a bearand the real deal.
He posts, on an almost daily basis an array of the Nasa images - which are taken by its 4WD Curiosity Rover currently exploring the Martian surface and beamed back to Earth - and points out what he says are "aliens, crabs, statues, buildings, other objects, and even crashed UFOs" hidden among the rocks.
Of the latest find, he said: "This creature has real hair as seen from the shadows around its body. That means its not a statue, but a living creature. 
"This bear-like animal was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. 


While I honestly doubt there is a grizzly-like bear wandering around on Mars...this is just one more headline that the world is reading to prepare humans for the "revelation" that intelligent alien life actually that IF at some point in the future some strange creatures land on earth in a bizarre spaceship and announce they are here to 'save us"....billions of people will most likely accept their story...even if they go to great lengths to deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1)