Wild America
Remember the book of Revelation tells us that famine, pestilence and wild animals will kill millions of folks during The Tribulation.
Have you noticed more bear reports in the cities? More wolves killing cattle? More mauling by grizzly bears? More deaths by shark attack? More mountain lion sightings in major suburbs and even in cities?
Is nature getting ready for the great feast of human flesh that God has promised?
Those conflicts often pit neighbor against neighbor. After a small dog in Wheaton, Ill., was mauled by a coyote and had to be euthanized, officials hired a nuisance wildlife mitigation company. Its operator killed four coyotes and got voice-mail death threats. A brick was tossed through a city official's window, city-council members were peppered with threatening emails and letters, and the FBI was called in. After Princeton began culling deer 12 years ago, someone splattered the mayor's car with deer innards.
In just a few decades we have turned a wildlife comeback miracle into a mess that's getting messier, and costlier. How did this happen? The simple answer: Forests grew back over the past two centuries, wildlife came back over the past century and people sprawled across the landscape over the past half-century.
Some people advocate bringing back natural predators, as if they really want wolves and cougars roaming the sprawl. But they overlook a deer predator that is already there: us. Indeed, research suggests that since the last ice age the top predator of deer has been man. But by blanketing sprawl with firearms restrictions and hunting prohibitions in the name of safety we have taken ourselves out of the predation business in just a few decades. Suddenly, for the first time in 11,000 years, we have put hundreds of thousands of square miles in the heart of the white-tailed deer's historic range off-limits to its biggest predator.
Here; http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204846304578090753716856728.html
Yeah....do you REALLY want wolves, cougars and grizzly bears roaming YOUR backyard looking for deer and turkeys to eat? Or your dog? Or your child or grandchild?
There was a reason our great grandparents got rid of the man killing predators in their backyards....and now they seem to be coming back in numbers that seem almost unstoppable.