Friday, October 2, 2015

Netanyahu Stares Down UN

Watch this video clip of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu staring down the United Nations general assembly as he asks them all why they have been silent on this nuclear deal with Iran when Iran openly declares their goal to wipe Israel off the map.


Crazy how Mexico City has 18 million people and yet they are seldom in the news, but Israel has 7 million people and a tiny sliver of land and yet they are FRONT AND CENTER in the news EVERY SINGLE DAY!

How can a logical person explain that?

Of course the Bible DOES explain it.

In the very last days Israel will be regathered TO ITS LAND in Israel and it will be a miraculous thing to behold. The desert will bloom again once they return...and it has!! There has never been (nor ever will be) a story of a people group being scattered all over the world for 2000 years and yet they resurrected their language and have become a regional (world?) power that their neighbors fear!  And this all happened within a few years of Hitler destroying millions of Jews in Europe!  (Read Ezekiel 37)

Please remember to pray for Israel and its leaders...because the Bible tells us so.  The nation of Israel is still living in rebellion towards God.  Jesus said that ONLY HE can provide peace with God and of course the nation of Israel has rejected Jesus.  However, Jews are coming to Jesus like no other time in if you know a Jew who doesn't know Christ...make friends, pray and wait for your opportunity to tell him how Jesus the Jew came to save us all!!

Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Aliens Could Conquer and Colonize Us

Today we find an article telling us that one of the world's smartest men is warning that "aliens" could come to earth and conquer and colonize us all.

Advanced aliens could 'conquer and colonise' our planet, warns Stephen Hawking

The world famous physicist has admitted that if aliens came to visit Earth, the outcome might not be a positive one.

Stephen Hawking has tackled the mysteries of the universe his entire life.

Now the world-renowned scientist has some new things to say about a potential alien invasion .

"If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans," Professor Hawking told El País .

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach," he said.

The physicist, who has suffered from motor neurone disease since his twenties, explained that the existence of aliens is beyond doubt.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

He also explained that the best chances for the survival of the human race is to find a new home on another planet.

"There's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth," Prof Hawking explains.

"I therefore want to raise public awareness about the importance of space flight. I have learnt not to look too far ahead, but to concentrate on the present.

"I have so much more I want to do."

In July, Britain's most famous scientist helped to launch Breakthrough Listen , a 10-year, £64million project funded by US-based Russian billionaire Yuri Milner.

Mr Milner’s team will scan the skies for alien broadcast signals, searching the entire Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies.

Professor Hawking, 73, said at the Royal Society in London: “Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours aware of what they mean.”


Did you catch that last sentence??   “Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours aware of what they mean.”

Should that be a big, unbelievable surprise to Bible readers?


The Bible tells us that our adversary, Satan, (an angel who rebelled from God who IS an intelligent being) prowls around like a hungry lion looking for WHOM he may devour.

Since Adam and Eve were in the garden he has been running his demonic plan to lead people to hell with him.  He has been watching the Christians, who are called to be salt and light into this decaying, dark world and he is FULLY AWARE of what they mean.

Don't be deceived!  These beings who are claiming to be intelligent life coming here from other planets ARE NOT!  They are actually demons in disguise who have been here since God created mankind.

Remember friends, IF YOU BELIEVE IN ANGELS then, by definition, you already believe in aliens.

Genesis 6
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days [before the flood of Noah]—and also afterward—when the sons of God [fallen angels] went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. [hybrid beings/strange flesh]

Jesus warned us that before His 2nd coming that events on earth would be 'as they were in the days of Noah'  Was he talking about the return of "strange flesh" manufactured by fallen angels (demons)?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Churches Could Lose Tax Exemption If They Refuse to Marry Gays

We have been warning of this possibility for years....

Churches could lose tax exemption over gay marriage

Lost in the celebrations over universal gay marriage, like abortion, being deemed a right found in the “penumbras and emanations” of the Constitution is the chilling effect the ruling has on religious liberty.  In a telling exchange between the Obama administration’s Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. and Justice Samuel Alito, detailed by Tom Blumer at, in which Verrilli admitted that churches could lose their tax exemptions if they refuse to perform gay weddings:

Justice Alito: Well, in the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college was not entitled to tax­exempt status if it opposed interracial marriage or interracial dating. So would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same­-sex marriage?

General Verrilli: You know, ­­I don’t think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it’s certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is­­ it is going to be an issue.

So the administration admits that the tax exemption of institutions could be at risk if they refuse to acquiesce in the acceptance of gay marriages.  There is no reason to assume that this mandate would not apply to institutions such as the Catholic Church.  Those who think this is a red herring forget that this is the administration dragging the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of elderly nuns devoted to helping the aged poor, through the courts, because they won’t comply with Obamacare’s contraception coverage mandate: as Investor’s Business Daily editorialized:

The Little Sisters contend ObamaCare not only violates the First Amendment's religious guarantees, but also the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. That requires the government to implement its policies in ways that do not impose an unnecessary burden on the free exercise of religion …

If the Little Sisters lose their case, they'll either have to violate their religious conscience or face fines of around $2.5 million a year, or about 40% of what they beg for annually to care for the dying poor. Their ministry would be severely crippled, as would the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty.

The Obama administration’s hostility to the free exercise of religion was seen in the Hobby Lobby case, in which the government argued that acting on your religious beliefs in your personal and business life is illegal.  The courts ruled otherwise, agreeing that this was an attempted infringement of the free exercise of religion:

So do scores of Catholic and non-Catholic institutions and businesses who argue either that the way they run their private businesses is an extension of their faith or that a church, something the federal government seeks to redefine, is not something that happens one hour a week on a Sunday but 24/7 through the hospitals, schools, soup kitchens and charities they may operate. They argue that acting out their faith through their works should not be illegal.

We should also not underestimate the passion of gay activists, who, in the secular realm, have argued that no institution has the right to follow the religious beliefs of the proprietors in its daily operations.  Just ask Crystal O’Connor, member of the family that owns Memories Pizza, who touched off a firestorm when she refused to cater a hypothetical gay wedding.


"Oh Dennis, that could NEVER happen here!!  This is America!"

Listen closely, the gay agenda has successfully positioned their case to claim that refusing to marry gays is EXACTLY THE SAME AS refusing to marry blacks or bi-racial couples.  Of course nothing could be further from the truth.  Blacks, browns, reds, yellows and whites are all part of the human race.  Marriage is ONE MALE HUMAN joined with ONE FEMALE HUMAN as God ordained from the very beginning...there is no mention of skin color, height or hair color. Your skin color is a physical characteristic while as what you may desire to do with your sex organs is a BEHAVIOR.

"But Dennis, I was born with the desire to have sex with other men."

That's unfortunate, but really no different that most men who were BORN WITH the desire to have sex with women before they are married.  If they follow through on those desires its called FORNICATION in the Bible and this behavior is NOT ORDAINED by God.

If you are a man who desires to have sex with another man and you follow through on those desires then the Bible calls that PERVERSION...and certainly it is not ordained by God.

If we repent of our sins and ask Jesus to wash us clean and help us overcome the un-biblical desires we were all born with, we can be healed!  It may not happen overnight, but if we continue walking close with Jesus He WILL CHANGE US!

Is YOUR CHURCH ready to stand with what the Bible clearly teaches...even if it means that you may suffer financial hardship?  Or has your church already caved into the gay agenda?

"As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord."

Russia Starts Bombing Syria While Asking USA to Stay Away

Poor Obama!  His Middle East withdrawal efforts are all going haywire!  He thought we could pull out of Iraq and "bring the troops home"....which sounds really good on paper but in reality it seems ISIS has filled the vacuum and put the country into mayhem.

And now the mess in Syria continues to thicken...and Putin seems to be playing him like he KNOWS Obama isn't going to do a thing about it.

Russia's move into Syria is SERIOUSLY prophetic.  Most prophecy watchers agree that land that Ezekiel called Magog is now called Russia....and they are now on the very door of Israel.  How long can it be before they come knocking?

In today's news we find that a Russian General asked the USA to stand down with it's Air Force missions in Syria.  How long might it be before an incident happens between the Russian and US Air Force?

Russian warplanes began bombarding Syrian opposition targets in the war-torn nation's north Wednesday, following a terse meeting at which a Russian general asked Pentagon officials to clear out of Syrian air space and was rebuffed, Fox News has learned.

A U.S. official said Russian airstrikes targeted fighters in the vicinity of Homs, located roughly 60 miles east of a Russian naval facility in Tartus, and were carried out by a "couple" of Russian bombers. The strikes hit targets in Homs and Hama, but there is no presence of ISIS in those areas, a senior U.S. defense official said. These planes are hitting areas where Free Syrian Army and other anti-Assad groups are located, the official said.

Activists and a rebel commander on the ground said the Russian airstrikes have mostly hit moderate rebel positions and civilians. In a video released by the U.S.-backed rebel group Tajamu Alezzah, jets are seen hitting a building claimed to be a location of the group in the town of Latamna in the central Hama province.

The group commander Jameel al-Saleh told a local Syrian news website that the group's location was hit by Russian jets but didn't specify the damage.

A group of local activists in the town of Talbiseh in Homs province recorded at least 16 civilians killed, including two children.

According to a U.S. senior official, Presidents Obama and Putin agreed on a process to "deconflict" military operations. The Russians on Wednesday "bypassed that process," the official said.

"That's not how responsible nations do business," the official said.

The development came after Pentagon officials, in a development first reported by Fox News, brushed aside an official request, or "demarche," from Russia to clear air space over northern Syria, where Moscow said it intended to conduct airstrikes against ISIS on behalf of Assad, according to sources who spoke to Fox News. The request was made in a heated discussion between a Russian three-star general and U.S. officials at the American Embassy in Baghdad, sources said. 

"If you have forces in the area we request they leave," said the general, who used the word "please" in the contentious encounter.

A senior Pentagon official said the U.S., which also has been conducting airstrikes against ISIS, but does not support Assad, said the request was not honored.

"We still conducted our normal strike operations in Syria today," the official said. "We did not and have not changed our operations."


So are the Syrians running away to Europe because of ISIS or because of Assad dropping barrel bombs on them?

It's being reported that Russia (who actually support Assad) is going to start bombing (and maybe already have) the Freedom fighters in Syria who the USA is supporting who are actively fighting against Assad's regime.

It's like playing chess in 4 dimensions....and every move you make has cascading consequences.

Soon the world will ask for a man, ANY MAN, who can come up with answers for the world....of course WE understand that the conditions on earth continue to be primed for the Antichrist.  The Bible says he will come to town as a man of peace and the world will accept him as such....but 3 1/2 years after signing a peace agreement with Israel....all hell will break loose.

Our blessed hope, as followers of Christ, is that we will be taken BEFORE he is actually revealed.

2 Thessalonians 2:
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

We believe that the "the one who now holds it back" is the Holy Spirit that indwells in all followers of Christ....and when WE are taken out of the way...the Antichrist will be revealed.

More Pope Crap Lies Showing up on Facebook

Have you seen any of your friends or family recently posting a supposed quote by the Pope on their Facebook or Instagram accounts?  Does the supposed quote go something like this:

It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person. In a way, the traditional notion of God is outdated. One can be spiritual but not religious. It is not necessary to go to church and give money — for many, nature can be a church. Some of the best people in history do not believe in God, while some of the worst deeds were done in His name.

You can see why lots of folks who are atheists, agnostics, or "spiritual" people who don't want to get their butts out of bed to worship God and certainly don't want to part with any of THEIR hard-earned money would WISH THAT THE POPE SAID THIS....but in reality HE NEVER SAID IT!!


So if you have a friend or family member who gleefully posted this quote along with Pope Francis' picture...tell them something like this;

"Hi Mandy, you may WISH the Pope said that because it confirms your world view that you can believe anything you want and do anything you want...but in reality the Pope never said that.  Forget about the Pope though, Jesus Christ said that "NONE OF YOU ARE GOOD!" so you may want to rethink what it means to be a "good person" because you are in direct contradiction to Jesus Christ."

Then stand back and watch the fireworks fly as Mandy goes ballistic.  It's fun!  Give it a try! all sincerity, since you should be trying to reach Mandy for certainly want to pray for her that her heart would be softened and that her world view would be revealed to her as false.

Presbyterians Slide Further Into the Abyss

Some of my readers will be shocked to learn that these photos were taken at the Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis.  In the church we find a table that reads "THREE SACRED TEXTS" and as we draw back to see what those texts are, we find the Muslim Koran placed right in the middle taking up the largest position!  The Jewish Tanakh in Hebrew is on the left and the Bible is on the right.

Of course the Methodists, ELCA Lutherans and most Catholics would probably look at this photo and say, "I don't see a problem?"


Let's revisit basic Muslim theology;
The Koran and all Muslims who follow it says that Abraham had a son named Ishmael and he took that son to the top of the mountain to sacrifice him to Allah.  In fact just a few days ago they celebrated this "willingness of Abraham" in their holy day, Eid al Adha.

The Bible tells us that Abraham had a son named Isaac with his wife Sarah and repeats it three times that Isaac is the "Son of Promise" that God will work his salvation through.  Abraham took Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him.  Of course Isaac is the father of the Jews.  The Bible goes on to say that Ishmael will be a "jack-ass of a man" and will constantly be in turmoil with his brothers and the rest of the world.  Ishmael is the father of the Arab people.


If you said the Koran is lying then you would be right!!

"But Dennis, I think they are both telling the they can both be sacred texts!"

Ummmmm.....basic logic says that if two books contradict each other telling the same story, ONE OF THEM HAS TO BE LYING.

The Koran is full of lies and was written over 700 years after Christianity had spread over the entire Middle East.  Satan simply couldn't stand the fact that Christ's kingdom on earth was advancing so he called to Muhammad who happened to be an illiterate, violent, pedophile and said, "Hey Muhummad...come here and listen....I have a plan for you...."


Of course this shouldn't surprise us.  It should sadden the true followers of Christ and those who believe in the Bible....but it shouldn't surprise us.

Hat tip to Julie E.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Americans Worry About Finances More Than Anything Else

When the Bible speaks about "Idol worship" many of us think to ourselves, "Whew!  Glad that's not me cuz I don't have any little statues by my bed that I pray to!"....and that's maybe about the end of their thought process.

But hold on there.....idols are ANYTHING that we place in front of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Could our money and material possessions be an idol?


Americans Worry More About their Finances than Anything Else

It’s increasingly hard to figure out whether Americans have a bigger problem with their finances or with chronic worrying.

While there is plenty of research to suggest that the financial concerns are real — at least for some people — there is an increasing body of evidence that may suggest people have some sort of anxiety disorder when it comes to money.

Two pieces were added to that discussion recently, both surveys showing the financial problems with an underlying current on the emotional ones.

The 2015 “Life + Money Survey” from, released this month, showed that Americans think more about money on a daily basis than about anything else, including their health and fitness or their love lives.

One in five Americans fears living paycheck-to-paycheck for the rest of their life, with almost as many people worried about being in debt forever. Never being able to retire was a common worry for more than one in seven survey respondents.

American workers don’t understand the retirement-planning process, which is ironic because studies show that a way to reduce financial stress is to have a plan.

Not surprisingly, those fears are biggest among the age groups most likely to face them, with younger respondents — those in the early stages of their work career — scared about a lifetime of debt or paycheck-to-paycheck struggles, while older Americans can’t see retirement in their future.

Meanwhile, the 2015 “Financial Confidence of American Workers” survey, released by the Financial Planning Association and LifeCare Inc., showcased many of the same concerns, just in different language.

Here, the worry was that day-to-day finances are a drain on the ability to plan for the long term, and that savings is a primary area of stress.

“The survey showed some good things and some areas where investors are confident, but also their big areas of concern,” said Ed Gjertsen, FPA president. “I guess you could say that there is definitely a problem with worrying for a lot of people — they worry even when they probably don’t have to — and then that some of those people also have very real reasons to worry.”


Wow!  We worry more about our earthly treasure than about our ETERNAL DESTINATION?!?

This makes one wonder again, is America a God-fearing nation anymore?  Why should God continue to bless America?

Jesus clearly warns us that we can't worship God AND Mammon (the god of material goods and money)...but according to this article Americans are much more worried about their relationship with Mammon than they are worried about their relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Work out you salvation with fear and trembling."

Monday, September 28, 2015

Super Blood Moon Appears

So what's up with this super blood moon?  Did anyone hear a trumpet blow?  Has anyone seen the war of Armageddon start?  Does anyone feel any different because we saw it last night?

Time will tell if this tetrad of 4 blood moons all in a row and all falling on Jewish Feast Days was some type of sign to someone or just another amazing display of the heavens.

Of course the media are honing in on the religious folks and their warnings that these blood moons are ushering in the End of Days.

They just LOVE to find people who claim to be religious and then get them on the record saying that "the world is going to end"....because when it doesn't they can laugh at them all the more.

'Blood Moon' seen as sign of end times by some Mormons

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A rare confluence of a lunar eclipse and a supermoon set to happen this weekend has prompted such widespread fear of an impending apocalypse that the Mormon Church was compelled to issue a statement cautioning the faithful to not get caught up in speculation about a major calamity.

Sunday night's "blood moon" and recent natural disasters and political unrest around the world have led to a rise in sales at emergency preparedness retailers. Apocalyptic statements by a Mormon author have only heightened fears among a small number of Mormon followers about the looming end of time. The eclipse will give the moon a red tint and make it look larger than usual. It won't happen again for 18 years.

It's unclear how many Latter-day Saints buy the theory, but Mormon leaders were worried enough that they took the rare step this week of issuing a public statement cautioning the faithful not to get carried away with visions of the apocalypse.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints told its 15 million worldwide members that they should be "spiritually and physically prepared for life's ups and downs," but urged them not to take speculation from individual church members as doctrine and "avoid being caught up in extreme efforts to anticipate catastrophic events."


"So Dennis, what do you think was the significance of these 4 blood moons?"

For one thing they certainly displayed how awesome our God is that he can set these massive planets, stars and moons all in their orbit and KEEP THEM THERE!  How amazing that we live on a planet that is rotating 1000 miles per hour and hurtling through the heavens on its annual path around the sun...and we have no steering wheel!!  The entire thing is in God's hands!!

Sing with me now...."He's got the whole world, in his hands...He's got the whole wide world, in his hands!"

Apart from that I have a few other ideas but I don't think we can know anything for sure until we see Jesus and He can explain the entire story from Adam to the 2nd coming....

MAYBE it was a sign....but a sign of what and a sign for whom?

MAYBE America will continue to fall into disrepair and moral depravity and ultimately we will lose our lamp stand and start to become a stench in God's nostrils? MAYBE we will look back at this sign that was visible to America and say, "Boy, that was the final sign to this nation that God has withdrawn His hand of protection on us."

MAYBE they coincided with the final straw of the Supreme Court allowing marriage contracts to be written that provide men to marry men and women to marry women?

MAYBE they were a celestial sign for the heavenly Watchers who have been observing this human drama from the realm of angels....and MAYBE they see this sign as the final curtain being lifted to reveal the final drama of Revelation, the rapture of the church and the 2nd Coming of Christ.....

But as we already said....we can't know and won't know until Christ is revealed to us.

Certainly we enjoyed the evening with good friends coming over and setting up lawn chairs in the back yard so we could observe all of God's handiwork.

Amen!  Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

The Great Apostasy Continues Gathering Steam in America

50 years ago MOST Americans were God-fearing.  They may not have been God-worshiping but at least they understood there was a Creator and MOST understood that they would one day have to answer to SOMEONE for how they lived their lives.  Furthermore MOST Americans recognized the Bible as a Book from God....which is why ALL Americans were made to swear an oath on the Bible when testifying in court.

Not today!

Rather that being God-fearing it seems that a large swath of America has turned to God-mocking.

Even though 78 percent of Americans are self-proclaimed “Christians,” the latest Barna Poll gives a clear indicator that Christianity is losing its grip across the country.

“While the United States remains shaped by Christianity, the faith’s influence — particularly as a force in American politics and culture — is slowly waning,” the Barna Group reports from its recent study. “An increasing number of religiously unaffiliated, a steady drop in church attendance, the recent Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, and the growing tension over religious freedoms all point to a larger secularizing trend sweeping across the nation.”

America might house the world’s largest Christian population, but research shows that the country founded upon biblical principles more than two centuries ago is actually in the midst of transitioning into a “post-Christian” nation from coast to coast.

Christianity gaged by fact, not self-perception

Statistics tallied by Barna researchers over a seven-year period from nearly 61,000 interviews exposes the “irreligion” setting in on U.S. cities.

One major finding reveals that from 2013─2015, the number of “post-Christian” Americans rose ever closer to 50 percent. But what exactly does “post-Christian” mean?

Wanting to find the ultimate spiritual thermometer of Americans’ faith, the Barna Group set out to get a better idea about the true faith of the population by looking for a number of key faith indicators determined by both practice and belief. To do this, researchers used 15 metrics to measure factoring in participants’ lack of Christian identity, belief and practice in their daily lives. In order to qualify as “post-Christian,” individuals in the study needed to meet nine (60 percent) of the 15 criteria below  … and the “highly post-Christian” designation was met by individuals meeting 12 (80 percent) of the following factors:

Do not believe in God
Identify as atheist or agnostic
Disagree that faith is important in their lives
Have not prayed to God (in the last year)
Have never made a commitment to Jesus
Disagree the Bible is accurate
Have not donated money to a church (in the last year)
Have not attended a Christian church (in the last year)
Agree that Jesus committed sins
Do not feel a responsibility to “share their faith”
Have not read the Bible (in the last week)
Have not volunteered at church (in the last week)
Have not attended Sunday school (in the last week)
Have not attended religious small group (in the last week)
Do not participate in a house church (in the last year)

And the survey says …

Barna researchers are confident that their exhaustive analysis more accurately portrays where Americans stand when it comes to living out and identifying with their faith.

“These kinds of questions — compared to ticking the “Christian” box in a census — get beyond how people loosely identify themselves (affiliation), and get to the core of what people actually believe and how they behave as a result of their belief (practice),” Barna’s research team contends. “These indicators give a much more accurate picture of belief in America.”

According to Barna, the numbers don’t lie.

“Whether one believes this decline of ‘Christian America’ calls for a time of lament, or presents great opportunity (or both) for the Church, one cannot help but accept the changing landscape,” the Barna Group insists. “In just two years, the percentage of Americans who qualify as ‘post-Christian’ rose by 7 percentage points, from 37 percent in 2013 to 44 percent in 2015.”


There can be no denying that America is following Europe on the road to being Post-Christian.

Some believe that America will soon have a great revival!  I hope and pray that we do....but quite frankly I just don't see us turning back the laws on gay marriage, abortion and clinging to the Bible for the Words of Eternal Life.

Instead I see the pattern continuing of churches shunning the Bible as they embrace the views of the world. Many, many churches have already embraced homosexuality and stay totally away from abortion discussion because they have bought into the lie of "women's rights" as justification for killing babies.

Once the church of America loses it's ability or desire to be SALT AND LIGHT to a lost and dying world....and instead decides to preach a NEW GOSPEL of tolerance and inclusion....that we may as well be thrown out and trampled by pigs....because the Church of America has become worthless.

Matthew 5
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

What's Up With All This Pope Worship?

Have you ever seen the liberal, godless media more excited about a religious figure than they are with this Pope coming to America?

Can you imagine them rolling out the red carpet and doing 24 hour per day media coverage for Billy Graham or Dr. David Jeremiah?

Did you notice that the Pope shared the shame stage with all sorts of religious leaders from Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism....just to name a few.  I think I may have even seen a witch doctor on stage! Oh yeah, and the Pope called the Muslim Imam his "brother".

So what's up?  Why do they fawn and faint over this dude in a funny hat that sits over a den of perversion and rampant child sexual abuse?

Well, it's all prophetic.....

This move and push towards a ONE WORLD RELIGION has to happen as the Final Days of the Age of Grace continue to advance.

It is impossible to accept the Book of Revelation as an authentic part of the New Testament and not identify the Catholic Church, headquartered in Rome, as the “Mother of Harlots.”

This religious system has every characteristic of this “harlot woman” and has been so identified by almost every Bible believing scholar and spiritual leader for hundreds of years. Many priests that arose within her ranks called her the Harlot. Every reformation leader I have studied, from Martin Luther on, called her the “Whore of Rome.” 

This system has twisted every truth in the Bible to fit the dictates of her popes, each of whom she has declared to be the one and only Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. This system has martyred and killed tens of thousands of the most sainted men and women that have walked this earth. Any religious leader that bows at the feet of this “harlot system” is either ignorant of truth, willingly deceived, or totally blind to the spiritual discernment of the Holy Spirit.

God has allowed popes to be appointed to act prophetically and to fulfill more prophetic truth than other popes in previous history. They certainly have seen every act of their reign as pope in a positive light because they were heart and soul traditional, believing Catholics. During Pope John Paul II’s tenure, the “Harlot of Rome” became the “Mother of Harlots.” 

His charisma that the secular media heralded, was the evil tool by which he flattered the religious world and brought them to his feet. He played the media and the religious world with the skill of a totally consuming and charming deceiver. While I am writing this article, a great part of this world is under the charm of the current pope, Pope Francis, and is moving to the door of the great Tribulation hour.

Let me lay out before you the list of prophetic milestones of these recent popes. The incredible acclaim that has been assigned to them would not make sense unless it was prophetic of what is happening. These popes have embraced all religions, and fit the developing “One World Religion” perfectly.

On the Road to Rome

Look at this list of their accomplishments “on the Road to Rome:”

• Brought Israel within the circle of his embrace.

• Opened the door for Muslims to be called a “religion of faith and peace.”

• Clearly embraced all pagan religions of the world and made them acceptable to the Western mindset.

• Elevated the religious world, “when united”, to be seen as the only instrument of peace. These pope has made “world peace” the gospel of the twenty-first century.

• They have succeeded in preparing almost every political entity on the planet to pay homage to them.

• Rome is suddenly the center of the universe, and will be for days to come and for the soon coming seven years of hell on earth.

• The mainline churches have totally succumbed to the Roman system of religion.

• The Evangelicals are on the verge of complete collapse into the arms of the Catholic embrace of death.

• The Charismatics have long ago become a tool of Rome. No group has done more to bridge the chasm of truth and error.

• The Popes have made Mary worship acceptable within the whole church except Bible believing fundamentalists.

• Images, statues, icons, liturgical fanfare in worship, and many other Catholic designs were only acceptable in extremely liberally churches before these popes. Today, Roman styles and designs have flooded the church world.

• The Catholic Church has, from her beginning, embraced other religious doctrines and ideas, and incorporated them as a means to reach into the world cultures. Bible believers have always rejected such compromise until the last two or three decades.

The last three popes have brought Israel within the circle of their embrace. Nothing is more prophetic than the Catholic Church and the nation of Israel walking together. The popes have had to apologize for the slaughter of what they termed “the Jesus killers” during the Crusades. A multitude of Jews have suffered or died at the hand of this church. Replacement theology was developed within this religious system. The Amillennialism of Catholic theology allows no future hope for the Jewish nation to fulfill its role in prophecy.

But there is a large and growing connection between the nation of Israel and the coming “One World Religion.” Israel must become a partner to the One World Religion for at least three and one-half years until the antiChrist’s statue is erected in the third Jewish temple. Then, Israel will know that the Catholic system and her harlot children have deceived her and brought her to great shame. This will be manifest when the Harlot church erects an image of the antiChrist in her temple. The Jews will have to flee Jerusalem while the antiChrist and the False Prophet that leads the one world church take control of the city. This is one of the pope’s greatest milestones of deception but his theology would provide him no clue of understanding.

Recent popes have opened the door for Muslims to be called a religion of faith and peace: As we look by hindsight to the Pope John Paul’s embrace of Arafat on different occasions, and his visit with Arafat in Bethlehem, we see that the pope set the emotions of the world for an embrace of this dark religion. It was like everything the pope did sent a signal to the religious world, and everybody was ready to accept his role model. The secular media is proclaiming this milestone as part of his legacy. The Muslim religion is totally anathema to the Bible. There is no kinship between Jehovah God and Allah and yet the church world is ready to accept this hate-filled system. 


How sad to watch this all play out!!

How exciting to know the Bible foretold it all!!