Israel's Next War
The world's opinion continues to sour on Israel and favor the "Palestinian" much so that the Arabs may declare themselves an independent state of Palestine very soon. Let's remember folks that 60 years ago this state was offered to the Arabs and they refused because they said that the Jews can't have a postage stamp size of land...EVER!
War is brewing in the middle east and Israel will ultimately have to take part in it.
In all likelihood, the Palestinians are going to unilaterally declare statehood in Judea and Samaria within the coming year. This is not a ploy or a desperate attempt on their part but rather a clear, rational decision. By correctly gauging the stark contrast between the massive international support for their cause as opposed to the steadily increasing de-legitimization of Israel the “apartheid state,” the Palestinians have wisely decided to bypass direct negotiations since there is no point in paying for something when you can get if for free.
This brings us to today and the quickly approaching second war of independence. Unlike 60 years ago, this time around nearly the entire international community will be aligned with the Palestinians against Israel, making Israel the sole villain.
The war will not break out immediately, but rather, it will slowly escalate. First there will be calls for sanctions against Israel for failing to immediately remove its military and citizens from the new Arab state in Judea and Samaria. Then there will be the predictable eruption of terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, making life hell for the Jews living there. The attacks will then spill over into the rest of Israel, bringing back memories of the horror of a decade ago. Next up will be rocket attacks from Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Thanks to a porous border with Egypt as well as other regional changes, Iran will have no problem constantly rearming its proxies.
As the attacks intensify, Israel will be routinely chastised for retaliating and not showing proper restraint, as such Arab attacks will be viewed as somewhat understandable in light of continued Israeli noncompliance. Moreover, Israeli reprisals will probably draw some neighboring countries into the fray as they all begin to sense Israel’s imminent downfall.
See it here;,7340,L-4053319,00.html
Remember what we are watching for?....the fulfillment of Psalm 83 and also the fulfillment of Isaiah 17. Could this article lay out a scenario as to how these prophecies will be fulfilled?
I guess we better keep watching.
Remember to continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem.