1/6th of Earth is Doomed!!
Holy hannah! Run for the bunkers! Grab your ammo and assault rifles and fill the water jugs! Count the species you see as you drive to Montana (I assume that's where your bunker is) and realize that 1 out of 6 species could vanish soon!
Extinction looms large over one in six of Earth’s species
One in six of the planet’s species are likely to disappear if climate change continues unchecked, according to fresh research.
The losses will be particularly high in the tropics, a second study has found, suggesting that the tropical ecosystems may be exceptionally vulnerable to extinction risks.
Look out your window and count up any six species you see. Now realise that one might disappear because of climate change in the coming decades, says Prof Mark Urban of the University of Connecticut.
The losses could be as high as 18 per cent. “It depends what we do in terms of green house gas emissions,” he says.
He pulled together 131 different biodiversity studies to assess what climate change might mean in terms of lost species. He found that the loss of biodiversity didn’t just follow the level of temperature change up or down, it was actually accelerating as temperatures climbed.
The greatest risk was in areas where shrinking habitats and difficulty migrating made it impossible for species to move away, places such as South America, Australia and New Zealand, he says.
If you assume international agreement unexpectedly arises and future temperatures increase by only two per cent then extinction risk would rise from its current 2.8 per cent to 5.2 per cent, Urban reports in his study, published Thursday in the journal Science.
But if warming continues on its current trajectory that will mean a 4.3 per cent rise in average temperature compared to pre-industrial days. In this case 18 per cent of species could face increased risk of extinction.
“Some species are very sensitive to these changes,” he says. The losses could include species that are important for food security, for the economy, for health or for cultural reasons, he says.
Here; http://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/extinction-looms-large-over-one-in-six-of-earth-s-species-1.2195699
Dang man-made global warming!!
Oh well! If mother earth can create life by banging two rocks together over a pond some billions of years ago and then morph them into the millions of species we observe and enjoy today....I have total confidence that she can bang those same rocks together again and make some new species better suited to survive in warmer climates..ruined by man!
"But Dennis, you are missing the point!' says the atheist/liberal, "That could take millions of years and we will all be dead!"
Help me out here....why the heck do liberal/atheists who deny the existence of an afterlife, CARE SO MUCH about polar bears and butterflies? According to their worldview they will have no recollection or memory of anything they did while living their short, earthbound lives....and they will just be meaningless cosmic dust....so WHY DO THEY CARE ABOUT EXTINCTION of species???
"Oh but Dennis...we care so deeply about the future of our kids!"
But why? You won't remember your kids once your dead...and if you have no knowledge of them....then did they really even exist? Do you even really exist?
And furthermore your kids won't remember you! It's all just space dust!
So how about all you atheist/liberals just trust your mother nature to use her clackers (remember the two plastic balls on ends of string in the 1970's called CLACKERS?) to bang out some more life and you just focus on the space dust you will soon be....and just RELAX!! It's all just meaningless.